Allows to print nested boxes, lists, arrays, tables in several formats, including:
- text (assuming monospace font)
- HTML (using tyxml )
- LaTeX (not implemented yet)
Ideally, use opam:
$ opam install printbox printbox-text
$ make install
# #require "printbox";;
# #require "printbox-text";;
# module B = PrintBox;;
module B = PrintBox
# let box = B.(hlist [ text "hello"; text "world"; ]);;
val box : B.t = <abstr>
# PrintBox_text.output stdout box;;
- : unit = ()
# let box =
[ text "I love\nto\npress\nenter";
grid_text [| [|"a"; "bbb"|];
[|"c"; "hello world"|] |]
|> B.frame;;
val box : B.t = <abstr>
# PrintBox_text.output stdout box;;
│I love│a│bbb │
│to ├─┼───────────┤
│press │c│hello world│
│enter │ │ │
- : unit = ()
# let square n =
(* function to make a square *)
Array.init n
(fun i -> Array.init n (fun j -> B.sprintf "(%d,%d)" i j))
|> B.grid ;;
val square : int -> B.t = <fun>
# let sq = square 5;;
val sq : B.t = <abstr>
# PrintBox_text.output stdout sq;;
- : unit = ()
Why not put a frame around this? That's easy.
# let sq2 = square 3 |> B.frame ;;
val sq2 : B.t = <abstr>
# PrintBox_text.output stdout sq2;;
- : unit = ()
We can also create trees and display them using indentation:
# let tree =
B.tree (B.text "root")
[ B.tree (B.text "a") [B.text "a1\na1"; B.text "a2\na2\na2"];
B.tree (B.text "b") [B.text "b1\nb1"; B.text "b2"; B.text "b3"];
val tree : B.t = <abstr>
# PrintBox_text.output stdout tree;;
│ ├─a1
│ │ a1
│ └─a2
│ a2
│ a2
│ b1
- : unit = ()
contains a Format
-compatible pretty-printer that
can be used as a default printer for boxes.
# #install_printer PrintBox_text.pp;;
# PrintBox.(frame @@ frame @@ init_grid ~line:3 ~col:2 (fun ~line:i ~col:j -> sprintf "%d.%d" i j));;
- : B.t =
# #remove_printer PrintBox_text.pp;;
Note that this pretty-printer plays nicely with Format
# let b = PrintBox.(frame @@ hlist [text "a\nb"; text "c"]);;
val b : B.t = <abstr>
# Format.printf "some text %a around@." PrintBox_text.pp b;;
some text ┌─┬─┐
│b│ │
└─┴─┘ around
- : unit = ()
Also works with basic styling on text now:
# let b2 = PrintBox.(
let style = Style.(fg_color Red) in
frame @@ hlist [text_with_style style "a\nb"; text "c"]);;
val b2 : B.t = <abstr>
# Format.printf "some text %a around@." (PrintBox_text.pp_with ~style:true) b2;;
some text ┌─┬─┐
│b│ │
└─┴─┘ around
- : unit = ()
# let b3 = PrintBox.(
let style = Style.(fg_color Red) in
frame @@ grid_l [
[text_with_style style "a\nb";
line_with_style Style.(set_bold true @@ bg_color Green) "OH!"];
[text "c"; text "ballot"];
val b3 : PrintBox.t = <abstr>
utop [1]: print_endline @@ PrintBox_text.to_string b3;;
Unicode (utf8) text is handled.
# let b =
PrintBox.(frame @@
hlist [
vlist[text "oï ωεird nums:\nπ/2\nτ/4";
tree (text "0")[text "1"; tree (text "ω") [text "ω²"]]];
frame @@ vlist [text "sum=Σ_i a·xᵢ²\n—————\n1+1"; text "Ōₒ\nÀ"]]);;
val b : B.t = <abstr>
# print_endline @@ PrintBox_text.to_string b;;
│oï ωεird nums:│┌─────────────┐│
│π/2 ││sum=Σ_i a·xᵢ²││
│τ/4 ││————— ││
├──────────────┤│1+1 ││
│0 │├─────────────┤│
│├─1 ││Ōₒ ││
│└─ω ││À ││
│ └─ω² │└─────────────┘│
- : unit = ()
Assuming you have loaded printbox-html
let out = open_out "/tmp/foo.html";;
output_string out (PrintBox_html.to_string_doc (square 5));;
which prints some HTML in the file foo.html.
Note that trees are printed in HTML using nested lists, and
that PrintBox_html.to_string_doc
will insert some javascript to
make sub-lists fold/unfold on click (this is useful to display very large
trees compactly and exploring them incrementally). But there is also
an alternative solution where trees are printed in HTML using the
element. To activate it, use the tree_summary
# #require "printbox-html";;
# print_endline PrintBox_html.(to_string
~config:Config.(tree_summary true default)
B.(tree (text "0")[text "1"; tree (text "ω") [text "ω²"]]));;
<div><details><summary><span class="">0</span></summary><ul><li><span class="">1</span></li><li><details><summary><span class="">ω</span></summary><ul><li><span class="">ω²</span></li></ul></details></li></ul></details></div>
- : unit = ()