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Installation & pre-requisites

In this section we will:

  • Create a KinD Kubernetes Cluster
  • Install Crossplane core components
  • Install Crossplane Helm and Kubernetes providers
  • Install Dapr

Let's create a KinD Cluster:

kind create cluster

Let's install Crossplane into its own namespace using Helm:

helm repo add crossplane-stable
helm repo update

helm install crossplane --namespace crossplane-system --create-namespace crossplane-stable/crossplane --wait

Install the kubectl crossplane plugin:

curl -sL | sh
sudo mv kubectl-crossplane /usr/local/bin

Then install the Crossplane Helm provider:

kubectl crossplane install provider crossplane/provider-helm:v0.10.0

We need to get the correct ServiceAccount to create a new ClusterRoleBinding so the Helm Provider can install Charts on our behalf.

SA=$(kubectl -n crossplane-system get sa -o name | grep provider-helm | sed -e 's|serviceaccount\/|crossplane-system:|g')
kubectl create clusterrolebinding provider-helm-admin-binding --clusterrole cluster-admin --serviceaccount="${SA}"
kubectl apply -f config/helm-provider-config.yaml

After a few seconds if you check the configured providers you should see the Helm INSTALLED and HEALTHY:

> kubectl get
NAME                             INSTALLED   HEALTHY   PACKAGE                               AGE
crossplane-provider-helm         True        True      crossplane/provider-helm:v0.10.0      49s

Now we are ready to install our Databases Crossplane composition so we can provision all the components that our application needs to work.

Working with Cloud Providers (example GCP)

If you want to extend the demo and create Cloud Resources in a Cloud Provider you need to install the corresponding Crossplane Provider, along side with the specific rights to create the resources that you are planning to provision using Crossplane resources.

We will use the Getting Started for GCP package that includes the GCP provider:

kubectl crossplane install configuration

Then we need to enable the services and create the roles needed for the provider to create specific cloud resources:

# replace this with your own gcp project id and the name of the service account
# that will be created.

# create service account
gcloud iam service-accounts create $NEW_SA_NAME --project $PROJECT_ID

# enable cloud SQL API
gcloud services enable $SERVICE --project $PROJECT_ID

# grant access to cloud SQL API
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding --role="$ROLE" $PROJECT_ID --member "serviceAccount:$SA"

# enable cloud InMemoryStore API
gcloud services enable $SERVICE --project $PROJECT_ID

# grant access to cloud InMemoryStore API
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding --role="$ROLE" $PROJECT_ID --member "serviceAccount:$SA"

# create service account keyfile
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create creds.json --project $PROJECT_ID --iam-account $SA

Once we enabled the services and created the roles, we need to create a new Kubernetes Secret so the Crossplane Provider can access it:

kubectl create secret generic gcp-creds -n crossplane-system --from-file=creds=./creds.json

Finally, we glue all the configurations together by creating a new ProviderConfig resource:

echo "apiVersion:
kind: ProviderConfig
  name: default
  projectID: ${PROJECT_ID}
    source: Secret
      namespace: crossplane-system
      name: gcp-creds
      key: creds" | kubectl apply -f -

Once you have the GCP provider configured you can deploy the compositions that create GKE resources, and use the gke level for matching selectors.

kubectl apply -f app-database-redis-gke.yaml