"DZstore" is the small online storage that allows to create or upload a structure of folder with files, download it or share them for other users.
Used Technologies: Java EE, Maven, Servlets, Spring Framework (IoC, MVC, Security), JPA / Hibernate, MySQL, JSP / JSTL, Bootstrap, CSS, JS.
Resource limitations: Because Heroku allows free of charge to use very limited resources (5 Mb for data base) and don't allows to keep files on hard disk - this storage save all content in data base and allow upload files with size not bigger then 5 Kb.
- Left menu - include 4 points:
- My store - my files are kept here
- Shared with me - files of other users, which shared for me, are kept here
- Starred - files ,which you marked with star
- Bin - files ,which you remove from your store
- Amount of busy memory
- Space for content - here you can see all accessible information about your files
- Path to current directory
- Button for add new content to your store - here you can create new directory, upload file, upload several files or structure with directories and files
- Search of content
- Your account - here you can see information about your account and exit from it
- Choice of content comes true by means of standard combination of left mouse's click and keys of Ctrl and Shift.
- Operations above the chosen content are executed by means of context menu (right mouse's click)
P.S. On this example not all options are presented - a list depends on the chosen content and from chosen left menu item
- Remove - remove chosen content into the Bin.
- Restore - returns content from the Bin to store. A point is accessible only for content in a basket
- Delete - deletes content from the Bin (final delete). A point is accessible only for content in a basket
- Download - download chosen content from site to your hard disk.
- Starred - to mark important for you content.
- Remove star - to clean content from select.
- Rename - to rename content.
- Share - to share chosen content for other(chosen) users. At the choice of addressee for share login or email is specified in a form.(plural choice addressees are specified through a comma). After this action addressee get notification on his/her email(this function realised , but it is not available at this moment in work version of site).
- Replace - replace choisen content to the chosen folder.
- Add to my store - to add other user's files, which are shared for you, into your store.