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A simple, general-purpose functional programming language


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Author:James Swaine <[email protected]>

Latro is a statically-typed, general-purpose functional programming language designed to make people more productive. It does not attempt to include every esoteric language feature, or bury you in cryptic discourse on bleeding-edge type theory. The goal is to blend some of the core ideas of functional programming into a clear, concise syntax that will appear familiar to people more accustomed to popular languages like Ruby, Java, and Go -- and bundle it in an easy-to-use build/package ecosystem.

Every language has things that make it great, and also things that make it not so great; while I don't like to explain Latro by way of criticizing other languages far more powerful and well-established, I think it's important to be clear about what this project aims not to be.

  • A Haskell or ML clone, although it borrows heavily from those languages in some cases
  • A kitchen-sink language with every possible feature
  • A "multi-paradigm" language that gives you too many ways of doing the same thing, but combines them in an incomprehensible semantics
  • A language that pushes the envelope on what is possible with type-level programming. Languages like Idris, Coq, and Agda can do amazing things, but Latro prefers only features both tractable and useful in a broad range of circumstances.

This section serves as a guided tour through the features of the language. Eventually this material will be moved and incorporated into a broader guide, complete with reference material.

The language supports six basic types out of the box: integers, booleans, characters, singly-linked lists, tuples containing an arbitrary number of components, and functions. We write these types in annotations like so:

  • Int is the integer type
  • Bool is the boolean type
  • Char is the Unicode character type
  • t[] is a list with elements of type t
  • Int[] is a list of integers
  • %(Int, Bool) is the type of 2-tuples with an Int and Bool component
  • Int -> Bool -> Bool is the type of functions accepting an Int and Bool argument, and returning a Bool

Literal values for each of the built-in types can be written directly, e.g:

  • 42 is an Int
  • False is a Bool
  • 'm' is a Char representing the character m
  • [1, 2, 3] is an Int[] with 3 elements
  • %(1, True) is an %(Int, Bool) tuple
  • fun(x) = x is the identity function (its type is fun<a> : a -> a)

Additionally, we can write string literals using the familiar double-quoted syntax, e.g. "hello world". The type of a string literal is Char[] (a list of Unicode characters), so "latro" and ['l', 'a', 't', 'r', 'o'] represent the same value.

Latro also offers a seventh built-in type, Unit, expressed with the literal (). This type is conceptually similar to void in C-style languages, and is mostly useful in situations involving code with side effects.

Latro can infer the types of variables and functions, so in most situations it is not necessary to write down the types of variables and functions. However, we can "fix" the type of a value using an annotation:

f : Int -> Bool -> Bool
f(i, b) = b

If we were to omit the annotation from above, like so:

f(i, b) = b

Latro would infer the type of this function to be a polymorphic one returning its second argument: fun<t1, t2> : t1 -> t2 -> t2.

Sometimes we may want to define type aliases for types to give them special meaning; for example, we may want to define a name String that really just represents the type Char[]. We will see how to do this in a subsequent section.

Latro supports a few primitive operations on built-in types, such as integer arithmetic: 1 + 2, 1 * 3 - 2 + 4.

Lists can be constructed using the right-associative cons operator @

1 @ 2 @ [3, 4, 5]  // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

No language would be complete without variable bindings. We define these using let:

let x = 42
let y = 43
x + y

"Rebinding" is not currently permitted. Value bindings are fixed upon definition. Consider:

let x = 42
x = 43 // ERROR

The idiomatic way to do something like this is to define a new binding:

let x = 42
let x' = 43

x' // 43

Latro offers two main forms of conditionals: if and cond.

let v = if (True) 42 43
v // 42

The "else" branch is required, and both branches of a conditional must be of the same type.

To avoid the hassle of writing complex sequences of if expressions, we can use the cond form:

let b1 = True
let b2 = False
cond {
  and(b1, b2) -> 42
  or(b1, b2)  -> 43
  _           -> 44
} // 43

Note that we can use arbitrary expressions and/or functions in the test expression for a case, as long as each test expression is of type Bool. The compiler will not verify exhaustiveness for a cond, so we may end up with a runtime exception if we don't include an explicit catch-all case (e.g. _ -> ...).

In any let binding (and also in function arguments, as we will see) we can use patterns to destructure a value and introduce new bindings for its subcomponents. For example, we may want to bind elements of a list:

let ls = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
let [_, _, x, y, z] = ls
[x, y, z]

Yields the list [3, 4, 5]. We can also use the cons operator to destructure:

let ls = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
let x@_ = ls

Yields the integer 1. Notice also that we can use the wildcard pattern (_) in places where we wish to ignore certain parts of a value.

Patterns can be used to do arbitrary traversals on a complex value:

let ls = [[%(1, 2)], [%(3, 4), %(5, 6)]]
let [[%(x, _)], %(_, y) @ _] = ls
x + y

Produces 5.

Note that patterns on let bindings can be unsafe, because the value on the right-hand side of the binding may not match exactly the pattern used (although patterns are typechecked to eliminate simple mistakes). This program:

let [x, y, z] = [1, 2]

Results in a runtime exception because the right-hand side only contains two elements, not three.

In Latro, all let bindings are pattern bindings -- the let x = v form is really just a simple case using an "id pattern", which binds to anything in the same way as it does in the list-deconstruction examples above.

Latro supports a switch expression that is much more powerful than those of the same name found in languages like C#: each case can use arbitrary patterns on the test expression.

switch (%([1, 2], [3, 4])) {
  %(_, [a, b, c]) -> a + b + c
  %([a, b], [c, 5]) -> a + b + c
  %([a, b], [_, c]) -> a + b + c
  _ -> 0
// 7

We can also use expression blocks for more complex case clauses:

switch ([1, 2, 3]) {
  [x, y, z] -> {
    let v = z + y
    v * 2
  _ -> 3

Functions can be defined and used in several different ways. We can make anonymous ones:

(fun(x) = x)(42) // 42

Or bind them to names:

add1(x) = x + 1

A "block" is a sequence of expressions enclosed in curly braces. Since blocks are just another form of expression, they allow us to construct more interesting function bodies:

add1AndMultBy3(x) = {
  (x + 1) * 3

Function definitions also support a powerful "clause" definition style, in which we can define alternative implementations with patterns on arguments. For example, here is the Fibonacci sequence in Latro:

fib(0) = 0
fib(1) = 1
fib(n) = fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)

As shown above, we can annotate functions with types to avoid over-generalizing by the type inference engine (or just to be clearer about a function's prototype):

fib : Int -> Int
fib(0) = 0
fib(1) = 1
fib(n) = fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)

Clauses are a nice, declarative way of expressing functions as sets of rules. As another example, we could define a set of common boolean operations, where each function definition looks very much like a truth table:

or(_, True) = True
or(True, _) = True
or(_, _) = False

and(True, True) = True
and(_, _) = False

xor(False, False) = False
xor(True, False) = True
xor(False, True) = True
xor(_, _) = False

Note also that clauses are evaluated in order, so the xor example is correct as the xor(_, _) case is guaranteed to only operate on cases where both values are True. A function defined as multiple clauses is really just syntactic sugar for a single definition with a switch as the body, where the value being examined is just a tuple containing the function arguments; for example, the xor function is desugared to look something like the following:

xor(a, b) = {
  let args = %(a, b)
  switch (args) {
    %(False, False) -> False
    %(True, False) -> True
    %(False, True) -> True
    %(_, _) -> False
    _ -> fail("Inexhaustive pattern clauses in function 'xor'!")

Functions can also be bound using the familiar let syntax, although functions defined in this way will not have their names bound in the body (so they cannot be recursive):

let f = fun(x) = x

This is equivalent to binding a name to an anonymous function -- and anonymous functions obviously have no name with which to refer to themselves. The compiler will complain if we try to implement Fibonacci using this form:

let fib = fun(x) = {
  switch (x) {
    0 -> 0
    1 -> 1
    n -> fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2) // ERROR: Unbound identifier 'fib'!

All functions close over bindings in their surrounding scope, e.g.:

adder(x) = fun(y) = x + y
let add5 = adder(5)

add5(6) // 11

Latro allows any identifier bound to a value (variables, functions, etc.) to include some non-alphanumeric characters. These special characters currently are:

! / \ | ~ & = < > _ '

Any identifier beginning with an alphabetical character followed by either a number or one of the special characters above may be used anywhere a "regular" alphanumeric identifier could be used, e.g.:

foo/special!(a, b) = a + b
foo/special!(2, 3)

Additionally, Latro supports the definition of custom infix operators. Any function bound to an identifier using only a combination of the special characters given above, e.g.:

infixl (&&)(True, True) = True
infixl (&&)(_, _) = False

Can only be applied as an infix operator, e.g.:

True && False && True

All custom infix operators are currently left-associative, but this may change. We can change the precedence of any operator to avoid the need to write expressions with parentheses to disambiguate using a precedence assignment:

infixl (&&)(True, True) = True
infixl (&&)(_, _) = False

precedence && 1

This indicates that the && operator has precedence 1, which is the highest level we can assign. (Lower numbers indicate higher precedence, with 1 being the highest.) Thus the program:

infixl (||)(True, _) = True
infixl (||)(_, True) = True
infixl (||)(_, _) = False

infixl (&&)(True, True) = True
infixl (&&)(_, _) = False

precedence && 1
precedence || 2

True || False && True

Would be parsed as:

True || (False && True)

Note that built-in operators such as @, and terms such as function application, have precedence 0 and cannot be preceded by user-defined ones.

An infix operator can be referred to like a normal function by enclosing it in parentheses, e.g.:

(+)(1, 2) // 3

Latro supports algebraic data types, also known as "sum types" or "discriminated unions" in functional-programming lexicon. An ADT is a type of which values can take on one (and only one) of several different alternatives, where each alternative has a name and a set of values. Latro has no concept of null or nil, but we might use an ADT to represent a value that can be either present or absent:

type Optional<a> =
  | Present(a)
  | Absent

Doing so gives us constructors for each alternative we can use to build values of type Optional<a>:

let v = Present(42) // Optional<Int>

We can deconstruct ADT values in any place where we can use patterns, using the name of a constructor:

type Optional<a> =
  | Present(a)
  | Absent

isPresent(Present(_)) = True
isPresent(_) = False

let a = Present(False)
let Present(x) = a

or(x, isPresent(a)) // True

We might use this particular ADT to define some useful operations on lists:

type Optional<a> =
  | Present(a)
  | Absent

head([]) = Absent()
head(x@_) = Present(x)

tail([]) = Absent()
tail(_@xs) = Present(xs)

head([1, 2, 3]) // Present(1)
tail(["hello", "world"]) // Present(["world"])

head("hello") // Present("h")
tail("hello") // Present("ello")

We can define types that are just records containing an arbitrary number of named fields:

type Person = struct {
  Name : Char[]
  Age : Int

let p = Person %{ Name = "john"; Age = 42; }

Each field defined for a struct type gives us a "dot" accessor:

p#Name // "john"

Which is also bound to a function:

Name(p) // "john"

Like ADT's, structure types can be polymorphic:

type Person<a> = struct {
  Name : Char[]
  Age : Int
  CustomData : a

let p1 = Person %{ Name = "john"; Age = 42; CustomData = False; }
let p2 = Person %{ Name = "jim"; Age = 41; CustomData = [1, 2, 3]; }

Like functions, type definitions can be recursive (they can contain subcomponents of the same type as the type definition itself). Here's a simple binary-tree implementation:

type BTree<a> =
  | Node(a, BTree<a>, BTree<a>)
  | Leaf(a)

size(Leaf(_)) = 1
size(Node(_, left, right)) =
  1 + size(left) + size(right)

size(Node("a", Leaf("b"), Leaf("c"))) // 3

Types, values, and functions which are all related in some way can be grouped into modules like so:

module String {
  type t = Char[]

  len : t -> Int
  len("") = 0
  len(c@cs) = 1 + len(cs)

String.len("hello world") // 11

Note also here we are using a list pattern on strings, which works because strings are really just a list of Unicode characters.

Module definitions cannot be "nested". Latro modules are more analogous to those found in Haskell, or namespaces in C# -- they are simply named groupings of types and values. We can define submodules, or sub-namespaces, by assigning a module a qualified name:

module String {
  type t = Char[]

module String.Utils {
  import String

  append : t -> t -> t
  append(c@cs, b) = c @ append(cs, b)
  append(_, b) = b

String.Utils.append("hello", " world") // "hello world"

Note that submodules do not capture any bindings from ancestor ones. A module's ancestors are all qualified names bound in the "base path" of the module's name. For example, the module:

module Foo.Bar.Baz { }

Would have ancestors Foo.Bar and Foo. A submodule defined with a name in this way does not have any special relationship to its ancestors; it is merely a convenience mechanism by which we can logically group together many namespaces in a program underneath a common parent name. Also note, that a submodule must explicitly import an ancestor to gain access to its bindings.

As shown in the preceding examples, we can bring in all of the bindings exported by a module using an import expression, such that they can be referred to without using a qualified module path:

module A {
  let v = 42

module B {
  import A

  let x = v

If we import using the import <name> form, we still retain the ability to refer to a module member using a fully qualified path. The following is equivalent to the previous example:

module A {
  let v = 42

module B {
  import A

  let x = A.v

Larger programs may contain many different module definitions, increasing the likelihood that we may bind the same name in two different ones. We can alias an imported module, assigning it a local path that is only in scope in the body of the importing module:

module Foo {
  let v = 0

module Bar {
  let v = 1

module Baz {
  import Foo = F
  import Bar = B

  let v = F.v + B.v

References to members of aliased imports must always be "fully qualified" in the sense that we must always prefix references with the name of the alias.

Import filtering/renaming

Sometimes even aliasing an entire module is a bit heavy-handed for our needs. We can restrict the set of bindings imported from a particular module using a filter:

module Foo {
  let x = 3
  let y = 4
  let z = 5

module Bar {
  import Foo (y)
  import IO

  main(_) = println(x) //ERROR: Unbound identifier 'x'

We can also do the inverse of the above, saying we want to import all bindings from a module except certain ones using an _excepting filter_:

module Foo {
  let x = 3
  let y = 4
  let z = 5

module Bar {
  import Core
  import Foo { except(z, y) }
  import IO

  main(_) = println(x + y + z) //ERROR: Unbound identifier 'y'

Imported bindings can also be _renamed_ for the scope of the import:

module Foo {
  let x = 3
  let y = 4
  let z = 5

module Bar {
  import Core
  import Foo {
    renaming (z -> a, y -> b)
  import IO

  main(_) = println(x + b + a) //12

All of these filters can be combined, in concert with aliases, in interesting ways:

module Foo {
  let a = 3
  let b = 4
  let c = 5
  let d = 6

module Bar {
  import Core
  import Foo = F (a, d) {
    renaming (a -> d)
  import IO

  main(_) = println(d) //3


We can "reopen" a module and add bindings to it at any time. A reopening definition will implicitly import all prior bindings introduced into the module we are reopening, e.g.:

module M {
  let y = x + 1

module N {
  import M

  let z = x + y

module M {
  let x = 1

Notice that definition order does not matter at the module level; we are free to refer to bindings introduced "further down" in the source and can have mutally recursive bindings.

Modules and the toplevel

All bindings in a Latro source file must go inside the body of a module declaration. A source file may contain any number of these module definitions, but there is no notion of a "top-level" binding. The motivation for this rule is that other source files included in a build have no way of referring to any hypothetical top-level bindings, so they are only useful in the source file in which they are defined.

The interpreter will concatenate all source files and reorder module definitions as it sees fit. The native compiler will support true separate compilation, where source files are compiled in discrete steps and subsequently linked together in either an executable or library. In this hypothetical future, top-level bindings may be permitted. But the interpreter implementation's source-file concatenation behavior means that top-level bindings in one source file would pollute the environment of another source file.

Often it is convenient to define a type with a certain name, and an accompanying module with the same name containing operations specific to our type. We can define a "type module" specifically for this purpose:

module Program.Option {
  type<a> | Some(a)
          | None

  isPresent<a> : Option<a> -> Bool
  isPresent(Some(_)) = True
  isPresent(_) = False

module Program {
  import IO
  import Program.Option

  main(_) = {
    let o = Some(42)
    switch (isPresent(o)) {
      True -> println("it's there")
      _    -> println("it's not there")

This ends up desugaring into something like:

module Program {
  type Option<a> = Program.Option.1432@made_up_name<a>

module Program.Option {
  import Program

  type 1432@made_up_name<a> =
    | Some(a)
    | None

  isPresent<a> : Option<a> -> Bool
  isPresent(Some(_)) = True
  isPresent(_) = False

As with "normal" declarations, the type annotations are optional.

A few more sophisticated examples can be found in the examples directory. All of the examples work on the latest version of Latro at HEAD.

Each of these example directories contains a file called tests.l with examples, and a corresponding file called expected.out.txt with the expected output from running the tests. To run the tests, simply run the shell script located in each respective example directory.

Latro is a language still in the experimental/pre-alpha stage, and both syntax and semantics are rapidly evolving. You can use the prototype interpreter to execute programs, but a compiler "back end" that generates machine-code binaries does not exist yet.

The interpreter is implemented in Haskell and can be built using any modern compiler for that language (GHC, for example). All code for the interpreter is in the src directory.

You can use the Haskell Stack tool to automatically install dependencies and build the latroi interpreter executable:

$> stack setup
$> stack build
$> stack install

Latro supports evaluation of both full programs in source files, and interactive evaluation at the command line (a read-eval-print loop). To start Latro in interactive (REPL) mode, simply run the executable:

$> latroi
λ> //type some code here!

Sometimes it is convenient to load a source file directly into the REPL. To do so, type the following:

λ> :l <path-to-your-source-file>

Most programs will require the use of the core library. Since the core is still experimental, it's not loaded in the REPL by default; it must be loaded manually. The core is currently located in the repository at lib/Core.l.

λ> :l lib/Core.l

Note that because Latro is loading the source for Core and evaluating all of its definitions, it will still print a "result value" just as if we had been evaluating any arbitrary expression. The result value of evaluating a definition such as a function or module is Unit, hence the answer we see above.

Once we have Core, we can use some of the basic operators and values defined there:

λ> :l lib/Core.l
λ> import Core
λ> 1 + 1
λ> let add = (+)
λ> add(3, 4)
λ> import Core.List
λ> length([1, 2, 3])
λ> :t length
<t> t[] -> Int

In addition to evaluating code directly, we can ask Latro about the type of any expression using the :t command like so:

λ> :l lib/Core.l
λ> :t 1 + 1
λ> :t (+)
Int -> Int -> Int
$> latroi [OPTIONS] <file1> <file2> ...

Runs the interpreter on the program given in the files.


--help Display help information.
-p Don't evaluate, just dump a parse tree.
-a Don't evaluate, just dump an alpha-converted syntax tree.
-r Don't evaluate, just dump a syntax tree after reordering infixes by user precedence assignments.
-t Don't evaluate, just dump a type-annotated syntax tree.
-tc Don't evaluate, just display the type of the last expression in the executed module.

All output is printed in the form of S-expressions, which makes automated testing (and debugging) easier (see next section).

Latro already has an extensive test suite in the tests directory. The tests are built in a slightly unorthodox way: the interpreter executable prints its answers in an S-expression format, and tests are written in Racket such that S-expressions are read into a Racket test harness. We do this because AST's and types can get quite verbose, and trees annotated with things like source locations and uniqueness markers are much easier to assert on using Racket's check-match.

For example, here's an example test from the interpreter suite:

(test-case "it evaluates ADT argument patterns"
      type IntOption = | Some(Int) | None

      IsSome : IntOption -> Bool
      IsSome(Some(_)) = True
      IsSome(_) = False

      let s = Some(42)
      let Some(v) = s
      %(IsSome(None()), IsSome(s), v)
    '(Tuple (False True 42))))

Here's a full-blown example -- the test suite for the typechecker.

A specific test suite can be run by using the test shell script in the top level of the Latro source directory.

$> ./test typechecker
$> racket tests/typechecker.rkt

This will run the tests found in tests/typechecker.rkt.

We can also run the entire test suite from the top-level directory using the same script by running it with no arguments:

$> ./test

As mentioned, Latro is still in the experimental/pre-alpha stage and is not suitable for use in real-world scenarios. All features are subject to change. There are a number of non-trivial enhancements planned for the language:

  • Support for ad hoc polymorphism via protocols. Protocols will be fused with the module system similar to the approach being taken in the work on OCaml implicit modules, which is a derivative of the implicit semantics in Scala.
  • Fixity directives for custom infix operators
  • Separate compilation (module dependencies only recompiled when changed)
  • Support for runtime type reflection, with reification
  • Runtime system with garbage collecition
  • Cross-platform binary compilation using an LLVM backend
  • Go-style compilation and package ecosystem

At this early stage, I am unlikely to accept a pull request. However, I would love to garner feedback on the language model and design -- so please feel free to open an issue or send me a note on what you think!

Copyright (c) 2016, James Swaine

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



A simple, general-purpose functional programming language




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