Using this template, you can create your own load test rig on Azure IaaS virtual machines. The test rig will be configured for your Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) account and can be used to run cloud-based load tests using Visual Studio. The cloud-load testing service will use this registered rig instead of provisioning one dynamically. Sample parameter values are as follows:
"VSTSAccountName": "<VSTS account name with which the rig will be configured>",
"VSTSPersonalAccessToken": "<get pat token for VSTS account>",
"AgentCount": "<number of VMs you want to provision>",
"AdminUsername": "<admin user name>",
"AdminPassword": "<admin user password>"
If you wish to deploy a rig of load test agents in a private VNet (to directly generate load on a private application) please use the following ARM template.