Create 2 Virtual Machines under an Internal Load balancer and configures Load Balancing rules for the VMs
This template allows you to create 2 Virtual Machines under an Internal Load balancer
This template also deploys a Storage Account, Virtual Network, Availability Set and Network Interfaces.
The Azure Load Balancer is assigned a static IP in the Virtual Network and is configured to load balance on Port 80.
Steps to deploy manually
Create a resource group: New-AzureResourceGroup -Name "ILB-DemoRG" -Location "West US"
Modify the 2VMsinVnetWithILB-parameters file to update your subscriptionId and change naming convention
Deploy: New-AzureResourceGroupDeployment –Name IPDep1 -ResourceGroupName ILB-DemoRG -TemplateFile 2VMsinVnetWithILB.json -TemplateParameterFile 2VMsinVnetWithILB-parameters.json