- Implements risk parity optimization based on explicit risk factors and principal components.
- Implements new formulations of Gini Mean Difference, Tail Gini, Range, CVaR Range and Tail Gini Range that improves speed compared to formulations based on the owa portfolio model.
- Improves the calculation of elliptical uncertainty sets for worst case optimization.
- Add new functions that allow us to calculate the risk contribution per explicit risk factors and principal components.
- Add new functions that allow us to plot the risk contribution per explicit risk factors and principal components.
- Implements new kind of constraints that incorporates the information from networks like the Minimum Spanning Tree and Maximally Filtered Graph into the portfolio optimization models: return-risk portfolio, owa portfolio and worst case portfolio.
- Implements new kind of constraints that incorporates the information from dendrograms into the portfolio optimization models: return-risk portfolio, owa portfolio and worst case portfolio.
- Improves the speed of several functions using the c++ linear algebra library Eigen and c++ eigenvalues library Spectra.
- Add new functions that allow us to plot the relationship between graphs and asset allocation.
- Add new functions that allow us to create constraints based on graphs information.
- Add a new example about applications of networks and dendrograms constraints in portfolio optimization problems.
- Fixed some errors related to HCPortfolio with constraints.
- Fixed some errors in some plots.
- Implements the approximate Kurtosis model through sum of squared quadratic forms for large scale kurtosis optimization.
- Add the block vectorization operator.
- Implements custom constraints for the Relaxed Risk Parity portfolio model.
- Add three new methods to estimate the mean vector: James-Stein, Bayes-Stein and BOP.
- Implements constraints for the Hierarchical Equal Risk Contribution (HERC) and Nested Clustered Optimization (NCO) portfolio models.
- Add the option to show risk contributions as a percentage of total risk in risk contribution plot.
- Repairs some bugs.
- Implements the Relativistic Value at Risk and Relativistic Drawdown at Risk portfolio models.
- Implements the Higher L-moments portfolio model function as an special case of OWA portfolio.
- Adds functions to calculate L-moments.
- Adds a function to calculate risk contribution constraints on asset classes.
- Repairs some bugs.
- Implements Kurtosis and Semi Kurtosis portfolio models based on parametric approach.
- Implements new c++ based functions to speed up kurtosis model calculations.
- Repairs some bugs.
- Adds Kendall Tau and Gerber statistic as options for codependence matrix in HCPortfolio object.
- Adds Gerber statistic as an option for covariance matrix estimator in Portfolio and HCPortfolio objects.
- Implements reformulations of portfolio models based on drawdowns to speed up calculations.
- Adds some tests for portfolio object and hcportfolio object.
- Implements a reformulation of OWA portfolio optimization to speed up calculations.
- Implements 5 additional risk measures for mean risk model: Gini Mean Difference, Tail Gini, Range, CVaR range and Tail Gini range.
- Implements 4 additional risk measures for risk parity model: Gini Mean Difference, Tail Gini, CVaR range and Tail Gini range.
- Implements the OWA Portfolio Optimization model for custom vector of weights and a module to build OWA weights for some special cases.
- Implements a function to plot range risk measures.
- Adds the option to use Graphical Lasso, j-Logo, denoising and detoning covariance estimates.
- Implement Nested Clustered Optimization (NCO) model with four objective functions.
- Implements the Relaxed Risk Parity model.
- Implements the Risk Budgeting approach for Risk Parity Portfolios with constraints.
- Adds the option to use custom covariance in Hierarchical Clustering Portfolios.
- Redesigns of Riskfolio-Lib interface (Only import riskfolio for all functions).
- Implements Hierarchical Risk Parity (HRP) model with constraints on assets' weights.
- Implements a function that helps to build constraints for the HRP model.
- Implements the Direct Bubble Hierarchical Tree (DBHT) linkage method for HRP and HERC models.
- Implements a function that plots relationship among assets in a network using Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) and Planar Maximally Filtered Graph (PMFG).
- Adds two new codependence measures: mutual information and lower tail dependence index.
- Implements Hierarchical Equal Risk Contribution with equally weights within clusters (HERC2).
- Implements a function that help us to discretize portfolio weights into number of shares given an investment amount.
- Implements the option to select the method to estimate covariance in HRP, HERC and HERC2.
- Adds the option to add constraints on the number of assets and the number of effective assets.
- Fixes an error in two_diff_gap_stat() when number of assets is too small.
- Fixes an error on forward_regression() and backward_regression() when there is no significant feature in regression modes using p-value criterion.
- Adds an example that shows how to build HERC2 portfolios.
- Adds an example that shows how to build constraints on the number of assets and number of effective assets.
- Implements Hierarchical Risk Parity (HRP) and Hierarchical Equal Risk Parity (HERC).
- Implements the function plot_clusters() and plot_dendrogram() that help us to identify clusters based on a distance correlation metric.
- Implements the function assets_clusters() that help us to create asset classes based on hierarchical clusters.
- Adds an example that shows how to build Hierarchical Risk Parity portfolios.
- Adds an example that shows how to build Hierarchical Equal Risk Parity portfolios.
- Implements Logarithmic Mean Risk (Kelly Criterion) Portfolio Optimization models.
- Implements the function plot_bar() that help us to plot portfolios with negative weights.
- Adds the option to build dollar neutral portfolios.
- Adds an example that shows how to build Logarithmic Mean Risk (Kelly Criterion) portfolios.
- Adds an example that shows how to build dollar neutral portfolios.
- Adds the option to add a constraint on minimum portfolio return.
- Adds an example of how to add constraints on portfolio return and risk measures.
- Adds Black Litterman with factors in two flavors: Black Litterman Bayesian model and Augmented Black Litterman model.
- Implements factors_views, a function that allows to design views on risk factors for Black Litterman with factors.
- Repairs some bugs.
- Adds Entropic Drawdown at Risk for Mean Risk Portfolio Optimization and Risk Parity Portfolio Optimization.
- Repairs some bugs.
- Repairs some bugs in Portfolio related to Semi Variance and UCI.
- Implements an option to annualize returns and risk in plot_frontier, Jupyter Notebook and Excel reports.
- Adds examples using Vectorbt for Backtesting and MOSEK for large scale problems.
- Repairs some bugs in RiskFunctions.
- Implements the Reports module that helps to build reports on Jupyter Notebook and Excel.
- Implements plot_table, a function that resume some indicators of a portfolio.
- Adds Entropic Value at Risk for Mean Risk Portfolio Optimization and Risk Parity Portfolio Optimization.
- Implements normal assumption method to estimate box and elliptical uncertainty sets for Worst Case Optimization.
- Implements elliptical uncertainty sets for covariance matrix.
- Adds Ulcer Index for Mean Risk Portfolio Optimization and Risk Parity Portfolio Optimization.
- Implements functions to calculate Ulcer Index.
- Repairs some bugs.
- Implements bootstrapping methods to estimate box and elliptical uncertainty sets for Worst Case Optimization.
- Implements Worst Case Mean Variance Portfolio Optimization using box and elliptical uncertainty sets.
- Repairs some bugs.
- Implements Risk Parity Portfolio Optimization for 7 convex risk measures.
- Repairs some bugs.
- Update to make it compatible with cvxpy >=1.1.0
- Implements Principal Component Regression for loadings matrix estimation.
- Adds Akaike information criterion, Schwarz information criterion, R squared and adjusted R squared feature selection criterions in stepwise regression.
- Repairs some bugs.
- Implements an option for building constraints common for all assets classes.
- Repairs some bugs.
- Implements robust and ewma estimates.
- Implements Black Litterman model and risk factors models.
- Implements mean risk optimization with 10 risk measures.