- Complete reorganization. Do we want to separate:
- core modules
- interactivity (e.g. playing games)
- research (e.g. collecting statistics)
- examples
- Improve Haddock documentation, including section headings.
- Use either System.TimeIt or Criterion for timing calculations.
- Keep making improvements to ProbDist module (or use the PFP module?)
- Extensions to table-generating code. For example:
- Write tables to arbitrary handles.
- More customisable table layout.
- Use an external library?
- Improve queueing module to use a more efficient data structure for priority queues.
- Rewrite the Util.Array module to actually use arrays!
- Organize Utils module into subsections.
- Informed/uninformed search
- More statistics, e.g. time taken.
- Is it possible to structure backtracking search as a monad?
- Round out the search functions by including e.g. depth-limited graph search.
- Fill in missing search functions from AIMA
- Round effective branching factor to a sensible number of dps.
- Local search
- Make changes to n-queens problem so that it can be used with simulatedAnnealingsearch.
- Include genetic algorithm
- Adversarial Search
- Alpha-beta search that orders nodes according to some heuristic before searching.
- Stochastic games (using probability monad?)
- Figure out why alpha/beta search sometimes makes stupid decisions while playingConnect 4.
- Constraint Satisfaction
- Wrapper for CSP class to allow statistics to be collected.
- Examples - word puzzles, scheduling, n queens?
- Examples
- Use GraphViz to draw graph problems
- Interactive stepping through a graph problem - highlight nodes as they are explored, keep track of running cost etc.
- GUI for graph problems?
- GUI for interactive playing of tic-tac-toe/connect 4?
- Finish chess example
- Other games, e.g checkers?
- Propositional logic:
- Truth-table SAT
- Local search for SAT
- Backward chaining
- First-order logic:
- Backward chaining
- Reduction to normal form
- Flesh out functionality for MDPs.
- Partially observed MDPs
- Bayes Net uses lists rather than arrays to store the conditional probability table. This is probably inefficient - profile it and check!
- Markov chain (Gibbs sampling) routines for Bayes Net
- Function to compute children of a node in a Bayes Net
- Function to compute markov blanket of a node in a Bayes Net
- More functions to auto-fit decision trees
- Decision tree demos are really slow - can they be optimized? In particular, computing the entropy for splits takes a long time.
- Cross validation should return average validation set error rate
- Handle continuous attributes
- Compute precision, recall and f-statistic
- Function to compare multiple classifiers
- More examples - test random forest vs. pruned decision trees
- Tests for linear/logistic regression and regularized regression
- Linear classifiers
- Naive Bayes