diff --git a/site/content/en/docs/manual/advanced/formats/_index.md b/site/content/en/docs/manual/advanced/formats/_index.md
index 95370a362d97..6fa898badbba 100644
--- a/site/content/en/docs/manual/advanced/formats/_index.md
+++ b/site/content/en/docs/manual/advanced/formats/_index.md
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ The table below outlines the available formats for data export in CVAT.
| [COCO Keypoints 1.0](coco-keypoints) | .xml | Keypoints | OpenPose, PoseNet, AlphaPose,
SPM (Single Person Model),
Mask R-CNN with Keypoint Detection:, and others. | Skeletons | Specific attributes | Not supported |
| {{< ilink "/docs/manual/advanced/formats/format-cvat#cvat-for-videos-export" "CVAT for images 1.1" >}} | .xml | Universal format
for all types of
annotations. | Universal format
for all types of
models. | Bounding Boxes, Polygons,
Polylines, Points, Cuboids,
Skeletons, Tags. | All attributes | Not supported |
| {{< ilink "/docs/manual/advanced/formats/format-cvat#cvat-for-videos-export" "CVAT for video 1.1" >}} | .xml | Universal format
for all types of
annotations. | Universal format
for all types of
annotations. | Bounding Boxes, Polygons,
Polylines, Points, Cuboids,
Skeletons, Tags, Tracks. | All attributes | Supported |
-| [Datumaro 1.0](format-datumaro) | JSON | Universal format
for all types of
annotations. | Universal format
for all types of
models. | Bounding Boxes, Polygons,
Polylines, Points, Cuboids,
Skeletons, Tags, Tracks. | All attributes | Supported |
+| [Datumaro 1.0](format-datumaro) | JSON | Universal format
for all types of
annotations. | Universal format
for all types of
models. | Bounding Boxes, Polygons,
Polylines, Points, Cuboids,
Tags, Tracks. | All attributes | Supported |
| [ICDAR](format-icdar)
Includes ICDAR Recognition 1.0,
ICDAR Detection 1.0,
and ICDAR Segmentation 1.0
descriptions. | .txt | Text recognition,
Text detection,
Text segmentation | EAST: Efficient and Accurate
Scene Text Detector, CRNN, Mask TextSpotter, TextSnake,
and others. | Tag, Bounding Boxes, Polygons | Specific attributes | Not supported |
| [ImageNet 1.0](format-imagenet) | .jpg
.txt | Semantic Segmentation,
Detection | VGG (VGG16, VGG19), Inception, YOLO, Faster R-CNN , U-Net, and others | Tags | No attributes | Not supported |
| [KITTI 1.0](format-kitti) | .txt
.png | Semantic Segmentation, Detection, 3D | PointPillars, SECOND, AVOD, YOLO, DeepSORT, PWC-Net, ORB-SLAM, and others. | Bounding Boxes, Polygons | Specific attributes | Not supported |
diff --git a/site/content/en/docs/manual/advanced/formats/format-datumaro.md b/site/content/en/docs/manual/advanced/formats/format-datumaro.md
index eccd0385151d..f75d1e59f17b 100644
--- a/site/content/en/docs/manual/advanced/formats/format-datumaro.md
+++ b/site/content/en/docs/manual/advanced/formats/format-datumaro.md
@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ For more information, see:
For export of images: any 2D shapes, tags
-- Supported annotations: Bounding Boxes, Polygons.
+- Supported annotations: Bounding Boxes, Polygons, Polylines,
+ Masks, Points, Cuboids, Tags
- Attributes: Supported.
- Tracks: Supported.
@@ -39,7 +40,8 @@ taskname.zip/
# Import annotations in Datumaro format
-- supported annotations: any 2D shapes, labels
+- supported annotations: Bounding Boxes, Polygons, Polylines,
+ Masks, Points, Cuboids, Labels
- supported attributes: any
Uploaded file: a zip archive of the following structure: