Learn how to configure Prometheus & Grafana to monitor your Pinecone Projects with Docker Compose.
Each Project needs to be configured with its own Prometheus scraper. You will need a Pinecone API
Key to authorize Prometheus to fetch the metrics. For the target, you need to specify the Project's region,
for example us-west1-gcp
. Update the file found at ./prometheus/config.yml
- job_name: pinecone-project-1
credentials: <APIKEY>
scheme: https
- targets: [ 'metrics.<PROJECT REGION>.pinecone.io' ]
Grafana is configured by default to run against the local Prometheus instance. A sample dashboard
for monitoring all indexes in a Project is preloaded into Grafana. You can add this dashboard to your own
Grafana instance by copying ./grafana/dashbords/pinecone.json
Start docker compose
docker-compose up
Check the ports Grafana and Promethus are running on
docker-compose ps
Open Grafana in your browser an navigate to Dashboard. The default dashboard is a folder titled Pinecone.