Helm chart for Aleph
Key | Type | Default | Description |
global.amazon | bool | true |
Are we using AWS services like s3? |
global.google | bool | false |
Are we using GCE services like storage, vision api? |
global.image.repository | string | "alephdata/aleph" |
Aleph docker image repo |
global.image.tag | string | "3.13.1-rc2" |
Aleph docker image tag |
global.image.tag | string | "Always" |
global.namingPrefix | string | "aleph" |
Prefix for the names of k8s resources |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
global.env.ALEPH_API_RATE_LIMIT | string | "600" |
API rate limiting (req/min for anonymous users) |
global.env.ALEPH_APP_NAME | string | "aleph" |
App name |
global.env.ALEPH_APP_TITLE | string | "Aleph" |
App title |
global.env.ALEPH_CACHE | string | "true" |
global.env.ALEPH_DEBUG | string | "false" |
global.env.ALEPH_ELASTICSEARCH_URI | string | "http://aleph-index-master.default.svc.cluster.local:9200" |
global.env.ALEPH_FORCE_HTTPS | string | "false" |
global.env.ALEPH_INDEX_PREFIX | string | "aleph" |
global.env.ALEPH_INDEX_READ | string | "v1:v2" |
global.env.ALEPH_INDEX_REPLICAS | string | "2" |
global.env.ALEPH_INDEX_WRITE | string | "v2" |
global.env.ALEPH_OAUTH | string | "false" |
Enable OAuth login? |
global.env.ALEPH_PAGES_PATH | string | "/aleph/site/aleph.occrp.org/pages" |
global.env.ALEPH_PASSWORD_LOGIN | string | "true" |
Enable password login? |
global.env.ALEPH_UI_URL | string | "http://localhost" |
global.env.ELASTICSEARCH_TIMEOUT | string | "600" |
Default elasticsearch timeout |
global.env.REDIS_URL | string | "redis://aleph-redis-master.default.svc.cluster.local:6379/0" |
Redis url |
Checkout https://docs.alephdata.org/developers/installation#configuration for all available options.