pybliometrics stores values it needs for operation in a config file. That file is either in ~/.pybliometrics/config.ini or in ~/.scopus/config.ini (if you started using pybliometrics before version 3.x). It saves credentials as well as directory names for folders that store cached files. Folder ~/ refers to your private home directory or home path. On many Windows machines this defaults to C:/Document and Settings/<Your User Name>.
By default, after initial set-up (see below), the file will look like this:
AbstractRetrieval = PPP/.pybliometrics/Scopus/abstract_retrieval
AffiliationSearch = PPP/.pybliometrics/Scopus/affiliation_search
AuthorRetrieval = PPP/.pybliometrics/Scopus/author_retrieval
AuthorSearch = PPP/.pybliometrics/Scopus/author_search
CitationOverview = PPP/.pybliometrics/Scopus/citation_overview
AffiliationRetrieval = PPP/.pybliometrics/Scopus/affiliation_retrieval
ScopusSearch = PPP/.pybliometrics/Scopus/scopus_search
SerialTitle = PPP/.pybliometrics/Scopus/serial_title
Timeout = 20
Section [Directories] contains the paths where pybliometrics should cache downloaded files. pybliometrics will create them if necessary.
Section [Authentication] contains the API Keys which you obtain from If you provide multiple (separated by a comma), pybliometrics automatically replaces a depleted key with another one at random at runtime until all of them are depleted.
Simply edit this file using a simple text editor; changes will take effect the next time you start pybliometrics. Remember to indent multi-line statements.
Under pybliometrics 2.x and before, the default paths used to be PPP/.scopus/abstract_retrieval. You can safely rename the cache folder .scopus to .pybliometrics (on Windows machines, rename to .pybliometrics.), but remember to change the paths in the configuration file, too.
If the configuration file does not exist, pybliometrics will prompt you to provide the configuration values. To enforce the process yourself, issue the command
>>> import pybliometrics
>>> pybliometrics.scopus.utils.create_config()
There are two consecutive prompts: For your API Key(s) and your InstToken. The InstToken enables or facilitates access from outside your institution network, and you request it from Elsevier's Integration Support. If you don't use InstToken, hit enter on the second prompt. The InstToken, if provided, is added to the Authentication block:
InstToken = WWW
If you need to use a proxy, please edit the file manually to include a section that looks like so:
ftp = socks5://
http = socks5://
https = socks5://
The presence of this information will make use of the proxy. Be sure to remove the block when you don't want to use a proxy.
In case you build pybliometrics using CI or on a server where prompts aren't possible, you can provide a single optional parameter to create_config(). The parameter must be a list of keys. When this parameter is used, there will be no prompts.
You can easily inspect configuration values at runtime, and even set some during execution. Simply import the config beforehand and assign new values to the keys as if the config was a dictionary:
from pybliometrics.scopus.utils import config
print(config['Authentication']['APIKey']) # Show keys
config['Proxy']['ftp'] = 'socks5://localhost:8080' # Redefine proxy
Setting the keys at runtime is however not possible.
If you prefer to have the configuration file somewhere else, you can pybliometrics tell where to look for it. You will need the environment facility of the base package os. For this to take effect you need to set the environ before importing pybliometrics. pybliometrics uses the "PYB_CONFIG_FILE" keyword:
import os
os.environ['PYB_CONFIG_FILE'] = "C:/Custom/Location/config.ini"
import pybliometrics