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Day 25: Full of Hot Air


The last puzzle! Well... the last puzzle until I go back and finish the other ones still in progress. But maybe by the time you read this, it will be long after I finish all the puzzles for the season! As always, Day 25 only has one puzzle to solve; part 2 is a freebie after accumulating the other 49 stars.

Part One

In this puzzle, we are given funny numbers in a syntax called "snafu," which we must decimalize, add together, and then convert back into snafu format. Let's start with the simpler work of implementing snafu->decimal.

Converting snafu to decimal

(def powers-of-five (map #(Math/pow 5 %) (range)))
(def snafu-charmap {\2 2, \1 1, \0 0, \- -1, \= -2})

(defn snafu->decimal [snafu]
  (reduce + (map * (map snafu-charmap (reverse snafu)) powers-of-five)))

First, powers-of-five is a (you guessed it) infinite sequence of the powers of five. Using the infinite sequence (range), we use the Java function Math.pow to return every power of five, starting with 5^0 or 1. We'll use this sequence several times.

Then we create a snafu-charmap, which maps the five snafu characters to their decimal equivalents, from -2 to 2.

Finally, snafu-decimal takes in a snafu string, which we'll manipulate as a sequence of characters. First we reverse them, so that the least significant digit is first, as that matches the order of values in powers-of-five. Then we map each reversed snafu character to its decimal value from the snafu-charmap, multiply it by its power of five, and then add together the matching digits. This tells us the complete decimal value.

Converting decimal to snafu

Next, we need to figure out how to convert a decimal into a snafu character, and to do this I had to manually map out a few values. If we look at the all the snafu values that can be represented by a single character (assuming only positive numbers), it ranges from 1 (1) to 2 (1=). Two digits can capture from 3 (1=) to 12 (22). Three digits can capture from 13 (1==) to 62 (222). We also know, from looking at the sample inputs, that the first digit is always either a 1 or a 2, so that will help.

Knowing this information, we'll take the following approach. First, we'll determine how many snafu digits it will take to represent the decimal number. The for each snafu digit, from most to least significant, we'll pick the value that's closest the target number we're trying to reach, subtract that value from the target, and move on to the next digit. This will make more sense as we do it.

Let's figure out how many snafu digits it will take to represent the decimal number.

(def min-snafus-by-digit
  (letfn [(next-min [acc [x & xs]] (lazy-seq (cons (- x acc)
                                                   (next-min (+ acc x x) xs))))]
    (next-min 0 powers-of-five)))

(defn num-digits-in-snafu [n]
  (count (take-while (partial >= n) min-snafus-by-digit)))

min-snafus-by-digit is an infinite sequence of the smallest number that can be represented by that number of snafu digits. Another infinite sequence? This is getting silly now. We saw from the examples for 3, 13, and 63 - the smallest numbers that can be represented for two, three, or four snafu digits - the value is always a 1 followed by remaining =, which corresponds to 1 times the appropriate power of five, minus the sum of 2 times each of the previous powers of five. Unlike powers-of-five, this sequence depends on a recursive call; I didn't want to force it to be a function, since a def seems cleaner, which is why I implemented the def with an internal function that gets lazily called.

num-digits-in-snafu finds how many min-snafus-by-digit are less than or equal to the target, as this will determine how many powers of five we'll need to represent the number, in just a moment.

We're just about ready to create decimal->snafu.

(defn num-snafus [five n]
  (->> (range 2 -3 -1)
       (map (fn [multiple] [(abs (- n (* multiple five))) multiple]))
       (sort-by first)

(defn decimal->snafu [n]
  (let [charmap (set/map-invert snafu-charmap)]
    (first (reduce (fn [[result remaining] five] (let [digit-nums (num-snafus five remaining)]
                                                   [(str result (charmap digit-nums))
                                                    (- remaining (* digit-nums five))]))
                   ["" n]
                   (reverse (take (num-digits-in-snafu n) powers-of-five))))))

Ok, let's start with num-snafus. This function takes in a power of the most significant five and the target number n we want to represent as a snafu digit. Because a snafu digit can be a -1 or -2, we cannot simply look for the least number of five that fits into n; rather, we must look for the best/closest fit. Therefore, we start with the numbers from 2 to -2 (I suppose I could have used [2 1 0 -1 -2] instead of (range 2 -3 -1) but here we are). Then for each possible number which represents the snafu digit, we map it to a tuple of its distance from the target and its actual value; the distance comes from multiply it by the fives digit, and calculating the absolute value of the difference from the target n. (sort-by first) will fine the one with the smallest difference (best fit), and then first and second strips out the first tuple and then the multiple itself. So the result is the function returning a value from -2 to 2, inclusive.

Finally, there's decimal->snafu. We start by inverting the snafu-charmap function into a map from the decimal value from num-snafus into the target snafu character; I still don't know why this function on maps appears in the clojure.set namespace. Then we use reduce to construct the output character by character. The input collection is the sequence of powers of five from most to least significance; we get this by taking the correct number of values based on num-digits-in-snafu, and then reversing the result. The accumulation will be a simple vector of the building snafu string and the remaining numeric value to calculate. Then for each fives digit, we determine the number of snafus for that digit, append the reversed character map representation for that number into the accumulated string, subtract the product of the five and the number of fives from the remaining accumulation, noting that the number could actually increase if digit-nums is negative. Finally, once the reduce is done, we pull out the resulting string with first.

Then we wrap it all up with the part1 function.

(defn part1 [input]
  (decimal->snafu (transduce (map snafu->decimal) + (str/split-lines input))))

Why not wrap up the final puzzle with a transduce, to bring the whole season to a nice close. We transduce over each line of input, transforming with the snafu->decimal function, using + as the reducer, and then call decimal->snafu on the resulting accumulated value to get our answer.

That's it! Once I finish the previous puzzles, that'll be a wrap for the season.