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# To build the documentation with sphinx, the following packages were required
# to be installed on Fedora 24:

dnf install python-sphinx \ # this which will pull in python-sphinx_rtd_theme
	texlive-cm texlive-ec texlive-times texlive-helvetic texlive-courier \
	texlive-cmap texlive-fancyhdr texlive-fancybox texlive-titlesec texlive-framed texlive-threeparttable texlive-babel-english \
	texlive-mdwtools texlive-wrapfig texlive-parskip texlive-upquote texlive-capt-of texlive-multirow texlive-eqparbox texlive-dvips

On Fedora 25, the following are also required:
	texlive-mfware-bin texlive-gsftopk-bin