This repository contains a collection of various projects created using Python, Tkinter, Flask, and HTML/CSS/JavaScript. The projects cover a wide range of functionalities and were featured in my YouTube videos.
• Calculator: A simple calculator application to perform basic arithmetic operations.
• Calendar: An interactive calendar that displays the days of the month and allows users to navigate through the months.
• Cat Generator: Generates random pictures of adorable cats using the Cat API.
• Clock: Clock: A digital clock that displays the current time and updates in real-time.
• Coin Flipper: A fun application that simulates flipping a coin and displays the result.
• Color Palette: An application to generate and display random color palettes.
• Dictionary App: An interactive dictionary application that provides word meanings and definitions.
• Image Generator: An image generator that creates abstract images or patterns.
• Morse Code Translator: An application that translates text into Morse code and vice versa.
• Joke Generator: Generates random jokes or puns to bring some laughter.
• Music Player: A basic music player to play audio files.
• Notes App: A simple note-taking application developed using Python and Flask.
• Number Generator: Generates random numbers within a specified range.
• Password Generator: Creates secure and random passwords based on user preferences.
• Pomodoro Timer: A productivity tool that follows the Pomodoro Technique for time management.
• QR Code Generator: Generates QR codes from text or URLs.
• Quiz App: interactive application that allows users to test their knowledge by taking quizzes on various subjects
• Quote Generator: Provides inspirational or random quotes.
• Stopwatch: A simple stopwatch application to measure time intervals.
• Tic Tac Toe: A classic game of Tic Tac Toe to play against the computer or another player.
• Todo App: An application to manage tasks and to-do lists.
• Weather App: Fetches and displays weather information for a given location.
• Whiteboard: An interactive whiteboard application for drawing and writing.
• Booklist: An application to manage and display a list of books using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
• Typing Test: A command-line typing test application to measure typing speed and accuracy.
• URL Shortener: A command-line tool to shorten long URLs.
• TodoApp: A web-based todo application built using Python and Flask.