- Seattle, WA, USA
- http://adamfeuer.com
adamfeuer / dotfiles-1
Forked from mathiasbynens/dotfiles.files, including ~/.osx — sensible hacker defaults for OS X
adamfeuer / PyBBIO
Forked from graycatlabs/PyBBIOA Python library for hardware IO support on the TI Beaglebone
adamfeuer / clojure-py
Forked from drewr/clojure-pyA implementation of Clojure in pure (dynamic) Python
adamfeuer / check_http_json
Forked from phrawzty/check_http_jsonNagios plugin to parse JSON from an HTTP response.
adamfeuer / vimfiles
Forked from JamesTryand/vimfilesMy Windows/Unix Vim Files
Python fabfile for automatic setup of Ubuntu Server 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) for Django/Postgres apps
adamfeuer / minecraft-init
Forked from Ahtenus/minecraft-initInit script for minecraft and bukkit servers
adamfeuer / maple
Forked from leaflabs/mapleLeafLabs Maple Hardware Design Files
adamfeuer / libmaple
Forked from iperry/libmapleC Library for the Maple ARM Cortex-M3 development board
adamfeuer / WiShield
Forked from asynclabs/WiShieldWiShield library for the Arduino development platform
iperry / libmaple
Forked from leaflabs/libmapleC Library for the Maple ARM Cortex-M3 development board