Laravel + CRUD Generator Package, Make a Web Application Just In Minutes, With Less Code and Less Step !
Currently Based on Laravel 5.0
- PHP >= 5.4, PHP < 7
- Mcrypt PHP Extension
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- MySQL Database Server
Please following these instructions :
1. Download from github
2. Create folder in your htdocs, and extract
3. Create a blank database at your PHPMYADMIN
4. Go to http://localhost/YourApp/install/index.php
5. Follow the wizard installation until finish.
6. After installation is finish, don't forget to rename folder install to other name
7. Done
- id should as primary key
- id_[other_table_name] this is format for secondary key (field for relation)
- photo_[name] this is not mandatory but i recommend you to use this format if you want the field as image field, replace [name] with your own suffix.
- password use this field name if you want add password, so Crudbooster can auto hashing
- date_[name] use this format of field if you want add column about 'date', so crudbooster know that this field is 'date'
- slug use slug for naming your field if you want make a permalink function on your table, and crudbooster will be automaticaly set value for slug field become permalink function by title field
- Get used to write a column name clearly. Avoid short name. Ex Correct : full_name, Ex Incorrect : fname
I think you have made a table of database for your new module before do these steps. Now we want to generate CRUD modul Automatically, follow these steps :
username (default) : [email protected]
password (default) : 123456
1. Login to Admin
2. Go to Setting -> Modul Group
3. Click Pencil icon at Publik, to Edit
4. Click Plus Button at bottom, that has orange color.
5. Complete the Form :
- Name : Your new modul name
- Table Name : Select your existing table that will be use
- Route : declare url for this modul
- Icon : set icon for this modul
- Sorting : insert number of sorting (default 1)
6. Save
7. Done
After you've created new modul, then a new menu will be appeared at left (sidebar left). You can view by click it. Done.
Unfortunately in many case that very complicated problem, you can still custom the Controller and Form as you want. CRUDBooster designed to be smart tool and can adapt in many cases and conditions. Every modul will be create a new file controller in /App/Http/Controllers/ .
We recommend you do not hack or modification files Controller in Folder ControllerMaster, or View in folder Admin. Because that files is used by CRUDBooster. If you hack that files, so your modification will be replace if you update your CRUDBooster.
$this->col = array();
$this->col[] = array('label'=>'Title','field'=>'title');
$this->col[] = array('label'=>'Short Description','field'=>'short_description');
$this->col[] = array('label'=>'Total Hit','field'=>'total_hit');
$this->col[] = array('label'=>'Category','field'=>'id_category','join'=>'category,name');
Name | Mandatory | Description |
label | Required | label name |
field | Required | field tabel |
join | Optional | Relation tabel name. Ex : 'join'=>'table_name,name_field' |
image | Optional | true or false |
download | Optional | true or false |
callback_html | Optional | Write html code here. Use object $row for current data. Use Single Quote |
callback_php | Optional | Write php code here. Use object $row for current data. Use single quote |
$this->form = array();
$this->form[] = array('label'=>'Title','name'=>'title');
$this->form[] = array('label'=>'Short Description','name'=>'short_description','type'=>'textarea');
$this->form[] = array('label'=>'Total Hit','readonly'=>true);
$this->form[] = array('label'=>'Category','name'='id_category','type'=>'select','datatable'=>'category,name');
Name | Mandatory | Description |
label | Required | label name |
name | Required | field tabel |
type | Required | (text, textarea, radio, select, checkbox, wysiwyg, select2, datepicker, datetimepicker, hidden, password, upload, browse, qrcode) |
dataenum | Optional | support only for type 'select,radio,checkbox', ex : array('BMW','MERCY','TOYOTA') |
datatable | Optional | support only for type 'select,checkbox', this will load data from tabel, ex : "TABLE_NAME, COLUMN_NAME" |
datatable_where | Optional | sql where query for datatable, ex : status != 'active' and status != 'available' |
select2_controller | Optional | name other controller, ex : NameController |
sub_select | (optional) | name for child select. ex for case province and city. |
help | (optional) | help text |
placeholder | (optional) | placeholder text |
image | (optional) | boolean |
min | (optional) | value minimal |
max | (optional) | value maximal |
required | (optional) | boolean |
mimes | (optional) | ex : jpg,png,gif |
value | (optional) | Default value. |
default_value | (optional) | force value. |
browse_source | (optional) | Controller Name, ex : NameController |
browse_columns | (optional) | Only if type is 'browse', ex : (new CompaniesController)->get_cols() |
browse_where | (optional) | sql where query for browse , ex : status != 'active' and status != 'available' |
type[qrcode][size ] | (required) | size of qr code |
type[qrcode][color ] | (required) | color hex of qr code |
type[qrcode][text ] | (required) | DOM id/name qr code |
callback_php | (optional) | run php script |
googlemaps | (optional) | false or true (Required field latitude and longitude) |
googlemaps_address | (optional) | googlemaps required. Enter field location address. |
html | (optional) | insert html code |
jquery | (optional) | insert any jquery or javascript |
style | (optional) | insert any stylesheet inline for form-group class |
join | (optional) | You can show join table field, ex : members,name, please make sure you've set readonly to be true otherwise make save data error |
$this->form_tab = array();
$this->form_tab[] = array('label'=>'Photos','icon'=>'fa fa-bars','route'=>action("AdminPhotosController@getIndex"),'filter_field'=>'id_news');
Name | Mandatory | Description |
label | required | tab label name |
icon | optional | set own awesome icon, ex : fa fa-bars |
route | required | url for tab, ex : action('NameController@getIndex') |
filter_field | required | field name that use for filter / relation field name. |
$this->form_sub[] = array('label'=>'Photos','controller'=>'AdminPhotosController');
Name | Mandatory | Description |
label | required | label name table |
controller | required | controller name that want to make as sub |
$this->form_add[] = "
<div id='form_other_element'>
<div class='alert alert-warning'>You can manage modul News in this area.</div>
You can use form_add for add new element / html after all form elements
Name | Description |
hook_before_index(&$result) | Modify query mysql for index table |
hook_html_index(&$html_contents) | Modify row's html of table |
hook_before_add(&$postdata) | Modify POST input data of user |
hook_after_add($id) | Create some action after Add data function is done |
hook_before_edit(&$postdata,$id) | Modify POST input data of user |
hook_after_edit($id) | Create some action after Edit/Update data function is done |
hook_before_delete($id) | Create some action before delete function run |
hook_after_delete($id) | Create some action after delete function run |
//In this case i will show you if there is a case that you want to show the status of data is active
public function hook_before_index(&$result) {
public function hook_html_index(&$html_contents) {
// If you want get data from each row, $html_contents['data']
foreach($html_contents['html'] as &$row) {
// In this example, we want to coloring of status if Active then Green, Else then Red
// First you should know where the status columns row locations (index of array)
$status = $row[5];
if($status == 'Active') {
$row[5] = "<span class='label label-success'>Active</span>";
$row[5] = "<span class='label label-danger'>Pending</span>";
public function hook_before_add(&$postdata) {
//In this example, i want to add "date_order" so it can create time automatically
$postdata['date_order'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
public function hook_after_add($id) {
//in this example, i want insert data to other table after data inserted
$news = DB::table('news')->where('id',$id)->first();
$data = array();
$data['description'] = "I just insert new data for modul news with title '$title'";
- Sometimes you've created a module correctly, but when you click the menu, you found that page is not found. So please make sure both file controller in /App/Http/Controllers and your Module is match. Also check your route in Edit Module at Backend.
- The module wich you've made is not visible ? So please check at menu settings -> privileges, select correct privilege, then edit, please make sure the module wich you've made is checked. Also check at Edit Module, please make sure Active Status is Active.
- After login admin showing 'TokenMismatchException' , please check your Free Disk Space
- Showing error '...possibly out of free disk space' please check your Free Disk Space