By default Django admin interface provides two types of inlines to edit models on the same page as a
related model – StackedInline
and TabularInline
. StackedInline
is mostly used when there are
not so many objects. If number of models is rather big, TabularInline
can help you. Unfortunately when
related model has a lot of fields it may be not convenient to interact with them.
To solve this problem JET has a CompactInline
class built-in.
works exactly like Django built-in inlines, you need just
to inherit jet.admin.CompactInline
inline class. That's all.
from django.contrib import admin
from people.models import County, State, City
from jet.admin import CompactInline
class StateCountiesInline(admin.TabularInline):
model = County
extra = 1
show_change_link = True
class StateCitiesInline(CompactInline):
model = City
extra = 1
show_change_link = True
class StateAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
inlines = (StateCountiesInline, StateCitiesInline)