Change to a hot switch between US and Euro formats without a compile.
Fix date parsing with bad month name defaulting to 1 if year and day present.
Fix date parsing with nil month.
Fix bug with month_index using Integer method and leading zeroes treated as octal.
Correctly handle month value of 0. Fixes issue#4.
Compact time array when creating time in zone so that invalid time handling works properly. Fixes issue#3.
Add String core extension for to_time, to_date and to_datetime methods, like ActiveSupport
Allow arbitrary format string as :format option and it will be compiled, if not found.
Catch all errors for ActiveSupport not being loaded for more helpful error
Fix issue with 2nd argument options being overidden
Support for parsed timezone offset or abbreviation being used in creating time value
Added timezone abbreviation mapping config option
Allow 2nd argument for parse method to be the type, :now value, or options hash.
Allow a lambda for date_for_time_type which is evaluated on parse
Return the offset or zone in array from _parse
Give a nicer error message if use a zone and ActiveSupport is not loaded.
Removed some aliases used in validates_timeliness and are no longer needed.
Some minor spec fixes
Alias for validates_timeliness compatibility
Tiny cleanup
Initial release