This test suite enables developers to add small (operator level) to large (full model) end-2-end tests that compare output of running a model in a Framework (e.g. Pytorch, ONNX) to the output of running the IREE-compiled artefact of the same model on a target backend (e.g. CPU, AIE). If the difference in outputs is within a tolerable limit, then the test is reported as have passed, else the test is reported as have failed. In case of a failing test, the stage of the failure is reported.
The test suite is organized starting with a framework name: pytorch, tensorflow, onnx. For each framework category, multiple modes are tested.
: starting model is a PyTorch modeltensorflow
: stating model is a TensorFlow model (planned for later)onnx
: starting model is an ONNX model generated using ONNX python API or a an existing onnx model (zipped)
Following, up to three, modes are supported based upon what is possible for a framework:
: Framework -> Framework graph (e.g. Torch Fx) -> Torch MLIR -> Compiled artefact -> Run target backendonnx
: Framework -> ONNX -> Import as Torch ONNX in Torch MLIR -> Torch MLIR -> Compiled artefact -> Run target backendort
: Framework -> ONNX -> Load in IREE ONNX Runtime EP -> Compiled artefact -> Run target backend (planned for later)
If Framework is 'onnx', then mode 'direct' will mean same as 'onnx'. For onnx/operators and onnx/combinations, the onnx model should be created using ONNX Python APIs. For onnx/models, a prebuilt onnx model should be checked in as a zip file.
The target backend can be any IREE supported backend: llvm-cpu, amd-aie etc.
The contents are as below. Substitute 'Framework' by one of: pytorch, tensoflow, onnx
:pip install -r requirements.txt
to install needed additional packages not already in your venv or conda. If you have a venv or conda environment for building torch mlir or iree, you can install this on top of that. Also, peridically, run this step to keep packages current. Sometimes you may need to force installation:pip install --force -r requirements.txt
: Runpython --help
to learn about the script. This is the script to run a specific test, all tests in a framework, all frameworks as per choice of a user- Framework/operators: This has operator level tests. Example:
- Framework/combinations: This has small tests testing combination of operators such as
testing a multi-layer perceptron which hastorch.linear
followed bytorch.relu
and optionally repeated a few times - Framework/models: This has full model test. Since this is full model test, you may need
necessary permissions to download a model such as for llama2 you will need hugging face token.
You can either run
huggingface-cli login
and enter the HF token before launching the or set an environment variable namedHF_TOKEN
or provide it asHF_TOKEN='token' python 'options'
: This has list of tests that are passing as of today. If your check-in increases passing tests, please update this. After your changes in torch MLIR or IREE, run all the tests up to inference and make sure that your are passing at least at the level of gold/passed.txttools/stubs/
: This is concatenated to
in the test directory to form
for tests of framework 'onnx'tools/stubs/
: This is concatenated
in test directory to form
for the tests of framework 'pytorch'tools/stubs/
: Utilities common to other tools/stubs files as well as This also defines a dictionary named asE2ESHARK_CHECK_DEF
, an instance of which is created for each test. This allows serializing input, output, any special controls, post processing recipe to be passed
: Allows examining an ONNX (protobuf) filetools/
: Given two or more run directories, diff or merge any of status, time or summary reports. For time and summary reports, it tell how many new passes (improvements) were seentools/
: Setup, upload and download large models to/from Azure storage
The logs are created as .log files in the test-run sub directory. Examine the logs to find and fix
cause of any failure. You can specify -r 'your dir name'
to the to name your test run directory
as per your choice. The default name for the run directory is 'test-run'.
Note that, you will be required to pass --cachedir
argument to the to point to a directory where
model weights etc. from external model serving repositories such as from Torch Vision, Hugging Face etc.
will be downloaded. The downloaded data can be large, so set it to other than your home,
preferably with 100 GB or more free space.
By default, a nightly build of torch_mlir and IREE is installed when you run pip install -r ./requirements.txt
and that will be used to run tests. So, you are not required to have a local build of either torch mlir or IREE.
But, if you want to test a local change in either torch mlir or iree, you can pass the build using switches.
If you have a local build of torch MLIR pass it using --torchmlirbuild
) option. Else, it will use
torch_mlir package from last nightly build and use IREE tools directly such as iree-import-onnx
to import
onnx into torch onnx mlir as opposed to running
If you made changed in IREE or you want to pull the latest fix in IREE, then create a local build and pass
that using --ireebuild
The arg value passed to --torchmlirbuild
) should point to a directory where
can be found and the option passed to --ireebuild
) should point to
a directory where tools/iree-compile
and tools/iree-run-module
can be found.
In all the examples in this README doc the -c
option to pass a torch mlir build location
or -i
option to pass an IREE build location are optional.
Prerequisites: Before proceeding with build, make sure you have following installed on your machine
- Git : GitInstallation
- Python : PythonInstallation
- cmake : cmakeInstallation
- Ninja : NinjaInstallation
- GCC(>=7.4): gccInstallation
- CUDAToolkit(>=12) : CUDAToolkitInstallation
To get a local build of torch MLIR, follow:
If you have a local build of torch MLIR build, you can build the torch_mlir python wheel and install it in your
python env in addition, that will remove need to use PYTHONPATH
when you are running
manually. Use any of
following options for allowing torch_mlir package to be available when running manually the
If you run using
then this step is taken care of for you.
Option 1:
to insert following in cmake_args if you used clang to build torch-mlir
And then run following
CMAKE_GENERATOR=Ninja python bdist_wheel --dist-dir ./torch-mlir-wheel -v
pip uninstall torch-mlir
pip install torch-mlir-wheel/torch_mlir-0.0.1-cp310-cp310-linux_x86_64.whl
Note: torch_mlir wheel version may change so you should choose appropriate file name in the above command
An easier way than creating the above torch_mlir wheel is to simply set PYTHONPATH
while running or set and export PYTHONPATH
Option 2:
PYTHONPATH="Your torch mlir build dir"/tools/torch-mlir/python_packages/torch_mlir python
Option 3:
cd to "Your torch mlir root dir"
source build/.env && export PYTHONPATH
To get a local build of IREE, follow (prefer the clang building option over gnu):
If using AMD AIE target, build following in addition:
To get this test repo:
git clone
cd SHARK-TestSuite/e2eshark
Set up python environment, you can use venv or conda. Example to create a brand new conda env using python 3.11 is:
conda create -n e2e python=3.11
conda activate e2e
pip install --upgrade pip
Make sure you do not skip the pip upgrade above as older pip may not able to handle pytorch deps Then install needed packages as below:
pip install -r 'your local torch MLIR repo'/requirements.txt
pip install -r 'your local torch MLIR repo'/torchvision-requirements.txt
pip install -r ./requirements.txt
Optionally, as explained above, if you have built a local wheel of torch_mlir, then do (your whl file name may differ):
pip install 'your local torch MLIR repo'/torch-mlir-wheel/torch_mlir-0.0.1-cp310-cp310-linux_x86_64.whl
If you are also interested in running through SHARK-Turbine follow these instructions as well:
git clone
git clone
Now, go back to the TestSuite Repo, and make sure you are using same venv from all previous steps.
pip install -f --upgrade -r 'your local iree turbine repo'/iree-requirements.txt
pip install -e 'your local iree turbine repo'[testing]
pip install -e 'your local SHARK Turbine repo'/models
Once setup, in any new shell you can activate the same env everytime you want to use it without needing to re-install requirements.txt's. Example:
conda activate e2e
Example 1:
Note that the --cachedir
command line argument is necessary for any run command. This is where torch, hugging face, and turbine tank data is cached. Please make sure to choose a directory with large free space.
Run the tests in operators, combinations folders of the default framework (i.e. pytorch), Use framework to onnx to torch MLIR path (--mode onnx) and run up to inference (default) using llvm-cpu backend (default), use four processor cores (default --jobs 4) on your machine, generate report file after finishing test run.
If the model you are running requires a huggingface token (llama, gemma), set the HF_TOKEN env variable as well.
Either set environment in shell (export HF_TOKEN=your_token
) or add it on in command line
as shown below.
HF_TOKEN=your_token python ./ -c 'path_to_your_torch_mlir_build_dir' -i 'path_to_your_iree_build_dir'
--report --cachedir 'path_to_your_cache_dir'
You can see logs of test run inside test-run/'test sub-directory'
. Start with commands.log file.
The test-run/
, test-run/
, and test-run/
will show nice tables
like below to give you detailed status of pass/fail of each stage, time taken by each stage and total counts
of passes for each phase. Furthermore, you can compare these reports using tools/
to get either
a merged view or diff of one or more runs.
Status report for run: fp32 using mode:onnx todtype:default backend:llvm-cpu
| tests | model-run | onnx-import | torch-mlir | iree-compile | inference |
| :----------------------- | :-------- | :---------- | :--------- | :----------- | :-------- |
| pytorch/operators/conv2d | passed | passed | passed | passed | passed |
| pytorch/operators/linear | passed | passed | passed | passed | passed |
| pytorch/combinations/mlp | passed | passed | passed | passed | passed |
Time (in seconds) report for run: fp32 using mode:onnx todtype:default backend:llvm-cpu
| tests | model-run | onnx-import | torch-mlir | iree-compile | inference |
| :----------------------- | --------: | ----------: | ---------: | -----------: | --------: |
| pytorch/operators/conv2d | 3.15231 | 0.425977 | 0.0067625 | 0.570327 | 0.0300162 |
| pytorch/operators/linear | 3.11147 | 0.422572 | 0.00860119 | 0.825361 | 0.0320294 |
| pytorch/combinations/mlp | 3.16689 | 0.438611 | 0.00681615 | 1.04092 | 0.0127583 |
Summary (time in seconds) for run: fp32 using mode:onnx todtype:default backend:llvm-cpu
| items | tests | model-run | onnx-import | torch-mlir | iree-compile | inference |
| :----------- | ------: | --------: | ----------: | ---------: | -----------: | --------: |
| total-count | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 3 |
| average-time | 4.41714 | 3.14356 | 0.429053 | 0.00739328 | 0.812203 | 0.0249346 |
| median-time | 4.44048 | 3.15231 | 0.425977 | 0.00681615 | 0.825361 | 0.0300162 |
The test-run/passed.txt has list of all tests that passed and test-run/failed.txt
has list of all
the tests that failed. After you make changes in your source code to fix torch MLIR or IREE, you can
re-run just the failing tests by simply passing test-run/failed.txt
as an input like below:
python ./ --cachedir 'path_to_your_cache_dir' -c 'path_to_your_torch_mlir_build_dir' -i 'path_to_your_iree_build_dir' --testsfile test-run/failed.txt
If you want to just generate report and skip run of tests then, you can pass --norun to skip running tests as below:
python ./ --cachedir 'path_to_your_cache_dir' -c 'path_to_your_torch_mlir_build_dir' -i 'path_to_your_iree_build_dir' --testsfile test-run/failed.txt --norun --report
Example 2: You can start from and run upto a stage. There are four stages: model-run, torch-mlir, iree-compile and inference Say if you tested upto torch-mlir and do not want to test further and come back later and test torch-mlir onwards later. As long as you have not destroyed the test-run dir, you can run following two at different times (first should have generated the torch MLIR for second one to resume successfully):
python ./ --cachedir 'path_to_your_cache_dir' -c 'path_to_your_torch_mlir_build_dir' -i 'path_to_your_iree_build_dir' --frameworks pytorch onnx --runupto torch-mlir
python ./ --cachedir 'path_to_your_cache_dir' -c 'path_to_your_torch_mlir_build_dir' -i 'path_to_your_iree_build_dir' --runfrom torch-mlir --runupto inference
Example 3:
Run given test pytorch/models/opt-125M
upto inference (default for --runupto) on target AMD AIE backend
python ./ --cachedir 'path_to_your_cache_dir' -c 'path_to_your_torch_mlir_build_dir' --frameworks onnx -i 'path_to_your_iree_build_dir' --tests pytorch/models/opt-125M --backend amd-aie
Example 4: Print number of occurrences (frequency) of each operator kind in an ONNX file and print total count of operator instances
python ./tools/ onnx/models/resnet50_vaiq_int8/model.onnx -f
Example 5: Merge reports from two different run directories named as 'fp32" and "bf16" and show a combined comparision view
python tools/ --do merge fp32 bf16
An example merged report:
| test-name | model-run-fp32 | model-run-bf16 | onnx-import-fp32 | onnx-import-bf16 | torch-mlir-fp32 | torch-mlir-bf16 | iree-compile-fp32 | iree-compile-bf16 | inference-fp32 | inference-bf16 |
| ----------------------------- | -------------- | -------------- | ---------------- | ---------------- | --------------- | --------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- | -------------- | -------------- |
| pytorch/models/llama2-7b-GPTQ | failed | failed | notrun | notrun | notrun | notrun | notrun | notrun | notrun | notrun |
| pytorch/models/opt-125M | passed | passed | passed | passed | passed | passed | passed | passed | passed | mismatch |
| pytorch/models/llama2-7b-hf | passed | passed | passed | passed | passed | passed | passed | passed | mismatch | mismatch |
Example 6: Diff reports from two different run directories named as "fp32" and "bf16" and show whether each test run matched or differed
python tools/ --do diff fp32 bf16 -m status -v
The diff report for status of runs: fp32, bf16
| test-name | model-run | onnx-import | torch-mlir | iree-compile | inference |
| :----------------------- | :-------- | :---------- | :--------- | :----------- | :---------------- |
| pytorch/operators/linear | same | same | same | same | [passed,mismatch] |
| pytorch/combinations/mlp | same | same | same | same | same |
| onnx/operators/gemm | same | same | same | same | same |
python tools/ --do diff fp32 bf16 -m time
The diff report for time (in seconds) of runs: fp32, bf16
| test-name | model-run | onnx-import | torch-mlir | iree-compile | inference |
| :----------------------- | --------: | ----------: | ----------: | -----------: | ---------: |
| pytorch/operators/linear | 0.227186 | -0.0256374 | 0.000367403 | 0.0863338 | 0.0362182 |
| pytorch/combinations/mlp | 0.245063 | -0.041338 | 0.000627995 | 0.15707 | -0.0194921 |
| onnx/operators/gemm | -0.111096 | 0.0017724 | 0.00060463 | 0 | 0 |
python tools/ -d diff fp32 bf16 -m summary
The diff report for summary (time in seconds) of runs: fp32, bf16
| items | tests | model-run | onnx-import | torch-mlir | iree-compile | inference |
| :----------- | -------: | --------: | ----------: | ---------: | -----------: | ---------: |
| total-count | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -1 |
| average-time | 0.241627 | 0.113173 | 0.026411 | 0.00141684 | 0.0643837 | 0.0362426 |
| median-time | 0.209797 | 0.109462 | 0.0351717 | 0.00205493 | 0.0539219 | 0.00918627 |
python tools/ -d diff fp32 bf16 fp32 -m summary -v -c 4,5
The diff report for summary (time in seconds) of runs: fp32, bf16, fp32
| items | iree-compile | inference |
| :----------- | :--------------- | :--------------- |
| total-count | same | [3,2,3] |
| average-time | [0.81,0.88,0.81] | [0.02,0.06,0.02] |
| median-time | [0.83,0.88,0.83] | [0.03,0.04,0.03] |
if more than two runs are diffed, then when values differ the comma separated differing values are shown
The -1 under inference indicates, one test regressed in inference
If you are interested in running tests, but want to upload the mlir files generated to Azure
to share with others or for yourself, first you will have to set the AZURE_CONNECTION_STRING
variable. You can find this connection string here:
If you don't have access to link above, you can ask Sai Enduri for the connection string.
Then, setup an upload_list.txt file with the names of the models you want to upload on. There is already one
setup at e2eshark/gold/upload_list.txt
. You can just modify that one.
Optional: If you want to change what type of files are being uploaded, simply tweak upload_list = ["mlir"]
in e2eshark/ to change or add more file types you want to upload (upload_list = ["mlir", "log"]
for example).
With this connection string and upload list file, you can now run command like this:
python ./ -c ../../torch-mlir/build -i ../../iree-build --report --cachedir ~/.cache/huggingface --mode direct --tests pytorch/models/beit-base-patch16-224-pt22k-ft22k pytorch/models/bge-base-en-v1.5 pytorch/models/mit-b0 pytorch/models/bert-large-uncased pytorch/models/deit-small-distilled-patch16-224 --uploadtestsfile /home/sai/SHARK-TestSuite-fork/e2eshark/gold/upload_list.txt --cleanup
You can then find a json file (upload_urls.json
in e2eshark directory) with the model names and links to the files uploaded for each model. You can just wget these links to download as it is public, so should be easy to share with others.
Let us say you wanted to add a new test to the framework "pytorch" to test maxpool i.e. start with pytorch model of maxpool, use run of the model as reference gold output and compare that with IREE compiled output on your target backend.
First google pytorch maxpool and read about the corresponding behavior of maxpool operator in pytorch. For this example: provides description.
Now take following steps:
- Use an appropriate suffix to describe what you are intending to test say maxpool_2d_large
- mkdir -p pytorch/operators/maxpool_2d_large
- cd pytorch/operators/maxpool_2d_large
- cp -pr pytorch/operators/conv2d/ .
- modify
- You can run 'python ./' to see input and output values
Once your is ready, you can go to root of the e2eshark test directory and run test as below
python ./ --cachedir 'path_to_your_cache_dir' -c "your torch mlir build dir" --tests pytorch/operators/maxpool_2d_large --mode direct --runupto torch-mlir --torchtolinalg
Note that I did not specify -i
for IREE build as I am running only upto torch-mlir. Also, I have added
to make sure I test upto linalg lowerging as I am not running iree-compile
Rerun above with --mode onnx
if you want ONNX to get generated from pytorch and tested in addition.
If you want to test upto inference, then provide your iree build in addition as -i
option and run as
python ./ --cachedir 'path_to_your_cache_dir' -c "your torch mlir build dir" -i 'path_to_your_iree_build_dir' --tests pytorch/operators/maxpool_2d_large --mode direct
As before, run above with --mode onnx
if you want ONNX to get generated from pytorch and tested in addition.
into test-run/pytorch/operators/maxpool_2d_large
and examine logs created.
Iterate over fixing your and examing logs till you get it right. Given state of tools, tests may fail.
If test fails because tool has bug, you are ready to add test. If test fails because of issue in,
you need to fix that before you can add test.
Once you are satisfied, git add pytorch/operators/maxpool_2d_large/
, commit and publish it.
If that is a passing test and not in gold/passed.txt, add that passing test there as well
Similarly to add a test in framework onnx, for say cumsum operator, First google pytorch ONNX.Cumsum and study behavior of the operator. For example, study .
If you do not already know how to write an ONNX model using ONNX Python API, study
Then take following steps:
- Use an appropriate suffix to describe what you are intending to test say cumsum_small
- mkdir -p onnx/operators/cumsum_small
- cd onnx/operators/cumsum_small
- cp -pr onnx/operators/gemm/ .
- modify to model behavior of ONNX.cumsum
- run 'python ./' to see input and output values, verify them to be as desired
Then test it as:
python ./ --cachedir 'path_to_your_cache_dir' -c "your torch mlir build dir" -i 'path_to_your_iree_build_dir' --tests onnx/operators/cumsum_small --mode direct --runupto inference --torchtolinalg
Then follow steps similar to the one described above for pytorch framework to test more and add the test to the repo.
The model (test) writer should decide on a specific data type (dtype) to use. Name the test with a suffix of dtype to indicate its dtype if not fp32. As an exmaple a 8-bit VAI quantized model (test) for resnet50 should preferably be named as restnet50_vaiq_int8 vs a fp32 model (test) as simply resnet50.
If a framework has support for casting a model and tensor to a particular type then using switch --todtype
you can
run the same model with a different dtype. As an example, Pytorch has
for floating point types only, so for any of pytorch tests you can run test by passing --todtype 'an_allowed_value'
Model, parameters and inputs are cast to new dtype. As long as framework run of model and IREE compiled run of model match we are able to test torch-mlir and IREE, even if the values are not exactly the same as the original values, this way of testing can help us detect many low hanging bugs.
The exmaple run below casts the model and input tensor to bf16 for test pytorch/combinations/mlp (which is originally written as fp32 model):
python ./ --cachedir 'path_to_your_cache_dir' -c "your torch mlir build dir" -i 'path_to_your_iree_build_dir' --tests pytorch/combinations/mlp --mode onnx --runupto inference --torchtolinalg --todtype bf16