This directory contains source and configuration files for benchmarking
. The sources are currently intended to benchmark cuGraph
via the
python API, but this is not a requirement, and future updates may include
benchmarks written in C++ or other languages.
The benchmarks here assume specific datasets are present in the datasets
directory under the root of the cuGraph
source tree.
cugraph built and installed (or
sources and built C++ extensions available onPYTHONPATH
) -
rapids-pytest-benchmark pytest plugin (
conda install -c rapidsai rapids-pytest-benchmark
) -
The benchmark datasets downloaded and installed in /datasets. Run the script below from the /datasets directory:
cd <cugraph>/datasets
./ --benchmark
pytest --help
(with the rapids-pytest-benchmark plugin installed) for the full list of options -
See also the
file in this directory for examples of how to enable options by default and define marks
NOTE: these commands must be run from the <cugraph_root>/benchmarks
- Run all the benchmarks and print their names on a separate line (
), and generate a report to stdout
(rapids) user@machine:/cugraph/benchmarks> pytest -v
- Run all the benchmarks but stop if an error or failure is encountered
(rapids) user@machine:/cugraph/benchmarks> pytest -x
- Run all the benchmarks but do not reinit RMM with different configurations
(rapids) user@machine:/cugraph/benchmarks> pytest --no-rmm-reinit
- Show what benchmarks would be run with the given options, but do not run them
(rapids) user@machine:/cugraph/benchmarks> pytest --collect-only
- Show the markers that can be specified to include/omit benchmarks
(rapids) user@machine:/cugraph/benchmarks> pytest --markers
- Run all the benchmarks, generate a report to stdout, and save results for future comparisons
(rapids) user@machine:/cugraph/benchmarks> pytest -v --benchmark-autosave
- Run all the benchmarks as done above, but also compare to the last run
(rapids) user@machine:/cugraph/benchmarks> pytest -v --benchmark-autosave --benchmark-compare
- Run the benchmarks against only "small" datasets
(rapids) user@machine:/cugraph/benchmarks> pytest -v -m small
- Run the benchmarks against only "small" and "directed" datasets
(rapids) user@machine:/cugraph/benchmarks> pytest -v -m "small and directed"
- Run only the SSSP benchmarks against only "small" and "directed" datasets
(rapids) user@machine:/cugraph/benchmarks> pytest -v -m "small and directed" -k sssp
- Run only the SSSP and BFS benchmarks against only "small" and "directed" datasets
(rapids) user@machine:/cugraph/benchmarks> pytest -v -m "small and directed" -k "sssp or bfs"
- Run the benchmarks for everything except pagerank
(rapids) user@machine:/cugraph/benchmarks> pytest -v -k "not pagerank"
- Run only benchmarks for the "ETL" steps
(rapids) user@machine:/cugraph/benchmarks> pytest -v -m ETL
- Run benchmarks for only the "ETL" steps and generate a histogram plot
(rapids) user@machine:/cugraph/benchmarks> pytest -v -m ETL --benchmark-histogram
- Run the benchmarks but keep RMM managed memory enabled and pool allocation disabled
(rapids) user@machine:/cugraph/benchmarks> pytest -v -m "managedmem_on and poolallocator_off"