- Pull changes from repository
git pull
- Upgrade composer dependency
php composer.phar update --prefer-dist
- Remove old caches and assets
rm -rf app/cache/*
rm -rf web/js/*
rm -rf web/css/*
- Upgrade platform
php app/console oro:platform:update --env=prod
- Pull changes from repository
git pull
- Upgrade composer dependency
php composer.phar update --prefer-dist
- Remove old caches
rm -rf app/cache/*
- Fix extended entities configuration by executing below queries in mysql console.
delete FROM oro_entity_config_value where code = 'schema' and field_id is not null; delete FROM oro_entity_config_value where field_id in (select id FROM oro_entity_config_field where field_name like 'field_%'); delete FROM oro_entity_config_field where field_name like 'field_%'; delete FROM oro_entity_config_value where code = 'set_options' and value = 'Array';
- Update extend entities configuration
php app/console oro:entity-extend:update-config --env=prod
php app/console oro:entity-extend:dump --env=prod
- Upgrade platform
php app/console oro:platform:update --env=prod
- Load new fixtures
php app/console oro:installer:fixtures:load --env=prod
- Load new workflows definitions
php app/console oro:workflow:definitions:load --env=prod
- Upgrade to 1.0.0-alpha or beta is not supported and full reinstall with drop database, clear cache folders is required