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Bermuda Bluetooth/BLE Triangulation / Trilateration for HomeAssistant


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Bermuda BLE Triangulation

Triangulate your lost objects using ESPHome bluetooth proxies!

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##STATUS: Early days!

  • Can replace bluetooth_ble_tracker by creating entities for home/not_home for selected BLE devices, which can be used for Person home/away sensing. This is the "Zone" element of homeassistant localisation, where "home" is one Zone, and "work" or other large geographic areas might be others.

  • Provides a json/yaml dump of devices and their distances from each bluetooth receiver. This is via the bermuda.dump_devices service.

  • (soon) Provides sensors to indicate which Room ("Area", in HA terms) a device is "in". This is based on the measured RF power (rssi - received signal strength indicator) which can give a (varyingly inaccurate) measure of distance to the closest BLE Proxy. If you have a bluetooth receiver (ESPHome with bluetooth_proxy or a Shelley device) in each room you want tracking for, this will do the job.

  • (soon) Provide a mud-map of your entire home, in bluetooth signal strength terms.

This integration uses the advertisement data gathered by your esphome or Shelley bluetooth-proxy deployments to track or triangulate (more correctly, trilaterate) the relative positions of any BLE devices observed around your home.

Note that this is more properly called "Trilateration", as we are not measuring the angles, but instead measuring distances. The bottom line is that triangulation is more likely to hit people's search terms.

This integration gives you two forms of presence tracking.

  • Simple Home/Away detection using the device_tracker integration. This is not much different to the already working bluetooth_le_tracker integration in that regard, but was an easy step along the way to...
  • Room-based ("Area"s in homeassistant parlance) localisation for bluetooth devices. For example, "which human/pet is at home and in what room are they?" and "where's my phone/toothbrush?"


Isn't mmWave better?

: mmWave is definitely faster, but it will only tell you "someone" has entered a space, while Bermuda can tell you who is in a space.

What about PIR / Infrared?

: It's also likely faster than bluetooth, but again it only tells you that someone / something is present, but doesn't tell you who/what.

So how does that help?

: If the home knows who is in a given room, it can set the thermostat to their personal preferences, or perhaps their lighting settings. This might be particularly useful for testing automations for yourself before unleashing them on to your housemates, so they don't get annoyed while you iron out the bugs :-)

: If you have BLE tags on your pets you can have automations specifically for them, and/or you can exclude certain automations, for example don't trigger a light from an IR sensor if it knows it's just your cat, say.

How quickly does it react?

: That will mainly depend on how often your beacon transmits advertisements, however right now the integration only re-calculates on a timed basis. This should be changed to a realtime recalculation based on incoming advertisements soon.

What you need

  • HomeAssistant, with the bluetooth integration enabled
  • Multiple (ideally) ESPHome devices, acting as bluetooth_proxy devices. I like the D1-Mini32 boards because they're cheap and easy to deploy. The Shelly bluetooth proxy devices should also work but I don't have any so can't test them myself. Issue reports with debug info welcome.
  • Some bluetooth things you want to locate (phones, beacons/tags etc)
  • That's it! No mqtt, or devices dedicated to bluetooth (the esphome devices can also provide other sensors etc, within reason)

How it works

When a BLE device sends an advertisement packet, each bluetooth proxy that hears it will send it to HomeAssistant, along with the rssi (received signal strength indicator) which is basically how "strong" the received signal was.

Lots of things affect the rssi value, but one of them is distance. This integration compares the rssi value for a given advertisement across the different bluetooth proxies, and from that tries to make some guesses about how far (in relative terms) the device was from each proxy.

The plan is to experiment with multiple algorithms to find the best ways to establish a device's location. In the first instace the methods are:

  • If a device is close (within a few metres) to a receiver, consider it to be in the same Area as that receiver. (Working)
  • Attempt to "solve" a 2D map for all beacons and receivers based on the triangles created between them to derive all the required distances. (WIP)

What you'll see

After enabling the integration, you should start to see results for any bluetooth devices in your home that are sending broadcasts. The implemented results are: (important to note here that VERY FEW of these boxes are ticked yet!)

[x] A raw listing of values returned when you call the bermuda.dump_devices service [x] area if a device is within a max distance of a receiver [] An interface to choose which devices should have sensors created for them [x] Sensors created for selected devices, showing their estimated location [] Algo to "solve" the 2D layout of devices [] A mud-map showing relative locations between proxies and detected devices [] An interface to "pin" the proxies on a map to establish a sort of coordinate system [] An interface to define Areas in relation to the pinned proxies

TODO / Ideas

[x] Basic bermuda.dump_devices service that responds with measurements. [] Switch to performing updates on receipt of advertisements, instead of periodic polling [] Realtime approximation of inter-proxy distances using Triangle Inequality [] Resolve x/y co-ordinates of all scanners and proxies (!) [] Some sort of map, just pick two proxies as an x-axis vector and go [] Config setting to define absolute locations of two proxies [] Support some way to "pin" more than two proxies/tags, and have it not break. [] Create entities (use device_tracker? or create own?) for each detected beacon [] Experiment with some of these algo's for improving accuracy (too much math for me!). Particularly weighting shorter distances higher and perhaps the cosine similarity fingerprinting, possibly against fixed beacons as well to smooth environmental rssi fluctuations.

Hacking tips

Wanna improve this? Awesome! Here's some tips on how it works inside and what direction I'm hoping to go. Bear in mind this is my first ever HA integration, and I'm much more greybeard sysadmin than programmer, so ifwhere I'm doing stupid things I really would welcome some improvements!

At this stage I'm using the service bermuda.dump_devices to examine the internal state while I gather the basic info and make initial efforts at calculating locations. It's defined in

(right now that's about all that exists!)

Prior Art

The bluetooth_tracker and ble_tracker integrations are only built to give a "home/not home" determination, and don't do "Area" based location. (nb: "Zones" are places outside the home, while "Areas" are rooms/areas inside the home). I wanted to be free to experiement with this in ways that might not suit core, but hopefully at least some of this could find a home in the core codebase one day.

The "monitor" script uses standalone Pi's to gather bluetooth data and then pumps it into MQTT. It doesn't use the bluetooth_proxy capabilities which I feel are the future of home bluetooth networking (well, it is for my home, anyway!).

ESPrescence looks cool, but I don't want to dedicate my nodes to non-esphome use, and again it doesn't leverage the bluetooth proxy features now in HA. I am probably reinventing a fair amount of ESPrescense's wheel.

This component will set up the following platforms.

Platform Description
binary_sensor Nothing yet.
sensor Nor here, yet.
switch Nope.


Definitely use the HACS interface! Once you have HACS installed, go to Integrations, click the meatballs menu in the top right, and choose Custom Repositories. Paste agittins/bermuda into the Repository field, and choose Integration for the Category. Click Add.

You should now be able to add the Bermuda BLE Triangulation integration. Once you have done that, you need to restart Homeassistant, then in Settings, Devices & Services choose Add Integration and search for Bermuda BLE Triangulation.

The instructions below are the generic notes from the template:

  1. Using the tool of choice open the directory (folder) for your HA configuration (where you find configuration.yaml).
  2. If you do not have a custom_components directory (folder) there, you need to create it.
  3. In the custom_components directory (folder) create a new folder called bermuda.
  4. Download all the files from the custom_components/bermuda/ directory (folder) in this repository.
  5. Place the files you downloaded in the new directory (folder) you created.
  6. Restart Home Assistant
  7. In the HA UI go to "Configuration" -> "Integrations" click "+" and search for "Bermuda BLE Triangulation"

Contributions are welcome!

If you want to contribute to this please read the Contribution guidelines


This project was generated from @oncleben31's Home Assistant Custom Component Cookiecutter template.

Code template was mainly taken from @Ludeeus's integration_blueprint template Cookiecutter User Guide**