Julie Ops is available to be integrated using different artefacts:
- As a CLI tool, available to be installed using rpm, deb and tar.gz packages from github.
The rpm and deb releases are signed - if you are interested in importing the matching public key - you can download it here: public key.
- As a docker image, available from docker hub.
NOTE: In the future it will also be available as a jar to be integrated in other libraries.
If you are using the CLI tool, you an use the --help command to list the different options available.
$> julie-ops-cli.sh --help
usage: cli
--brokers <arg> The Apache Kafka server(s) to connect to.
--clientConfig <arg> The client configuration file.
--dryRun Print the execution plan without
altering anything.
--help Prints usage information.
--overridingClientConfig <arg> The overriding AdminClient
configuration file.
--plans <arg> File describing the predefined plans
--quiet Print minimum status update
--topology <arg> Topology config file.
--validate Only run configured validations in
your topology
--version Prints useful version information.
The most important ones are:
- --brokers: This is an optional parameter where the user can list the target Kafka cluster urls.
- --clientConfig: As other tools, Julie Ops needs it's own configuration. In this parameter users can pass a file listing all different personalisation options.
- --overridingClientConfig: The user can pass a second configuration. This configuration takes priority over the default. This mechanism can be used in a CI/CD pipeline, to separate credentials from the main configuration.
- --dryRun: When as a user, you don't want to run the tool, but instead see what might happen. This option is very useful to evaluate changes before applying them to the cluster.
- --topology: This is where you will pass the topology file. It can be either a single file, or a directory. If a directory is used, all files within are going to be compiled into a single macro topology.
- --version: If you wanna know the version you are running.
As explained earlier, users can run the tool as well directly as docker images. An example command for this function will look like this:
$> docker run -t -i \
-v /Users/pere/work/kafka-topology-builder/example:/example \
purbon/kafka-topology-builder:latest \
julie-ops-cli.sh \
--brokers pkc-4ygn6.europe-west3.gcp.confluent.cloud:9092 \
--clientConfig /example/topology-builder-with-schema-cloud.properties \
--topology /example/descriptor.yaml -quiet
CLI options are all available here. Available image tags can be found at docker hub.