Welcome to AHUBU, the best web browser around.
To move around the page, try the j/k keys for scrolling.
Press ‘f’ for link hinting.
Type ‘o’ to pop open the buffer prompt to enter a new URL or search term.
Press ‘t’ to do the same, but in a new tab.
Use ‘gt’ and ‘gT’ to cycle through tabs (or just push 1 - 9 to hop to the aforementioned tab).
Press ‘b’ to view a list of your open buffers (tabs) and type some partial match on the URL or title to filter your results to that match.
To jump to a quickmark (like a bookmark, but much better), press ‘go’ followed by the quickmark defined in your ~/.ahuburc or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/ahubu/ahuburc file (you do have one of those right?)
So, if your file looked like this:
;; -*- mode: clojure -*-
;; These shadow into the keybinds with a more concise syntax.
:a "http://ahungry.com"
:d "http://ddg.gg"
:e "http://example.com"
You could press ‘goa’ to jump to ahungry.com, or ‘gne’ to open example.com in a new buffer.
Look at this project’s conf/url-ignore-regexes.txt file to add your own list of regexes to exclude from requesting.
Look at the project’s conf/dom-id-ignores.txt file to add your own list of DOM IDs to exclude from rendering.
Look at the project’s conf/dom-class-ignores.txt file to add your own list of DOM class identifiers to exclude from rendering.
Create an rc file in ~/.ahuburc (or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/ahubu/ahuburc) with contents such as this:
cp conf/default-rc ~/.ahuburc
You can bind any of the following to your key presses:
- A valid Clojure function call (or expression, such as a Clojure lambda)
- A string literal (this will run as javascript in the browser)
- A keyword bind can be a keyword letter, OR a string (useful for CTRL + key binds)
At the moment, rebinding :keymaps will require you to fully spec out your custom keymaps, so make sure to start with a full config and customize as needed.
;; -*- mode: clojure -*-
;; These shadow into the keybinds with a more concise syntax.
:a "http://ahungry.com"
:d "http://ddg.gg"
:e "http://example.com"
;; These tie to the various modes.
:z "my_custom_js_call()"
:y ahubu.lib/any-builtin-function
:x #(println "Hello)