Note: built up based on
We use the following packages
torch 1.11.0
torch-geometric 2.1.0
torch-scatter 2.0.9
torch-sparse 0.6.13
torch-spline-conv 1.2.1
First, install the required packages
pip install torch==1.11.0+${CUDA} --extra-index-url${CUDA}
pip install torch-sparse==0.6.13 torch-spline-conv==1.2.1 torch-scatter==2.0.9 -f${CUDA}.html
pip install torch-geometric==2.1.0.post1
pip install ortools easydict matplotlib yfinance pandas cvxpylayers xlwt pyyaml gurobipy
We have the following methods
- CPU methods : random / gurobi / scip / greedy
- CardNN methods : cardnn-s / cardnn-gs / cardnn-hgs
- CardNN-noTTO methods : cardnn-notto-s / cardnn-notto-gs / cardnn-notto-hgs
- EGN method : egn-naive
- Ours (UCom2) : ucom2
Below are the datasets for the facility location problem
- Datasets : rand500 / rand800 / starbucks / mcd / subway
Below are the commands for running CPU methods
- CPU methods : random / gurobi / scip / greedy
python facility_location_[method].py --cfg cfg/facility_location_[dataset].yaml --timestamp [seed]
For example, to run the method "random" on "rand500" datasets, you should run
python --cfg cfg/facility_location_rand500.yaml --timestamp 0
Below are the commands for running CardNN and CardNN-noTTO methods
- CardNN methods : cardnn-s / cardnn-gs / cardnn-hgs
- CardNN-noTTO methods : cardnn-notto-s / cardnn-notto-gs / cardnn-notto-hgs
python facility_location_[method].py --cfg cfg/facility_location_[dataset].yaml --lr [learning_rate] --reg [gumbel_sigma] --timestamp [seed]
For example, to run the method "cardnn-hgs" on "rand500" datasets, you should run
python --cfg cfg/facility_location_rand500.yaml --lr 1e-4 --reg 0.25 --timestamp 0
Below are the commands for running EGN method and our method
- EGN method : egn-naive
- Ours (UCom2) : ucom2
python facility_location_[method].py --cfg cfg/facility_location_[dataset].yaml --lr [learning_rate] --reg [constraint_coefficient] --timestamp [seed]
For example, to run the proposed method "ucom2" on "rand500" datasets, you should run
python --cfg cfg/facility_location_rand500.yaml --lr 1e-2 --reg 1e-2 --timestamp 0
For the RL method, we adapted code from Please follow the installation guidance thereof.
See the files in the RL folder: facility_location_rl_*.py.
For example, to run the RL method on "rand500" datasets, you should run
python RL/ --ds rand500_train
Below are the datasets for the maximum coverage problem
- Datasets : rand500 / rand1000 / twitch / rail
Below are the commands for running CPU methods
- CPU methods : random / gurobi / scip / greedy
python max_cover_[method].py --cfg cfg/max_cover_[dataset].yaml --timestamp [seed]
For example, to run the method "random" on "rand500" datasets, you should run
python --cfg cfg/max_cover_rand500.yaml --timestamp 0
Below are the command for running CardNN and CardNN-noTTO methods
- CardNN methods : cardnn-s / cardnn-gs / cardnn-hgs
- CardNN-noTTO methods : cardnn-notto-s / cardnn-notto-gs / cardnn-notto-hgs
python max_cover_[method].py --cfg cfg/max_cover_[dataset].yaml --lr [learning_rate] --reg [gumbel_sigma] --timestamp [seed]
For example, to run the method "cardnn-hgs" on "rand500" datasets, you should run
python --cfg cfg/max_cover_rand500.yaml --lr 1e-5 --reg 0.15 --timestamp 0
Below are the command for running EGN method and our method
- EGN method : egn-naive
- ours (UCom2) : ucom2
python max_cover_[method].py --cfg cfg/max_cover_[dataset].yaml --lr [learning_rate] --reg [constraint_coefficient] --timestamp [seed]
For example, to run the proposed method "ucom2" on "rand500" datasets, you should run
python --cfg cfg/max_cover_rand500.yaml --lr 1e-5 --reg 0.15 --timestamp 0
For the RL method, we adapted code from Please follow the installation guidance thereof.
See the files in the RL folder: max_cover_rl_*.py.
For example, to run the RL method on "rand500" datasets, you should run
python RL/ --ds rand500_train
We also provide bash files for conveniently executing experiments for each method.
Below are the commands for running CPU methods
- CPU methods : random / gurobi / scip / greedy
bash [method].sh
For example, to execute experiments with the method "random", you should run
For the other methods, two bash files are provided for two problems (facility location and maximum coverage), perspectively.
bash [fl/mc]_{method}.sh
For example, to execute experiments on the facility location problem with the proposed method "ucom2", you should run