University of Bath
- Manchester, United Kingdom
- www.linkedin.com/in/aidan-o-brien/
Starred repositories
Natural Language Processing Tutorial for Deep Learning Researchers
Free MLOps course from DataTalks.Club
Projects and exercises for the latest Deep Learning ND program https://www.udacity.com/course/deep-learning-nanodegree--nd101
AI and Machine Learning with Kubeflow, Amazon EKS, and SageMaker
Public repo for DeepLearning.AI MLEP Specialization
Reproducible Machine Learning for Credit Card Fraud Detection - Practical Handbook
Take a photo of food and learn about it.
Repository for the paper "Thou shalt not hate: Countering Online Hate Speech" accepted at ICWSM 2019.
Machine learning application which parses a video to map player position on a 2D court and detect basketball shots.
An analysis of arXiv data, in terms of AI and Deep Learning research