KadaKareer | Sky Works Tech
- Manila, Philippines
- aivantuquero.com
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Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond
Plugins for Flutter maintained by the Flutter team
Flutter 超完整的开源项目,功能丰富,适合学习和日常使用。GSYGithubApp系列的优势:我们目前已经拥有Flutter、Weex、ReactNative、kotlin 四个版本。 功能齐全,项目框架内技术涉及面广,完成度高,持续维护,配套文章,适合全面学习,对比参考。跨平台的开源Github客户端App,更好的体验,更丰富的功能,旨在更好的日常管理和维护个人Github,提供更好…
Flutter Launcher Icons - A package which simplifies the task of updating your Flutter app's launcher icon. Fully flexible, allowing you to choose what platform you wish to update the launcher icon …
Flutter | Create advanced modal bottom sheets. Material, Cupertino or your own style
Highly customizable, feature-packed calendar widget for Flutter
Easily make Flutter apps responsive. Automatically adapt UI to different screen sizes. Responsiveness made simple. Demo: https://gallery.codelessly.com/flutterwebsites/minimal/
Nylo is the fastest way to build your next Flutter mobile app. Streamline your projects with Nylo's opinionated approach to building Flutter apps. Develop your next idea ⚡️
extended official text field to quickly build special text like inline image, @somebody, custom background etc.
Flutter CN docs translation plan, get started from the wiki: https://github.com/cfug/flutter.cn/wiki
Lint rules for Dart and Flutter used internally at Very Good Ventures 🦄
The collection package for Dart contains a number of separate libraries with utility functions and classes that makes working with collections easier.
A Dart package that contains tools to work with asynchronous computations.