npm install --save @vx/mock-data
The @vx/mock-data
package is here to help you test out your graphs.
Generators can create simple generic data for you like this:
import Mock from '@vx/mock-data';
const points = Mock.genRandomNormalPoints();
Returns a series of random normal x,y points.
Generates n
date values an hour apart from each other starting with the current time.
Mock are essentially a bunch of data dumps that you can use like this:
import Mock from '@vx/mock-data';
const data = Mock.cityTemperature;
Property |
date |
close |
Property |
date |
Google Chrome |
Internet Explorer |
Firefox |
Safari |
Microsoft Edge |
Opera |
Mozilla |
Other/Unknown |
Property |
date |
New York |
San Francisco |
Austin |
Property |
date |
key |
value |
Property |
letter |
frequency |