Maximizing Observable Science with ARC & Carnegie Instruments
Fork this repository, add a bullet point to the list of ideas below, and add your name to the author list, and generate a pull request. If you add an idea, you must add your name, and vice versa.
Keep it brief, but specific. Boldface a phrase or sentence that serves as the "title" for your idea.
- Anne-Marie Weijmans (Univ. of St Andrews)
- Joel Brownstein (Univ. of Utah)
- Brian Cherinka (STScI)
- José Sánchez-Gallego (Univ. of Washington)
- Scott Anderson (Univ. of Washington)
- Rachael Beaton (STScI)
- W. Niell Brandt (Pennsylvania State Univ.)
- Niall Deacon (MPIA)
- John Donor (TCU)
- Kate Grier (U. Wisconsin-Madison)
- Britt Lundgren (UNCA)
- Karen Masters (Haverford College)
- Ilija Medan (Vanderbilt Univ.)
- Sean Morrison (Univ. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
- David Nidever (Montana State Univ.)
- Jordan Raddick (JHU)
- Manuchehr Taghizadeh-Popp (JHU)
- Ani Thakar (JHU)
- Rita Tojeiro (Univ. of St Andrews)
Create a live auction for spectra. The interface is: Choose your instrument, your observing conditions, exposure time, time constraints, and so on, and a maximum amount you are willing to pay for one spectrum (the bid). At every interval (15 minutes, say), we find the telescope pointing and field configurations that maximize revenue. We charge a discounted rate to the bids, which is discounted because we bill a total amount to all the winning bids that delivers to us a total revenue that is halfway between the best field's total of bids and the second-best field's total of bids (I believe there is research about this structure). — Hogg
Follow the LSST footprint, by some sparse sampling. Operate a time-domain survey that is always pointing at a field that was observed by LSST within the last N minutes. Permits all-sky survey targets and also LSST-triggered target-of-opportunity targets in the same program. Could be combined with the live auction idea above. — Hogg
Fill out the binary system parameter space. There will be many binary systems where Gaia DR4 will be unable to solve the complete orbit. Some will be too faint, particularly for stars in the dusty disk. Other systems might be multi-modal: two or more likely regions of binary parameter space. In these situations, a (possibly) well-timed RV precise (~100 m/s) RV measurement from APOGEE will resolve the orbit. — Casey
A noisier expansion of Galactic Genesis. APOGEE is the only current or planned spectrograph that can survey the Galactic plane at scale. GALAH, 4MOST, and WEAVE either avoid the plane entirely, or produce shallow samples. A low S/N spectrum (~20) for millions more Galactic Genesis targets would be sufficient to measure a radial velocity, to measure interstellar dust along the line of sight. — Casey
Narrow-band photometry yields abundance indicators for stellar litmus tests. There are stellar astrophysics questions where competing physical explanations might be differentiated by the measurement of a single absorption line. For example, is this star lithium-rich? Is there also high berylium, or high chromospheric activity in the helium lines? Is the lead abundance in this star very high (indicating one nucleosynthetic process), or very low (indicating the other)? With good models of stellar spectra, an extremely narrow-band photometric filter can be sufficient to perform these litmus tests for large numbers of stars, where high-resolution spectroscopy would otherwise be too expensive. — Casey