Expose service is part of the Alchemy ecosystem. Its role is to expose assets to the Internet.
Service wraps the following end projects:
- Expose API (back end)
Please first have a look at publication payload reference!
First entrypoint is the React app with one main route:
(or maybe with a token: /p/{id}/{token}
The React app displays a loader while querying the expose API to fetch the publication:
GET [API_HOST]/p/{id}
If there is no protection, the response will contain all the publication payload. Otherwise the response will be limited to protection method:
"id": "123",
"securityMethod": "password | authentication"
Then front (React) application will display the according authentication method and request the publication payload again:
- with password:
GET [API_HOST]/p/{id} --header "Authorization: Password {password}"
In this example we access the publication at:
```sequence title Expose loading
note over Browser: User wants to access the publication Browser->React: GET https://expose.com/123 React->Browser: Return static page with JS note over Browser: React app boots Browser->API: GET https://api.expose.com/publications/123 API->Browser: Returns publication payload {"id": "123", ...} note over Browser: React displays the layout ```
At the top level, we have layouts:
- download (display thumbnail while downloading the whole package)
- gallery (simple web gallery)
- lightbox (an extended web gallery with actions on files)
At the second level, we have themes. Themes are declined graphical versions of layouts. A theme should be implemented for each layout.
We can define a unique URL path for an asset:
"id": "123",
"assetId": "asset-unique-id",
"alternateUrl": "a/b/c"
Asset will be accessible at https://client-url.com/direct/{alternateUrl}
Override environment variables defined in .env
EXPOSE_CLIENT_ID=<THE_CLIENT_ID> # NOT the client ID from Phraseanet
EXPOSE_CLIENT_SECRET=<A_SECRET> # NOT the client secret from Phraseanet
// configs/config.json
"expose": {
"analytics": {
"provider": "google_analytics|matomo",
"options": {
"propertyId": "GA123", // google_analytics
"siteId": "4242" // For matomo
Publications and assets can be accessed directly with slugs:
i.e. GET https://mygallery.com/publication-1/asset-1
In the above example, publication should have a slug
property equal to publication-1
and the asset having