This is an offical PyTorch implementation of
An Implicit Alignment for Video Super-Resolution.
Kai Xu, Ziwei Yu, Xin Wang, Michael Bi Mi, Angela Yao
Computer Vision & Machine Learning group, NUS.
Video super-resolution commonly uses a frame-wise alignment to support the propagation of information over time. The role of alignment is well-studied for low-level enhancement in video, but existing works have overlooked one critical step -- re-sampling. Most works, regardless of how they compensate for motion between frames, be it flow-based warping or deformable convolution/attention, use the default choice of bilinear interpolation for re-sampling. However, bilinear interpolation acts effectively as a low-pass filter and thus hinders the aim of recovering high-frequency content for super-resolution.
This paper studies the impact of re-sampling on alignment for video super-resolution. Extensive experiments reveal that for alignment to be effective, the re-sampling should preserve the original sharpness of the features and prevent distortions. From these observations, we propose an implicit alignment method that re-samples through a window-based cross-attention with sampling positions encoded by sinusoidal positional encoding. The re-sampling is implicitly computed by learned network weights. Experiments show that the proposed implicit alignment enhances the performance of state-of-the-art frameworks with minimal impact on both synthetic and real-world datasets.
A comparison diagram between bilinear interpolation and our implicit alignment. Bilinear interpolation fixes aggregation weight
REDS4 | Frames | PSNR | SSIM | Download |
PSRT-recurrent | 6 | 31.88 | 0.8964 | |
IART (ours) | 6 | 32.15 | 0.9010 | model | results |
REDS4 | Frames | PSNR | SSIM | Download |
BasicVSR++ | 30 | 32.39 | 0.9069 | |
VRT | 16 | 32.19 | 0.9006 | |
RVRT | 30 | 32.75 | 0.9113 | |
PSRT-recurrent | 16 | 32.72 | 0.9106 | |
IART (ours) | 16 | 32.90 | 0.9138 | model | results |
We test the code for python-3.9, torch-1.13.1 and cuda-11.7. Similar versions will also work.
conda create -n IART python==3.9
conda activate IART
pip install torch==1.13.1+cu117 torchvision==0.14.1+cu117 --extra-index-url
pip install -r requirements.txt
To prepare the dataset, follow BasicSR. After completing the preparation, the directory structure should be as follows:
│ └──val_REDS4_sharp
│ └──val_REDS4_sharp_bicubic
Download models and put them under experiments/pretrained_models/
# VSR trained on REDS with 6 input frames, tested on REDS4
# VSR trained on REDS with 16 input frames, tested on REDS4
# VSR trained on REDS with 6 input frames, tested on REDS4
bash 8 options/IART_REDS_N6_300K.yml
# VSR trained on REDS with 16 input frames, tested on REDS4
bash 8 options/IART_REDS_N16_600K.yml
# video sr trained on Vimeo, validated on Vid4
bash 8 options/IART_Vimeo_N14_300K.yml
Due to the incompatibility of pytorch checkpoint and distributed training, the training process will terminate after the first 5000 iterations. To resume the training, execute the training script again and the previously saved parameters will be automatically loaded. This will restore the normal training procedure.
We acknowledge the following contributors whose code served as the basis for our work: