Lightweight, fully spec-compliant HTML5 server-sent events library.
- go-sse
Install the package using go get
go get -u
It is strongly recommended to use tagged versions of go-sse
in your projects. The master
branch has tested but unreleased and maybe undocumented changes, which may break backwards compatibility - use with caution.
The library provides both server-side and client-side implementations of the protocol. The implementations are completely decoupled and unopinionated: you can connect to a server created using go-sse
from the browser and you can connect to any server that emits events using the client!
If you are not familiar with the protocol or not sure how it works, read MDN's guide for using server-sent events. The spec is also useful read!
First, a server instance has to be created:
import ""
s := sse.NewServer()
The sse.Server
type also implements the http.Handler
interface, but a server is framework-agnostic: See the ServeHTTP
implementation to learn how to implement your own custom logic.
The NewServer
constructor actually takes in additional options:
package sse
func NewServer(options ...ServerOption) *Server
One of them is the WithProvider
func WithProvider(provider Provider) Option
A provider is an implementation of the publish-subscribe messaging system:
type Provider interface {
// Publish a message to all subscribers. A message contains the event and some additional information - read further and see the documentation.
Publish(msg *Message) error
// Add a new subscriber that is unsubscribed when the context is done.
Subscribe(ctx context.Context, sub Subscription) error
// Cleanup all resources and stop publishing messages or accepting subscriptions.
Stop() error
The provider is what dispatches events to clients. When you publish a message (an event), the provider distributes it to all connections (subscribers). It is the central piece of the server: it determines the maximum number of clients your server can handle, the latency between broadcasting events and receiving them client-side and the maximum message throughput supported by your server. As different use cases have different needs, go-sse
allows to plug in your own system. Some examples of such external systems are:
- RabbitMQ streams
- Redis pub-sub
- Apache Kafka
- Your own! For example, you can mock providers in testing.
If an external system is required, an adapter that satisfies the Provider
interface must be created so it can then be used with go-sse
. To implement such an adapter, read the Provider documentation for implementation requirements! And maybe share them with others: go-sse
is built with reusability in mind!
But in most cases the power and scalability that these external systems bring is not necessary, so go-sse
comes with a default provider builtin. Read further!
The server still works by default, without a provider. go-sse
brings you Joe: the trusty, pure Go pub-sub implementation, who handles all your events by default! Befriend Joe as following:
import ""
joe := sse.NewJoe()
and he'll dispatch events all day! By default, he has no memory of what events he has received, but you can help him remember and replay older messages to new clients using a ReplayProvider
type ReplayProvider interface {
// Put a new event in the provider's buffer.
// It takes a pointer to a pointer because a new event may be created,
// in case the ReplayProvider automatically sets IDs.
Put(msg **Message)
// Replay valid events to a subscriber.
Replay(sub Subscription)
provides two replay providers by default, which both hold the events in-memory: the ValidReplayProvider
and FiniteReplayProvider
. The first replays events that are valid, not expired, the second replays a finite number of the most recent events. For example:
ReplayProvider: server.NewValidReplayProvider(),
ReplayGCInterval: time.Minute,
will tell Joe to replay all valid events and clean up the expired ones each minute! Replay providers can do so much more (for example, add IDs to events automatically): read the docs on how to use the existing ones and how to implement yours.
You can also implement your own replay providers: maybe you need persistent storage for your events? Or event validity is determined based on other criterias than expiry time? And if you think your replay provider may be useful to others, you are encouraged to share it!
created the ReplayProvider
interface mainly for Joe
, but it encourages you to integrate it with your own Provider
implementations, where suitable.
To publish events from the server, we use the sse.Message
import ""
m := sse.Message{}
m.AppendText("Hello world!", "Nice\nto see you.")
Now let's send it to our clients:
var s *sse.Server
This is how clients will receive our event:
data: Hello world!
data: Nice
data: to see you.
If we use a replay provider, such as ValidReplayProvider
, this event will expire immediately and it also doesn't have an ID. Let's solve this:
m.SetTTL(5 * time.Minute)
Now the event will look like this:
id: unique
data: Hello world!
data: Nice
data: to see you.
And the ValidReplayProvider will stop replaying it after 5 minutes!
An EventID
type is also exposed, which is a special type that denotes an event's ID. An ID must not have newlines, so we use a special function that validates the ID beforehand. MustEventID
panics, but there's also NewEventID
, which returns an error indicating whether the value was successfully converted to an ID or not:
id, err := sse.NewEventID("invalid\nID")
Here, err
will be non-nil and id
will be an invalid value: nothing will be sent to clients if you set an event's ID using that value!
Either way, IDs and expiry times can also be retrieved, so replay providers can use them to determine from which IDs to replay messages and which messages are still valid:
fmt.Println(m.ID(), m.ExpiresAt())
Setting the event's name (or type) is equally easy:
ok := m.SetName("The event's name")
Names cannot have newlines, so the returned boolean flag indicates whether the name was valid and set. Read the docs to find out more about messages and how to use them!
Now, let's put everything that we've learned together! We'll create a server that sends a "Hello world!" message every second to all its clients, with Joe's help:
package main
import (
func main() {
s := sse.NewServer()
go func() {
m := sse.Message{}
m.AppendText("Hello world")
for range time.Tick(time.Second) {
_ = s.Publish(&m)
if err := http.ListenAndServe(":8000", s); err != nil {
Joe is our default provider here, as no provider is given to the server constructor. The server is already an http.Handler
so we can use it directly with http.ListenAndServe
Also see a more complex example!
This is by far a complete presentation, make sure to read the docs in order to use go-sse
to its full potential!
We will use the sse.Client
type for connecting to event streams:
type Client struct {
HTTPClient *http.Client
OnRetry backoff.Notify
ResponseValidator ResponseValidator
MaxRetries int
DefaultReconnectionTime time.Duration
As you can see, it uses a net/http
client. It also uses the cenkalti/backoff library for implementing auto-reconnect when a connection to a server is lost. Read the client docs and the Backoff library's docs to find out how to configure the client. We'll use the default client the package provides for further examples.
We must first create an http.Request
- yup, a fully customizable request:
req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, http.MethodGet, "host", nil)
Any kind of request is valid as long as your server handler supports it: you can do a GET, a POST, send a body; do whatever! The context is used as always for cancellation - to stop receiving events you will have to cancel the context. Let's initiate a connection with this request:
import ""
conn := sse.DefaultClient.NewConnection(req)
// you can also do client.NewConnection(req)
// it is an utility function that calls the
// NewConnection method on the default client
Great! Let's imagine the event stream looks as following:
data: some unnamed event
event: I have a name
data: some data
event: Another name
data: some data
To receive the unnamed events, we subscribe to them as following:
unsubscribe := conn.SubscribeMessages(func (event sse.Event) {
// do something with the event
To receive the events named "I have a name":
unsubscribe := conn.SubscribeEvent("I have a name", func (event sse.Event) {
// do something with the event
If you want to subscribe to all events, regardless of their name:
unsubscribe := conn.SubscribeToAll(func (event sse.Event) {
// do something with the event
All Susbcribe
methods return a function that when called tells the connection to stop calling the corresponding callback.
In order to work with events, the sse.Event
type has some fields and methods exposed:
type Event struct {
LastEventID string
Name string
Data []byte
func (e Event) String() { return string(e.Data) }
Pretty self-explanatory, but make sure to read the docs!
Now, with this knowledge, let's subscribe to all unnamed events and, when the connection is established, print their data to os.Stdout
out := log.New(os.Stdout, "", 0)
unsubscribe := conn.SubscribeMessages(func(event sse.Event) {
out.Printf("Received an unnamed event: %s\n", event)
We use a log.Logger
instance because it synchronizes prints with a mutex: for each event the callback is called in a separate goroutine, so access to shared resources must be synchronized by the client.
Great, we are subscribed now! Let's start receiving events:
err := conn.Connect()
By calling Connect
, the request created above will be sent to the server, and if successful, the subscribed callbacks will be called when new events are received. Connect
returns only after all callbacks have finished executing.
To stop calling a certain callback, call the unsubscribe function returned when subscribing. You can also subscribe new callbacks after calling Connect from a different goroutine.
Either way, after receiving so many events, something went wrong and the server is temporarily down. Oh no! As a last hope, it has sent us the following event:
retry: 60000
: that's a minute in milliseconds and this
: is a comment which is ignored by the client
Not a sweat, though! The connection will automatically be reattempted after a minute, when we'll hope the server's back up again. Canceling the request's context will cancel any reconnection attempt, too.
If the server doesn't set a retry time, the client's DefaultReconnectionTime
is used.
Let's use what we know to create a client for the prevoius server example:
package main
import (
func main() {
r, _ := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "http://localhost:8000", nil)
conn := sse.NewConnection(r)
out := log.New(os.Stdout, "", 0)
conn.SubscribeMessages(func(ev sse.Event) {
out.Printf("%s\n\n", ev)
if err := conn.Connect(); err != nil {
Yup, this is it! We are using the default client to receive all the unnamed events from the server. The output will look like this, when both programs are run in parallel:
Hello world!
Hello world!
Hello world!
Hello world!
See the complex example's client too!
This project is licensed under the MIT license.
The library's in its early stages, so contributions are vital - I'm so glad you wish to improve go-sse
! Maybe start by opening an issue first, to describe the intended modifications and further discuss how to integrate them. Open PRs to the master
branch and wait for CI to complete. If all is clear, your changes will soon be merged! Also, make sure your changes come with an extensive set of tests and the code is formatted.
Thank you for contributing!