Massa is a truly decentralized blockchain controlled by thousands of people. With the breakthrough multithreaded technology, we’re set for mass adoption.
Massa is a new blockchain reaching a high transaction throughput in a decentralized network. Our research is published in this technical paper. It shows that a throughput of 10'000 transactions per second is reached even in a fully decentralized network with thousands of nodes.
An easy-to-read blog post introduction with videos is written here.
We are now releasing the Massa testnet in this Gitlab repository, with its explorer available at
As decentralization is our core value, we would like to help you start and run a Massa node. Running a node during the testnet phase also helps us finding bugs and improving usability, so it will be rewarded with real Massa on mainnet launch.
The mechanics of those rewards are described in the Testnet rules.
If you just wish to run a Massa node without compiling it yourself, you can run the latest binary:
Please go to the Install and Run on Windows page.
On Ubuntu, these libs must be installed:
sudo apt install pkg-config curl git build-essential libssl-dev
install rustup :
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
configure path:
source $HOME/.cargo/env
check rust version:
rustc --version
install nigthly:
rustup toolchain install nightly
set it as default:
rustup default nightly
check rust version:
rustc --version
clone this repo:
git clone --branch testnet
Here is a set of tutorials:
Don’t hesitate to ask testnet coins from us in the Discord testnet channel.
You’ll find answer to common issues and questions regarding the Massa protocol in the FAQ.