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Pub/Sub to Datadog Template

A pipeline that reads from a Pub/Sub subscription and writes to Datadog's Logs API.

📝 This is a Google-provided template! Please check Provided templates documentation on how to use it without having to build from sources using Create job from template.

💡 This is a generated documentation based on Metadata Annotations . Do not change this file directly.


Required Parameters

  • inputSubscription (Pub/Sub input subscription): Pub/Sub subscription to read the input from, in the format of 'projects/your-project-id/subscriptions/your-subscription-name' (Example: projects/your-project-id/subscriptions/your-subscription-name).
  • url (Datadog Logs API URL.): Datadog Logs API URL. This should be routable from the VPC in which the pipeline runs. See: (Example:
  • outputDeadletterTopic (Output deadletter Pub/Sub topic): The Pub/Sub topic to publish deadletter records to. The name should be in the format of projects/your-project-id/topics/your-topic-name.

Optional Parameters

  • apiKey (Logs API key.): Datadog Logs API key. Must be provided if the apiKeySource is set to PLAINTEXT or KMS. See:
  • batchCount (Batch size for sending multiple events to Datadog Logs API.): Batch size for sending multiple events to Datadog Logs API. Min is 10. Max is 1000. Defaults to 100.
  • parallelism (Maximum number of parallel requests.): Maximum number of parallel requests. Default 1 (no parallelism).
  • includePubsubMessage (Include full Pub/Sub message in the payload.): Include full Pub/Sub message in the payload (true/false). Defaults to false (only data element is included in the payload).
  • apiKeyKMSEncryptionKey (Google Cloud KMS encryption key for the API key): The Cloud KMS key to decrypt the Logs API key. This parameter must be provided if the apiKeySource is set to KMS. If this parameter is provided, apiKey string should be passed in encrypted. Encrypt parameters using the KMS API encrypt endpoint. The Key should be in the format projects/{gcp_project}/locations/{key_region}/keyRings/{key_ring}/cryptoKeys/{kms_key_name}. See: (Example: projects/your-project-id/locations/global/keyRings/your-keyring/cryptoKeys/your-key-name).
  • apiKeySecretId (Google Cloud Secret Manager ID.): Secret Manager secret ID for the apiKey. This parameter should be provided if the apiKeySource is set to SECRET_MANAGER. Should be in the format projects/{project}/secrets/{secret}/versions/{secret_version}. (Example: projects/your-project-id/secrets/your-secret/versions/your-secret-version).
  • apiKeySource (Source of the API key passed. One of PLAINTEXT, KMS or SECRET_MANAGER.): Source of the API key. One of PLAINTEXT, KMS or SECRET_MANAGER. This parameter must be provided if secret manager is used. If apiKeySource is set to KMS, apiKeyKMSEncryptionKey and encrypted apiKey must be provided. If apiKeySource is set to SECRET_MANAGER, apiKeySecretId must be provided. If apiKeySource is set to PLAINTEXT, apiKey must be provided.
  • javascriptTextTransformGcsPath (JavaScript UDF path in Cloud Storage): The Cloud Storage path pattern for the JavaScript code containing your user-defined functions.
  • javascriptTextTransformFunctionName (JavaScript UDF name): The name of the function to call from your JavaScript file. Use only letters, digits, and underscores. (Example: transform_udf1).
  • javascriptFunctionReload (Enable JavaScript UDF auto-reload feature): If set to true, enables the JavaScript UDF auto-reload feature, which guarantees that updated code is used without the need to restart jobs.
  • javascriptReloadIntervalMinutes (JavaScript UDF auto-reload interval (minutes)): Define the interval that workers may check for JavaScript UDF changes to reload the files. Defaults to: 60.

User-Defined functions (UDFs)

The Pub/Sub to Datadog Template supports User-Defined functions (UDFs). UDFs allow you to customize functionality by providing a JavaScript function without having to maintain or build the entire template code.

Check Create user-defined functions for Dataflow templates and Using UDFs for more information about how to create and test those functions.

Getting Started


  • Java 11
  • Maven
  • gcloud CLI, and execution of the following commands:
    • gcloud auth login
    • gcloud auth application-default login

🌟 Those dependencies are pre-installed if you use Google Cloud Shell! Open in Cloud Shell

Templates Plugin

This README provides instructions using the Templates Plugin . Install the plugin with the following command before proceeding:

mvn clean install -pl plugins/templates-maven-plugin -am

Building Template

This template is a Classic Template, meaning that the pipeline code will be executed only once and the pipeline will be saved to Google Cloud Storage for further reuse. Please check Creating classic Dataflow templates and Running classic templates for more information.

Staging the Template

If the plan is to just stage the template (i.e., make it available to use) by the gcloud command or Dataflow "Create job from template" UI, the -PtemplatesStage profile should be used:

export PROJECT=<my-project>
export BUCKET_NAME=<bucket-name>

mvn clean package -PtemplatesStage  \
-DskipTests \
-DprojectId="$PROJECT" \
-DbucketName="$BUCKET_NAME" \
-DstagePrefix="templates" \
-DtemplateName="Cloud_PubSub_to_Datadog" \
-pl v1 \

The -DgcpTempLocation=<temp-bucket-name> parameter can be specified to set the GCS bucket used by the DataflowRunner to write temp files to during serialization. The path used will be gs://<temp-bucket-name>/temp/.

The command should build and save the template to Google Cloud, and then print the complete location on Cloud Storage:

Classic Template was staged! gs://<bucket-name>/templates/Cloud_PubSub_to_Datadog

The specific path should be copied as it will be used in the following steps.

Running the Template

Using the staged template:

You can use the path above run the template (or share with others for execution).

To start a job with the template at any time using gcloud, you are going to need valid resources for the required parameters.

Provided that, the following command line can be used:

export PROJECT=<my-project>
export BUCKET_NAME=<bucket-name>
export REGION=us-central1
export TEMPLATE_SPEC_GCSPATH="gs://$BUCKET_NAME/templates/Cloud_PubSub_to_Datadog"

### Required
export INPUT_SUBSCRIPTION=<inputSubscription>
export URL=<url>
export OUTPUT_DEADLETTER_TOPIC=<outputDeadletterTopic>

### Optional
export API_KEY=<apiKey>
export BATCH_COUNT=<batchCount>
export PARALLELISM=<parallelism>
export INCLUDE_PUBSUB_MESSAGE=<includePubsubMessage>
export API_KEY_KMSENCRYPTION_KEY=<apiKeyKMSEncryptionKey>
export API_KEY_SECRET_ID=<apiKeySecretId>
export API_KEY_SOURCE=<apiKeySource>
export JAVASCRIPT_TEXT_TRANSFORM_GCS_PATH=<javascriptTextTransformGcsPath>
export JAVASCRIPT_TEXT_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION_NAME=<javascriptTextTransformFunctionName>
export JAVASCRIPT_FUNCTION_RELOAD=<javascriptFunctionReload>

gcloud dataflow jobs run "cloud-pubsub-to-datadog-job" \
  --project "$PROJECT" \
  --region "$REGION" \
  --gcs-location "$TEMPLATE_SPEC_GCSPATH" \
  --parameters "inputSubscription=$INPUT_SUBSCRIPTION" \
  --parameters "apiKey=$API_KEY" \
  --parameters "url=$URL" \
  --parameters "batchCount=$BATCH_COUNT" \
  --parameters "parallelism=$PARALLELISM" \
  --parameters "includePubsubMessage=$INCLUDE_PUBSUB_MESSAGE" \
  --parameters "apiKeyKMSEncryptionKey=$API_KEY_KMSENCRYPTION_KEY" \
  --parameters "apiKeySecretId=$API_KEY_SECRET_ID" \
  --parameters "apiKeySource=$API_KEY_SOURCE" \
  --parameters "javascriptTextTransformGcsPath=$JAVASCRIPT_TEXT_TRANSFORM_GCS_PATH" \
  --parameters "javascriptTextTransformFunctionName=$JAVASCRIPT_TEXT_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION_NAME" \
  --parameters "javascriptFunctionReload=$JAVASCRIPT_FUNCTION_RELOAD" \
  --parameters "javascriptReloadIntervalMinutes=$JAVASCRIPT_RELOAD_INTERVAL_MINUTES" \
  --parameters "outputDeadletterTopic=$OUTPUT_DEADLETTER_TOPIC"

For more information about the command, please check:

Using the plugin:

Instead of just generating the template in the folder, it is possible to stage and run the template in a single command. This may be useful for testing when changing the templates.

export PROJECT=<my-project>
export BUCKET_NAME=<bucket-name>
export REGION=us-central1

### Required
export INPUT_SUBSCRIPTION=<inputSubscription>
export URL=<url>
export OUTPUT_DEADLETTER_TOPIC=<outputDeadletterTopic>

### Optional
export API_KEY=<apiKey>
export BATCH_COUNT=<batchCount>
export PARALLELISM=<parallelism>
export INCLUDE_PUBSUB_MESSAGE=<includePubsubMessage>
export API_KEY_KMSENCRYPTION_KEY=<apiKeyKMSEncryptionKey>
export API_KEY_SECRET_ID=<apiKeySecretId>
export API_KEY_SOURCE=<apiKeySource>
export JAVASCRIPT_TEXT_TRANSFORM_GCS_PATH=<javascriptTextTransformGcsPath>
export JAVASCRIPT_TEXT_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION_NAME=<javascriptTextTransformFunctionName>
export JAVASCRIPT_FUNCTION_RELOAD=<javascriptFunctionReload>

mvn clean package -PtemplatesRun \
-DskipTests \
-DprojectId="$PROJECT" \
-DbucketName="$BUCKET_NAME" \
-Dregion="$REGION" \
-DjobName="cloud-pubsub-to-datadog-job" \
-DtemplateName="Cloud_PubSub_to_Datadog" \
-Dparameters="inputSubscription=$INPUT_SUBSCRIPTION,apiKey=$API_KEY,url=$URL,batchCount=$BATCH_COUNT,parallelism=$PARALLELISM,includePubsubMessage=$INCLUDE_PUBSUB_MESSAGE,apiKeyKMSEncryptionKey=$API_KEY_KMSENCRYPTION_KEY,apiKeySecretId=$API_KEY_SECRET_ID,apiKeySource=$API_KEY_SOURCE,javascriptTextTransformGcsPath=$JAVASCRIPT_TEXT_TRANSFORM_GCS_PATH,javascriptTextTransformFunctionName=$JAVASCRIPT_TEXT_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION_NAME,javascriptFunctionReload=$JAVASCRIPT_FUNCTION_RELOAD,javascriptReloadIntervalMinutes=$JAVASCRIPT_RELOAD_INTERVAL_MINUTES,outputDeadletterTopic=$OUTPUT_DEADLETTER_TOPIC" \
-pl v1 \