forked from meironz/Meiron_model
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Insights: alexliberzonlab/Offshore_Ulva_reactor_model
Dependency graph
123 Total
- ipykernel 6.5.0=py39h832f523_0
- ipython 7.29.0=py39h832f523_2
- jedi 0.18.0=py39hcbf5309_3
- joblib 1.1.0=pypi_0
- jpeg 9d=h2bbff1b_0
- jupyter-client 7.0.6=pyhd8ed1ab_0
- jupyter-core 4.9.1=py39hcbf5309_1
- kiwisolver 1.3.1=py39hd77b12b_0
- libpng 1.6.37=h2a8f88b_0
- libsodium 1.0.18=h8d14728_1
- libtiff 4.2.0=hd0e1b90_0
- libwebp 1.2.0=h2bbff1b_0
- lz4-c 1.9.3=h2bbff1b_1
- matplotlib 3.4.3=py39haa95532_0
- matplotlib-base 3.4.3=py39h49ac443_0
- matplotlib-inline 0.1.3=pyhd8ed1ab_0
- mkl 2021.4.0=haa95532_640
- mkl-fft 1.3.1=py39h277e83a_0
- mkl-random 1.2.2=py39hf11a4ad_0
- mkl-service 2.4.0=py39h2bbff1b_0