Utilities to work with geojson data in Dart. Features:
- Parser with a reactive api: streams are available to retrieve the geojson features as soon as they are parsed
- Search: search for properties
- Geofencing: geofence points in a polygon or from a distance
Note: the data is parsed in an isolate to avoid slowing down the main thread
featuresFromGeoJson: get a FeaturesCollection from geojson string data. Parameters:
: a string with the geojson data, requirednameProperty
: the property used for the geoserie name, automaticaly set if nullverbose
: print the parsed data if true
featuresFromGeoJsonFile: get a FeaturesCollection from a geojson file. Parameters:
: the file to load, requirednameProperty
: the property used for the geoserie name, automaticaly set if nullverbose
: print the parsed data if true
These functions are suitable for small data. Example:
final features = await featuresFromGeoJson(data);
Typed streams are available to retrieve the features as soon as they are parsed. This is useful when the data is big.
: the parsed features: all the geometriesprocessedPoints
: the parsed pointsprocessedMultipoints
: the parsed multipointsprocessedLines
: the parsed linesprocessedMultilines
: the parsed multilinesprocessedPolygons
: the parsed polygonsprocessedMultipolygons
: the parsed multipolygonsendSignal
: parsing is finished indicator
Example: add assets on a Flutter map:
import 'package:flutter/services.dart' show rootBundle;
import 'package:geojson/geojson.dart';
import 'package:flutter_map/flutter_map.dart';
/// Data for the Flutter map polylines layer
final lines = <Polyline>[];
Future<void> parseAndDrawAssetsOnMap() async {
final geo = GeoJson();
geo.processedLines.listen((GeoJsonLine line) {
/// when a line is parsed add it to the map right away
setState(() => lines.add(Polyline(
strokeWidth: 2.0, color: Colors.blue, points: line.geoSerie.toLatLng())));
geo.endSignal.listen((_) => geo.dispose());
final data = await rootBundle
await geo.parse(data, verbose: true);
After the data is parsed the GeoJson
instance has properties to access the data:
List<GeoJsonFeature> features;
List<GeoJsonPoint> points;
List<GeoJsonMultiPoint> multipoints;
List<GeoJsonLine> lines;
List<GeoJsonMultiLine> multilines;
List<GeoJsonPolygon> polygons;
List<GeoJsonMultiPolygon> multipolygons;
final List<GeoJsonLine> lines = geo.lines;
Search in a geojson file:
final geo = GeoJson();
await geo.searchInFile("countries.geojson",
query: GeoJsonQuery(
geometryType: GeoJsonFeatureType.multipolygon,
matchCase: false,
property: "name",
value: "Zimbabwe"),
verbose: true);
List<GeoJsonMultiPolygon> result = geo.multipolygons;
A search
method is also available, taking string data in parameter instead of a file path. The streams are available to retrieve the data as soon as it is found
Geofence points within a distance of a given point:
final geo = GeoJson();
/// `point` is the [GeoJsonPoint] to search from
/// `points` is the list of [GeoJsonPoint] to search in
/// `distance` is the distance to search in meters
await geo.geofenceDistance(
point: point, points: points, distance: distance);
List<GeoPoint> foundPoints = geo.points;
Geofence points in a polygon:
final geo = GeoJson();
/// `polygon` is the [GeoJsonPolygon] to check
/// `points` is the list of [GeoJsonPoint] to search in
await geo.geofencePolygon(polygon: polygon, points: points);
List<GeoPoint> foundPoints = geo.points;
Note: the processedPoints
stream is available to retrieve geofenced points as soon as they are found
All the data structures use GeoPoint and GeoSerie from the GeoPoint package to store the geometry data. Data structures used:
type: types -
Map<String, dynamic>
properties: the json properties of the feature -
geometry: the geometry data, depends on the feature type, see below
geoPoint: the geometry data
geoSerie: the geometry data: this will produce a geoSerie of typeGeoSerieType.group
geoSerie: the geometry data: this will produce a geoSerie of typeGeoSerieType.line
geoSeries: the geometry data: this will produce a list of geoSerie of typeGeoSerieType.polygon
Note: none of the parameters is final for all of these data structures