PHPGGC is a library of PHP unserialize() payloads along with a tool to generate them, from command line or programmatically.
A database of PHP security advisories
Slevomat Coding Standard for PHP_CodeSniffer provides many useful sniffs
A collection of PHP exploit scripts, found when investigating hacked servers. These are stored for educational purposes and to test fuzzers and vulnerability scanners. Feel free to contribute.
OAuth 2.0 Client for Guzzle 4, 5, 6 and 7 with PHP 5.4 - PHP 8.0 - no more dependency hell!
Mail sending module for Mezzio and Laminas MVC with support for file attachment and template email composition
Teltonika fm xxxx protocol encoder and decoder
Full page cache module for ZF2 and ZF3
Docker environment with Symfony REST API example
AMQP module for Zend Framework 2 to integrate RabbitMQ
PHP application to easy decode the GPS information received from Teltonika devices
Text filters for use in BareBones' TextWrangler (OSX)
thrau / vnstat2-php-frontend
Forked from bjd/vnstat-php-frontendFriendly fork of vnstat-php-frontend to make it work for version 2 of vnstat network traffic monitor.