This sample app shows how you can use the QPyLib Ariel features to interact with the QRadar Ariel database.
This app provides a simple interface, allowing:
- User to input an AQL search query to send to the QRadar Ariel database and in return get a search UUID.
- User to get the results of a search by providing a UUID.
- Polling until a search is complete by UUID.
First QJSLib should be downloaded from the GitHub releases page, in this example we are using v1.1.1
curl -LJ \
| tar -xvzO package/lib/qappfw.min.js > ./app/static/qjslib/qappfw.min.js
You can package this app and deploy it by executing in this directory:
qapp package -p
qapp deploy -p -q <qradar console ip> -u <qradar user>