NOTE Mist is under heavy development and not intended to be tested by the community yet, therefore it might not run out of the box as described the the README below. To save us time getting you all up and running, better wait for now. Thanks :)
The Mist browser is the tool of choice to browse and use Ðapps.
For the mist API see the
For development, a Meteor needs to be started to assist with live reload and CSS injection.
Once a Mist version is released the Meteor frontend part is bundled using meteor-build-client
npm package to create pure static files.
To run mist in development you need Node.js NPM and Meteor installed. When this is done, install Electron:
$ npm install -g electron-prebuilt
$ curl | sh
Now you're ready to install Mist:
$ git clone
$ cd mist
$ git submodule update --init
$ npm install
To update Mist in the future, run:
$ git pull
$ git submodule update
$ npm update
Switch the global.mode
to mist
in the main.js
For development we start the interface with a Meteor server for autoreload. In a separate window, start Meteor:
$ cd interface/main && meteor
In the original window you can then start Mist with:
$ electron ./
Switch the global.mode
to wallet
in the main.js
Start the wallet app for development, in a separate window:
$ cd my/path/meteor-dapp-wallet/app && meteor
In the original window you can then start Mist with:
$ electron ./
To create a binaries you need to install the following tools:
// tools for the windows binaries
$ brew install Caskroom/cask/xquartz
$ brew install wine
// install meteor-build-client
$ npm install -g meteor-build-client
// install gulp
$ npm install -g gulp
To generate the binaries simply run:
$ cd mist
$ gulp mist
// Or to generate the wallet (using the -> master)
$ gulp wallet
This will generate the binaries inside the dist_mist
or dist_wallet
Additional you can only build the windows, linux or mac binary by using the platform
$ gulp mist --platform darwin
// Or
$ gulp mist --platform "darwin win32"
Options are:
(Mac OSX)win32
With the walletSource
you can specify the branch to use, default ist master
$ gulp mist --walletSource develop
Options are:
Will try to build the wallet from [mist/]../meteor-dapp-wallet/app