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Part 64: Self-compilation on an 8-bit CPU

I'm back with another chapter of this compiler writing journey. This time, the goal is get the compiler to compile itself on a 8-bit CPU from the 1980s. It's been an interesting, sometimes fun, sometimes painful task. Here's a summary of all the work that I've had to do.

For the CPU, I chose the Motorola 6809. This is probably one of the most sophisticated 8-bit CPUs from the 1980s, with a bunch of useful addressing modes and, importantly, a useful stack pointer.

What makes it difficult to write a compiler for the 6809 is the address space limitation. Like many of the 8-bit CPUs, there only 64K of memory (yes, 65,536 bytes!) and, on most vintage 6809 systems, a significant portion of this is taken up by ROM.

I went in this direction as, in 2023, I decided to try and build a single board computer (SBC) using the 6809 as the CPU. In particular, I wanted to have a machine with at least half a megabyte of memory, a disk-like storage device, and a Unix-like operating system.

The result is the MMU09 SBC. The project is semi-incomplete; it does have a Unix-like system, it does do multitasking, but there is no pre-emptive multitasking. Each process gets 63.5K of usable address space (i.e. RAM).

While I was working on MMU09, I needed to find a suitable C compiler to compile the code for the operating system, the libraries and the applications. I started with CMOC but eventually switched over to vbcc. Along the way I found Alan Cox's Fuzix Compiler Kit which is a work-in-progress C compiler for many 8-bit and 16-bit CPUs.

All of this got me to thinking: is it possible to have the C compiler run on the 6809 and not just cross compile from a more powerful system? I thought the Fuzix Compiler Kit might be a contender but, no, it's just too big to fit on the 6809 itself.

So here we are with the question/goal: can the "acwj" compiler be modified to fit and run on a 6809 platform?

The 6809 CPU

Let's start with a look at the 6809 CPU from a compiler writer's perspective. I've already mentioned the 64K address space limitation: that's going to require the "acwj" compiler to be completely restructured to fit. Now let's look at the 6809's architecture.

Creative Commons CC0 license, Wikipedia

For an 8-bit CPU, the 6809 has quite a few registers. Well, it's not like the x64 or a RISC CPU with a bunch of general-purpose registers. There is a single 16-bit D register on which we can do logical and arithmetic operations. It can also be accessed as two 8-bit registers A and B, of which B is the least-significant byte in the D register.

When doing logical and arithmetic operations, the second operand is either a memory location accessed via some addressing mode, or a literal value. The result of the operation is put back in the D register: hence, it accumulates the operation's result.

To access memory, there are a bunch of addressing mode to do so. In fact, there are many more available than a compiler needs! We have the index registers X and Y to, for example, access an element in an array when we know the base address and X holds the element's index. We can also access memory by using a signed constant and the stack pointer S as the index; this allows us to treat S as a frame pointer. We can find the local variables of a function at addresses below the frame pointer and function arguments at addresses above the frame pointer.

Let's have a look at some examples to make the above a bit clearer:

    ldd #2         # Load D with the constant 2
    ldd 2          # Load D from addresses 2 and 3 (16 bits)
    ldd _x         # Load D from the location known as _x
    ldd 2,s        # Load D from an argument on the stack
    std -20,s      # Store D to a local variable on the stack
    leax 8,s       # Get the (effective) address which is S+8
                   # and store it in the X register
    ldd 4,x        # Now use that as a pointer to an int array
                   # and load the value at index 2 - remember
                   # that D is 16-bits (2 bytes), so 4 bytes
                   # are two 16-bit "words"
    addd -6,s      # Add the int we just fetched to a local
                   # variable and save it in the D register

For more details, I'd recommend that you browse through the 6809 datasheet. Pages 5-6 cover the registers, pages 16-18 cover the addressing modes, and pages 25-27 list the available instructions.

Back to targetting the "acwj" compiler to the 6809. Well, having a lot of addressing modes is great. We can deal with 8-bit values and 16-bit values, but there are no 32-bit registers. OK, we can sort that out somehow.

But the biggest problem, apart from the 64K address space, is that the "acwj" compiler was written for an architecture that has two- or three-operand instructions, and with a lot of available registers, e.g.

   load R1, _x		# Bring _x and _y into registers
   load R2, _y
   add  R3, R1, R2	# R3= R1 + R2
   save R3, _z		# Store the result into _z

The 6809 usually has the D register as one instruction operand, and memory or a literal value as the other operand; the result always ends up in the D register.

Keeping the QBE Backend

I also wanted to keep the existing QBE backend in the compiler. I knew that this would be invaluable as I made changes to the compiler - I could run the tests with both the QBE and 6809 backends and compare results. And I could always stress-test the compiler by trying to perform the triple test using the QBE backend.

So now the full goal is: can I take the abstract syntax tree (AST) generated by the compiler's parser and use it to generate assembly code for two completely different architectures: QBE (RISC-like, three-operand instructions) and the 6809 (only one register, two-operand instructions with implicit source and destination)? And can I get the compiler to self-compile on both architectures?

This is going to be an interesting journey!

The Code Generator Contract

Now that we are going to have two different backends, we need a "contract" or API between the architecture-independent part of the code generator (gen.c) and each architecture-dependent part. This is now the list of functions defined in gen.h.

The basic API is the same as before. We pass in one or more "register numbers" and get back a register number that holds the result. One difference this time is that many of the functions receive the architecture-independent type of the operands; this is defined in defs.h:

// Primitive types. The bottom 4 bits is an integer
// value that represents the level of indirection,
// e.g. 0= no pointer, 1= pointer, 2= pointer pointer etc.
enum {
  P_NONE, P_VOID = 16, P_CHAR = 32, P_INT = 48, P_LONG = 64,

If you look at the QBE code generator in cgqbe.c, it is pretty much the same as in the last chapter in this "acwj" journey. One thing to note is that I've abstracted a few of the functions into a separate file, targqbe.c, as the parser and code generator now live in different programs.

Now let's look at the 6809 code generator.

6809-Specific Types and the D Register

The big problem is how to have the idea of multiple registers on the 6809. I'll cover that in the next section, but I need to take a short detour first.

Each architecture-dependent code generator gets given the type of operands: P_CHAR, P_INT etc. For the 6809 code generator, we convert these into 6809-specific types, as defined in cg6809.c:

#define PR_CHAR         1	// size 1 byte
#define PR_INT          2	// size 2 bytes
#define PR_POINTER      3	// size 2 bytes
#define PR_LONG         4	// size 4 bytes

In this file, you will see a lot of this sort of code:

  int primtype= cgprimtype(type);

  switch(primtype) {
    case PR_CHAR:
      // Code to generate char operations
    case PR_INT:
    case PR_POINTER:
      // Code to generate int operations
    case PR_LONG:
      // Code to generate long operations

Even though PR_INT and PR_POINTER are the same size and generate the same code, I've kept the ideas separate. That's because pointers are really unsigned whereas ints are signed. Later on, if I get to adding signed and unsigned types to the compiler, I already have a head start here in the 6809 backend.

How Registers When No Registers?

Now, back to the main problem: if the code generator API uses register numbers, how do we write a 6809 backend when this CPU only has a single accumulator, D?

When I began writing the 6809 backend, I started with a set of 4-byte memory locations called R0, R1, R2 etc. You can still see them in lib/6809/crt0.s:

R0:     .word   0
        .word   0
R1:     .word   0
        .word   0

This helped me get the 6809 backend up and running, but the code generated was awful. For example, this C code:

  int x, y, z;
  z= x + y;

gets translated to:

  ldd  _x
  std  R0
  ldd  _y
  std  R1
  ldd  R0
  addd R1
  std  R2
  ldd  R2
  std  _z

Then I realised: the 6809 is very "address"-oriented: there are a bunch of addressing modes, and most instructions have an address (or a literal) as an operand. So, let's keep a list of "locations".

A location is one of the following, defined in cg6809.c:

enum {
  L_FREE,               // This location is not used
  L_SYMBOL,             // A global symbol with an optional offset
  L_LOCAL,              // A local variable or parameter
  L_CONST,              // An integer literal value
  L_LABEL,              // A label
  L_SYMADDR,            // The address of a symbol, local or parameter
  L_TEMP,               // A temporarily-stored value: R0, R1, R2 ...
  L_DREG                // The D location, i.e. B, D or Y/D

and we keep a list of free or in-use locations which have this structure:

struct Location {
  int type;             // One of the L_ values
  char *name;           // A symbol's name
  long intval;          // Offset, const value, label-id etc.
  int primtype;         // 6809 primitive type


  • a global int x would be an L_SYMBOL with name set to "x" and primtype set to PR_INT.
  • a local char *ptr would be an L_LOCAL with no name, but the intval would be set to its offset in the stack frame, e.g. -8. primtype would be PR_POINTER. If it were a function parameter, the offset would be positive.
  • if the operand was something like &x (the address of x), then the location would be an L_SYMADDR with name set to "x".
  • a literal value like 456 would be an L_CONST with the intval set to 456 and primtype set to PR_INT.
  • finally, if the operand is already in the D register, we would have an L_DREG location with a certain PR_ type.

So, locations stand in for registers. We have an array of 16 locations:

static struct Location Locn[NUMFREELOCNS];

Let's take a look at the code to generate addition on the 6809.

// Add two locations together and return
// the number of the location with the result
int cgadd(int l1, int l2, int type) {
  int primtype= cgprimtype(type);


  switch(primtype) {
    case PR_CHAR:
      fprintf(Outfile, "\taddb "); printlocation(l2, 0, 'b'); break;
    case PR_INT:
    case PR_POINTER:
      fprintf(Outfile, "\taddd "); printlocation(l2, 0, 'd'); break;
    case PR_LONG:
      fprintf(Outfile, "\taddd "); printlocation(l2, 2, 'd');
      fprintf(Outfile, "\texg y,d\n");
      fprintf(Outfile, "\tadcb "); printlocation(l2, 1, 'f');
      fprintf(Outfile, "\tadca "); printlocation(l2, 0, 'e');
      fprintf(Outfile, "\texg y,d\n");
  Locn[l1].type= L_DREG;
  d_holds= l1;

We first determine the 6809 type from the generic operand type. Then we load the value from the first location l1 into the D register. Then, based on the 6809 type, we output the right set of instructions and print the second location l2 after each instruction.

Once the addition is done, we free the second location and mark that the first location l1 is now the D register. We also note that D is now in-use before returning.

Using the idea of locations, the C code z= x + y now gets translated to:

  ldd  _x	; i.e. load_x(l1);
  addd _y	; i.e. fprintf(Outfile, "\taddd "); printlocation(l2, 2, 'd');
  std  _z	; performed in another function, cgstorglob()

Dealing with Longs

The 6809 has 8-bit and 16-bit operations, but the compiler needs to synthesize operations on 32-bit longs. Also, there is no 32-bit register.

Aside: the 6809 is big-endian. If the long value of 0x12345678 was stored in a long variable named foo, then 0x12 would be at foo offset 0, 0x34 at foo offset 1, 0x56 at foo offset 2 and 0x78 at foo offset 3.

I've borrowed the idea for longs that Alan Cox uses in the Fuzix Compiler Kit. We use the Y register to hold the top-half of a 32-bit long with the D register holding the lower half:

The 6809 already calls the lower half of the D register the B register, used for 8-bit operations. And there is the A register which is the top half of the D register.

Looking at the above cgadd() code, you can see that, if x, y and z were longs not ints, we would generate:

  ldd  _x+2	; Get lower half of _x into D
  ldy  _x+0	; Get upper half of _x into Y
  addd _y+2	; Add lower half of _y to D
  exg  y,d	; Swap Y and D registers
  adcb _y+1	; Add _y offset 1 to the B register with carry
  adca _y+0	; Add _y offset 0 to the A register with carry
  exg  y,d	; Swap Y and D registers back again
  std  _z+2	; Finally store D (the lower half) in _z offset 2
  sty  _z	; and Y (the upper half) in _z offset 0

It's a bit of a pain: there is a 16-bit addd operation with no carry but there is no 16-bit addition operation with carry. Instead, we have to perform two 8-bit additions with carry to get the same result.

This inconsistency with the available 6809 operations makes the 6809 code generator code annoyingly ugly in places.


A lot of the work in handling locations is performed by the printlocation() function. Let's break it down into a few stages.

// Print a location out. For memory locations
// use the offset. For constants, use the
// register letter to determine which part to use.
static void printlocation(int l, int offset, char rletter) {
  int intval;

  if (Locn[l].type == L_FREE)
    fatald("Error trying to print location", l);

  switch(Locn[l].type) {
    case L_SYMBOL: fprintf(Outfile, "_%s+%d\n", Locn[l].name, offset); break;
    case L_LOCAL: fprintf(Outfile, "%ld,s\n",
                Locn[l].intval + offset + sp_adjust);
    case L_LABEL: fprintf(Outfile, "#L%ld\n", Locn[l].intval); break;
    case L_SYMADDR: fprintf(Outfile, "#_%s\n", Locn[l].name); break;
    case L_TEMP: fprintf(Outfile, "R%ld+%d\n", Locn[l].intval, offset);

If the location is L_FREE, then there is no point in trying to print it! For symbols, we print out the symbol's name followed by the offset. That way, for ints and longs, we can get access to all 2 or 4 bytes that make up the symbol: _x+0, _x+1, _x+2, _x+3.

For locals and function parameters, we print out the position in the stack frame (i.e. intval with the offset added on). So if a local long variable fred is on the stack at position -12, we can get access to all four bytes with -12,s, -11,s, -10,s, -9,s.

Yes, there is something called sp_adjust here. I'll talk about that soon!

Now, L_TEMP locations. As with all previous versions of the compiler, sometimes we have to store intermediate results somewhere, e.g.

  int z= (a + b) * (c - d) / (e + f) * (g + h - i) * (q - 3);

We have five intermediate results in parentheses which we need before we can do the multiplies and divides. Well, those original pretend registers R0, R1, R2 ... become useful now! When I need temporary storage for intermediate results, I just allocate these locations and store the intermediate results here. There are functions cgalloctemp() and cgfreealltemps() in cg6809.c to do this.

printlocation() and Literal Values

For most locations, we can simply print out the location's name or position on the stack, plus the offset we need. The code generator has already printed out the instruction to run, so:

  ldb _x+0	; Will load one byte from _x into B
  ldd _x+0	; Will load two bytes from _x into D

But for literal values, e.g. 0x12345678, do we need to print out the 0x78 on the end, or perhaps the 0x5678? Or do we need (in the addition code), access to the 0x34 and also the 0x12?

That is why there is the rletter parameter to printlocation():

static void printlocation(int l, int offset, char rletter);

When we are printing out literals, we use this to choose which part and how much of the literal value. I've chosen values that reflect the 6809's register names, but I also made a few up. For literal 0x12345678:

  • 'b' prints out the 0x78 part
  • 'a' prints out the 0x56 part
  • 'd' prints out the 0x5678 part
  • 'y' prints out the 0x1234 part
  • 'f' prints out the 0x34 part
  • 'e' prints out the 0x12 part

Helper Functions

There are several operations which the compiler needs to perform but which the 6809 has no instruction: multiplication, division, shifts by multiple bits etc.

To solve this problem, I've borrowed several of the helper functions from the Fuzix Compiler Kit. They are in the archive file lib/6809/lib6809.a. The function cgbinhelper() in cg6809.c:

// Run a helper subroutine on two locations
// and return the number of the location with the result
static int cgbinhelper(int l1, int l2, int type,
                                char *cop, char *iop, char *lop);

gets the value from the two locations l1 and l2, pushes them on the stack and then calls one of the three char/int/long helper functions with names in cop, iop and lop. Thus, the function in the code generator to do multiplication is simply:

// Multiply two locations together and return
// the number of the location with the result
int cgmul(int r1, int r2, int type) {
  return(cgbinhelper(r1, r2, type, "__mul", "__mul", "__mull"));

Tracking Positions of Locals and Parameters

A function's local variables or parameters are kept on the stack, and we access them by using their offset relative to the stack pointer, e.g.

  ldd -12,s     ; Load the local integer variable which is 12 bytes
                ; below the stack pointer

But there's a problem. What if the stack pointer moves? Consider the code:

int main() {
 int x;
 x= 2; printf("%d %d %d\n", x, x, x);

x might be at offset 0 relative to the stack pointer. But when we call printf(), we push a copy of x on the stack. Now the real x is at position 2 etc. So we actually have to generate the code:

  ldd 0,s	; Get x's value
  pshs d	; Push it on the stack
  ldd 2,s	; Get x's value, note new offset
  pshs d	; Push it on the stack
  ldd 4,s	; Get x's value, note new offset
  pshs d	; Push it on the stack
  ldd #L2	; Get the address of the string "%d %d %d\n"
  pshs d	; Push it on the stack
  lbsr _printf	; Call printf()
  leas 8,s	; Pull the 8 bytes of arguments off the stack

How do we track what the current offset of locals and parameters are? The answer is the sp_adjust variable in cg6809.c. Each time we push something on the stack, we add the number of bytes pushed to sp_adjust. Similarly, when we pull from the stack or move the stack pointer up, we subtract that amount from sp_adjust. Example:

// Push a location on the stack
static void pushlocn(int l) {

  switch(Locn[l].primtype) {
    case PR_INT:
      fprintf(Outfile, "\tpshs d\n");
      sp_adjust += 2;

And in printlocation() when we print out locals and parameters:

    case L_LOCAL: fprintf(Outfile, "%ld,s\n",
                Locn[l].intval + offset + sp_adjust);

There is also a bit of error checking when we get to the end of generating a function's assembly code:

// Print out a function postamble
void cgfuncpostamble(struct symtable *sym) {
  if (sp_adjust !=0 ) {
    fprintf(Outfile, "; DANGER sp_adjust is %d not 0\n", sp_adjust);
    fatald("sp_adjust is not zero", sp_adjust);

That's about all I want to cover in terms of 6809 assembly code generation. Yes, the code in cg6809.c has to deal with the vagaries of the 6809 instruction set, which is why cg6809.c is so much bigger than cgqbe.c. But I (hope I) have put enough comments in cg6809.c so that you can follow along and understand what it is doing.

There are a few tricky things like tracking when the D register is in-use or free, and I'm sure I still haven't quite got the synthesis of all the long operations right.

Now we need to cover a much bigger topic, that of the 6809's 64K address limitation.

Fitting a Compiler into 65,536 Bytes

The original "acwj" compiler was a single executable. It read from the C pre-processor's output, did the scanning, parsing and code generation, outputting assembly code. It kept the symbol table and the AST tree for each function in memory, and never bothered to free data structures once they were used.

None of this is going to help fit the compiler into 64K of memory! So, my approach for 6809 self-compilation was to:

  1. Break the compiler up into a number of phases. Each phase does one part of the overall compilation task, and the phases use intermediate files to communicate.
  2. Keep as little of the symbol table and AST trees in memory as we can get away with. Instead, these are kept in files and we have functions to read/write them as required.
  3. Try to garbage collect unused data structures with free() wherever we can.

Let's look at all three in turn.

The Seven Compiler Phases

The compiler is now arranged to have seven phases, each one with its own executable:

  1. An external C pre-processor interprets #include, #ifdef and the pre-processor macros.
  2. The lexer reads the pre-processor output and produces a token stream.
  3. The parser reads the token stream and creates a symbol table plus a set of AST trees.
  4. The code generator uses the AST trees and the symbol table and generates assembly code.
  5. An external peephole optimiser improves the assembly code.
  6. An external assembler produces object files.
  7. An external linker takes crt0.o, the object files and several libraries and produces a final executable.

We now have a frontend program wcc.c that co-ordinates all the phases. The lexer is the program called cscan. The parser is cparse6809 or cparseqbe. The code generator is cgen6809 or cgenqbe, and the peephole optimiser is cpeep. All of these (via make install) get installed in /opt/wcc/bin.

It's understandable that there are two code generators, but why are there two parsers? The answer is that sizeof(int), sizeof(long) etc. are different on each architecture, so the parser needs to have this information as well as the code generator. Hence the files targ6809.c and targqbe.c which get compiled into the parsers and the code generators.

Aside: the 6809 has a peephole optimiser. The QBE backend uses the qbe program to convert QBE code to x64 code. I guess that's also a form of optimisation :-)

Intermediate Files

Between all of these seven phases, we need intermediate files to hold the phases' outputs. Normally they get deleted at the end of compilation, but you can keep them if you use the -X command-line flag with wcc.

The C pre-processor's output is stored in a temporary file ending with _cpp, e.g. foo.c_cpp if we are compiling fred.c.

The tokeniser's output is stored in a temporary file ending with _tok. We have a program called detok.c which you can use to dump a token file into readable format.

The parser produces a symbol table file ending with _sym and a set of AST trees that get stored in a file ending with _ast. We have programs desym.c and detree.c to dump the symbol table and AST tree files.

Regardless of the CPU, the code generator always outputs unoptimised assembly code in a file ending with _qbe. This gets read by either qbe or cpeep to produce the optimised assembly code in a temporary file that ends in _s.

The assembler then assembles this file to produce object files ending in .o, which are then linked by the linker to produce the final executable file.

Like other compilers, wcc has the -S flag to output assembly to a file ending with .s (and then stop), and the -c flag to output object files and then stop.

Format of the Symbol Table and AST files

I took a simple approach for these files which I'm sure could be improved. I simply write each struct symtable and struct ASTnode nodes (see defs.h) directly to the files using fwrite().

Many of these have an associated string: symbol names, for example, and AST nodes that hold string literals. For these I just fwrite() out the string including the NUL byte at the end.

Reading the nodes back in is simple: I just fread() the size of each struct. But then I have to read back in the NUL-terminated string if there is one. There isn't a good C library function to do this, so in misc.c there is a function called fgetstr() to do this.

One problem with dumping in-memory structures out to disk is that the pointers in the structures lose their meaning: when the structure is reloaded, it's going to end up in another part of memory. Any pointer value becomes invalid.

To solve this, both the symbol table structure and the ASTnode structure now have numeric ids, both for the node itself and the nodes it points to.

// Symbol table structure
struct symtable {
  char *name;                   // Name of a symbol
  int id;                       // Numeric id of the symbol
  struct symtable *ctype;       // If struct/union, ptr to that type
  int ctypeid;                  // Numeric id of that type

// Abstract Syntax Tree structure
struct ASTnode {
  struct ASTnode *left;         // Left, middle and right child trees
  struct ASTnode *mid;
  struct ASTnode *right;
  int nodeid;                   // Node id when tree is serialised
  int leftid;                   // Numeric ids when serialised
  int midid;
  int rightid;

The reading-in code for both is tricky as we have to find and reattach nodes. The bigger question is: how much of each file do we bring in and keep in memory?

Structures In-Memory vs. On-Disk

The tension here is that, if we keep too many symbol table and AST nodes in memory, we will run out of memory. But if we put them out into files then we might have to do a lot of file read/write operations when we need access to the nodes.

As with most problems of this type, we just choose one heuristic that does a good enough job. One extra constraint here is that we might choose a heuristic which does a great job, but it requires a lot of code which itself puts pressure on available memory.

So, here is what I've chosen. It can be replaced, but it's what I've got for now.

Writing Symbol Table Nodes

The parse phase finds symbols and determines their type etc. So it is responsible for writing the symbols to a file.

One big change in the compiler is that there is now only a single symbol table, not a set of tables. Each symbol in the unified table now has a structural type and a visibility (in defs.h):

// A symbol in the symbol table is
// one of these structural types.
enum {

// Visibilty class for symbols
enum {
  V_GLOBAL,                     // Globally visible symbol
  V_EXTERN,                     // External globally visible symbol
  V_STATIC,                     // Static symbol, visible in one file
  V_LOCAL,                      // Locally visible symbol
  V_PARAM,                      // Locally visible function parameter
  V_MEMBER                      // Member of a struct or union

OK, so I lied a little bit :-) There are actually three symbol tables: one for generic symbols, one for types (structs, unions, enums, typedefs) and a temporary one which is used to build the member list for structs, unions and functions.

In sym.c, the serialiseSym() function writes a symbol table node and any associated string out to the file. One optimisation is that, as nodes are given montonically increasing ids, we can record the highest symbol id we have already written out, and not (re)write symbols at or below this id.

The function flushSymtable() in the same file walks the type list and the generic symbol list and calls serialiseSym() to write each node out.

In the same file, freeSym() frees the memory that a symbol entry occupies. This is the node itself, any associated name and also any initialisation list (i.e. for global symbols, e.g. int x= 27;). Symbols like structs, unions and functions also have a list of member symbols - the fields in structs and unions, and the locals and parameters of a function. These also get freed.

The function freeSymtable() in sym.c walks these lists and calls freeSym() to free each node.

Now, the question is: when is it safe to flush and free the symbol table in the parser? The answer is: we can flush the symbol table out after each function. But we can't free the symbol table, as the parser needs to look up pre-defined types and pre-defined symbols, e.g.

  z= x + y;

What types do these have, and are they compatible? Are they locals, arguments or globals? Have they even been declared? We need the full symbol table for this.

So in decl.c at the end of function_declaration():

  Functionid= NULL;
  return (oldfuncsym);

Reading Symbol Table Nodes

The 6809 code generator, code-wise, is pretty big. It takes about 30K of RAM, so we have to work hard to not waste the remaining RAM. In the code generator, we only load symbols if we need them. And, each symbol might require knowledge of one or more symbols, e.g. a variable might be of type struct foo, so now we need to load the struct foo symbol and all of the symbols which are the fields of that structure.

An issue is that the symbols are written out in order of when they are parsed, but we need to find symbols by their name or by their id. Example:

  struct foo x;

We have to search for the x symbol by name. That node has the ctypeid for the foo symbol, so we need to search for that symbol by id.

The majority of the work here is done by loadSym() in sym.c:

// Given a pointer to a symtable node, read in the next entry
// in the on-disk symbol table. Do this always if loadit is true.
// Only read one node if recurse is zero.
// If loadit is false, load the data and return true if the symbol
// a) matches the given name and stype or b) matches the id.
// Return -1 when there is nothing left to read.
static int loadSym(struct symtable *sym, char *name,
                   int stype, int id, int loadit, int recurse) {

I won't go through the code, but there a few things to note. We can search by stype and name, e.g. an S_FUNCTION called printf(). We can search by numeric id. Sometimes we want to recursively fetch nodes: this happens because a symbol with members (e.g. a struct) gets written out immediately followed by the members. Finally, we can just read in the next symbol always if loadit is set, e.g. when reading in members.

The findSyminfile() function simply goes back to the start of the symbol file each time, and loops calling loadSym() until either the symbol required is found or we reach the end of the file. Not very efficient, is it?

The old compiler code had functions

struct symtable *findlocl(char *name, int id);
struct symtable *findSymbol(char *name, int stype, int id);
struct symtable *findmember(char *s);
struct symtable *findstruct(char *s);
struct symtable *findunion(char *s);
struct symtable *findenumtype(char *s);
struct symtable *findenumval(char *s);
struct symtable *findtypedef(char *s);

They are still here, but different. We first search in memory for the required symbol, then call findSyminfile() if the symbol isn't in memory. When a symbol is loaded from the file, it gets linked into the in-memory symbol table. Thus, we build up a cache of symbols as the code generator needs them.

To ease memory, we should flush and free the symbol table periodically in the code generator. In cgen.c which has the main loop for the code generator:

  while (1) {
    // Read the next function's top node in from file
    node= loadASTnode(0, 1);
    if (node==NULL) break;

    // Generate the assembly code for the tree

    // Free the symbols in the in-memory symbol tables.

One minor issue that bit me when rewriting the compiler was that there are global symbols which are initialised and need to have assembly instructions generated for them. So, just above the above loop there is a call to a function called allocateGlobals(). This, in turn, calls a function in sym.c called loadGlobals() which reads in any global symbols. Now we can call the appropriate code generator function as we walk the list of global symbols. At the end of allocateGlobals() we can freeSymtable().

And I've got one last comment. All of this works because there are not that many symbols in any C program, also taking into account the header files that get included. But if this were a real, production, compiler on a real Unix-like system, argh!! A typical program will pull in a dozen or so header files, each with dozens of typedefs, structs, enum values etc. We would run out of memory in no time.

So this all works but it's not scalable.

Writing AST Nodes

Now on to the AST nodes. The first point I need to make is that there simply isn't enough memory to build the AST tree for a function, then write it out (or read it in). The bigger functions that we need to deal with have 3,000 or more AST nodes. They simply won't fit into 64K of RAM by themselves.

We can only keep a limited number of AST nodes in memory, but how? After all it's a tree. For any node, when do we need the sub-trees below it and when can we prune the tree?

In the top-level parser file parse.c there is function called serialiseAST() which writes the given node and its children out to disk. This function gets called in a few places.

In compound_statement() in stmt.c:

  while (1) {
    // Parse a single statement
    tree = single_statement();

        left = mkastnode(A_GLUE, P_NONE, NULL, left, NULL, tree, NULL, 0);

        // To conserve memory, we try to optimise the single statement tree.
        // Then we serialise the tree and free it. We set the right pointer
        // in left NULL; this will stop the serialiser from descending into
        // the tree that we already serialised.
        tree = optimise(tree);
        freetree(tree, 0);

So, each time there is a single statement, we parse this statement, build up the AST tree for it and then dump it to disk.

And at the end of function_declaration() in decl.c:

  // Serialise the tree
  freetree(tree, 0);

  // Flush out the in-memory symbol table.
  // We are no longer in a function.
  Functionid= NULL;

  return (oldfuncsym);

This writes out the S_FUNCTION node which identifies the top AST node of the function.

The code snippets above reference freetree(). Here it is in tree.c:

// Free the contents of a tree. Possibly
// because of tree optimisation, sometimes
// left and right are the same sub-nodes.
// Free the names if asked to do so.
void freetree(struct ASTnode *tree, int freenames) {
  if (tree==NULL) return;

  if (tree->left!=NULL) freetree(tree->left, freenames);
  if (tree->mid!=NULL) freetree(tree->mid, freenames);
  if (tree->right!=NULL && tree->right!=tree->left)
                                        freetree(tree->right, freenames);
  if (freenames && tree->name != NULL) free(tree->name);

Reading AST Nodes

I fought for quite a while to find a good approach for reading AST nodes back in to the code generator. We have to do two things:

  1. Find each function's top node and read it in.
  2. Once we have an AST node, read in its children using their ids.

My first approach was, like the symbol table, rewind to the start of the file each time I did a search. OK, so that made the compilation of an 1,000 line file take about 45 minutes. No, that's not good.

I did think of trying to cache the numeric ids, type (S_FUNCTION or not) and file offset in memory. That's not going to work either. For each AST node that would be:

  • 2 bytes for the id
  • 1 byte for the S_FUNCTION boolean
  • 4 bytes for the file offset

An AST file with, say, 3,000 nodes now needs a 21,000 byte cache in memory. Ridiculous!

Instead, I build a list of node file offsets in a separate temporary file. This is done by the mkASTidxfile() function in tree.c. The file is simply a sequence of offset values, each 4 bytes long. Position 0 holds the offset for id 0, position 4 the offset for id 1 etc.

As we will need to find each function's top node in turn, and there are usually not many functions in a file, I chose to record all the S_FUNCTION nodes' offsets in an in-memory list:

In tree.c, we have:

// We keep an array of AST node offsets that
// represent the functions in the AST file
long *Funcoffset;

This gets malloc()d and realloc()d and grows to contain all the function offsets. The last value is 0 because the id value 0 never gets allocated in the parser.

Now, how do we use all of this information? In the same file there is a function called loadASTnode():

// Given an AST node id, load that AST node from the AST file.
// If nextfunc is set, find the next AST node which is a function.
// Allocate and return the node or NULL if it can't be found.
struct ASTnode *loadASTnode(int id, int nextfunc) {

We can load a node given its id, or we can just load the next S_FUNCTION node. We use the temporary file with the offsets to quickly find where the node we want is positioned in the main AST file. Nice and simple!

Using loadASTnode() and Freeing AST nodes

Unfortunately, there is not a single place where we can call loadASTnode(). Anywhere in the architecture-independent generation code in gen.c, where we previously used the pointers n->left, n->mid or n->right, we now have to call loadASTnode(), e.g.

// Given an AST, an optional label, and the AST op
// of the parent, generate assembly code recursively.
// Return the register id with the tree's final value.
int genAST(struct ASTnode *n, int iflabel, int looptoplabel,
           int loopendlabel, int parentASTop) {
  struct ASTnode *nleft, *nmid, *nright;

  // Load in the sub-nodes

You will find about fifteen calls to loadASTnode() in gen.c.

Back in the parser, we could parse a single statement and then call freetree() once we have written it out to disk. Here in the code generator, I decided to be more specific. Once I'd definitely finished using an AST node, I call the function freeASTnode() defined in tree.c to free its memory. You will find about twelve calls to this function in the code generator.

That's about it for the changes to the symbol table and AST node handling.

General Memory Freeing

Back up when I started talking about trying to fit the compiler into 64K, my third point was: try to garbage collect unused data structures with free() wherever we can.

Well, C is probably the worst language to try and do garbage collection! For a while I tried to sprinkle free()s where I thought they would work but then the compiler would either segfault or, worse, use a node that had been overwritten and go into crazy behaviour mode.

Fortunately, I've been able to get down to four main functions that garbage collect: freeSym(), freeSymtable(), freeASTnode() and freetree().

That hasn't solved all the garbage collection issues. I've recently resorted to using Valgrind to show me where I have memory leaks. I try to find the worst cases and then work out where I can insert a free() that helps. This has got the compiler to the point where it can self-compile on the 6809, but there is definitely room for improvement!

The Peephole Optimiser

The peephole optimiser, cpeep.c was originally written by Christian W. Fraser in 1984. Looking at the documentation, it has been worked on by several people since then. I imported it from the Fuzix Compiler Kit and changed its name. I also changed the rule termination to be ==== instead of a blank line; I find it easier to see where rules end.

The 6809 backend can spit out some bad code. The optimiser helps to get rid of some of it. Have a look at the rules.6809 file to see what the rules are; I think I've documented them well enough. There is a test file which I use to check that the rules work OK.

Building and Running the Compiler - QBE

To build the compiler on a Linux box so that it outputs x68 code, you first need to download QBE 1.2, build it and install the qbe binary somewhere on your $PATH.

Next, you need to make the /opt/wcc directory and make it writable by yourself.

Now you can make; make install, which will build the compiler and put the executables into /opt/wcc/bin, the header files into /opt/wcc/include` and the 6809 libraries into /opt/wcc/lib/6809`.

Now make sure that /opt/wcc/bin/wcc (the compiler front-end) is on your $PATH. I usually put a symlink to it into my private bin folder.

From here, you can make test which goes into the tests/ directory and runs all the tests that are in there.

Building and Running the Compiler - 6809

This is a bit complicated.

Firstly, you need to download the Fuzix Bintools, and build at least the assembler as6809 and the linker ld6809. Now install these somewhere on your $PATH.

Next, download my Fuzemsys project. This has a 6809 emulator which we need to run the 6809 binaries. Go into the emulators/ directory and make emu6809. Once this is built, install the emulator somewhere on your $PATH.

If you haven't already, make the /opt/wcc directory as before, come back to this project and make; make install to install it. Make sure that /opt/wcc/bin/wcc (the compiler front-end) is on your $PATH.

From here, you can make 6test which goes into the tests/ directory and runs all the tests that are in there. This time, we build 6809 binaries and use the 6809 emulator to run them.

Doing The QBE Triple Test

With qbe installed and you have done a make install; make test to check that the compiler works, you can now do a make triple. This:

  • builds the compiler with your native compiler,
  • builds the compiler with itself into the L1 directory,
  • builds the compiler with itself again into the L2 directory, and
  • checksums the L1 and L2 executables to ensure they are identical:
0f14b990d9a48352c4d883cd550720b3  L1/detok
0f14b990d9a48352c4d883cd550720b3  L2/detok
3cc59102c6a5dcc1661b3ab3dcce5191  L1/cgenqbe
3cc59102c6a5dcc1661b3ab3dcce5191  L2/cgenqbe
3e036c748bdb5e3ffc0e03506ed00243  L2/wcc      <-- different
6fa26e506a597c9d9cfde7d168ae4640  L1/detree
6fa26e506a597c9d9cfde7d168ae4640  L2/detree
7f8e55a544400ab799f2357ee9cc4b44  L1/cscan
7f8e55a544400ab799f2357ee9cc4b44  L2/cscan
912ebc765c27a064226e9743eea3dd30  L1/wcc      <-- different
9c6a66e8b8bbc2d436266c5a3ca622c7  L1/cparseqbe
9c6a66e8b8bbc2d436266c5a3ca622c7  L2/cparseqbe
cb493abe1feed812fb4bb5c958a8cf83  L1/desym
cb493abe1feed812fb4bb5c958a8cf83  L2/desym

The wcc binaries are different as one has L1 in the path to find the executables for the phases, and the other has L2 instead.

Doing The 6809 Triple Test

Instead of using the Makefile to do this, I have a separate Bash shell script called 6809triple_test. Run this to:

  • build the compiler with your native compiler,
  • build the 6809 compiler with itself into the L1 directory, and
  • build the 6809 compiler with itself again into the L2 directory.

This is slow! On my decent laptop it takes about 45 minutes. Eventually you can do your own checksums to verify that the executables are identical:

$ md5sum L1/_* L2/_* | sort
01c5120e56cb299bf0063a07e38ec2b9  L1/_cgen6809
01c5120e56cb299bf0063a07e38ec2b9  L2/_cgen6809
0caee9118cb7745eaf40970677897dbf  L1/_detree
0caee9118cb7745eaf40970677897dbf  L2/_detree
2d333482ad8b4a886b5b78a4a49f3bb5  L1/_detok
2d333482ad8b4a886b5b78a4a49f3bb5  L2/_detok
d507bd89c0fc1439efe2dffc5d8edfe3  L1/_desym
d507bd89c0fc1439efe2dffc5d8edfe3  L2/_desym
e78da1f3003d87ca852f682adc4214e8  L1/_cscan
e78da1f3003d87ca852f682adc4214e8  L2/_cscan
e9c8b2c12ea5bd4f62091fafaae45971  L1/_cparse6809
e9c8b2c12ea5bd4f62091fafaae45971  L2/_cparse6809

At the moment I'm having problems with running wcc as a 6809 executable, so I use the x64 wcc binary instead.

Example Command-line Actions

Here is a capture of the commands I used to do all the above:

# Download the acwj repository
cd /usr/local/src
git clone

# Make the destination directory
sudo mkdir /opt/wcc
sudo chown wkt:wkt /opt/wcc

# Install QBE
cd /usr/local/src
xz -d qbe-1.2.tar.xz 
tar vxf qbe-1.2.tar 
cd qbe-1.2/
sudo make install

# Install the wcc compiler
cd /usr/local/src/acwj/64_6809_Target
make install

# Put wcc on my $PATH
cd ~/.bin
ln -s /opt/wcc/bin/wcc .

# Do the triple test on x64 using QBE
cd /usr/local/src/acwj/64_6809_Target
make triple

# Get the Fuzix-Bintools and build
# the 6809 assembler and linker
cd /usr/local/src
git clone
cd Fuzix-Bintools/
make as6809 ld6809
cp as6809 ld6809 ~/.bin

# Get Fuzemsys and build the 6809 emulator.
# I needed to install the readline library.
sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev
cd /usr/local/src
git clone
cd Fuzemsys/emulators/
make emu6809
cp emu6809 ~/.bin

# Go back to the compiler and do the
# triple test using the 6809 emulator
cd /usr/local/src/acwj/64_6809_Target

Is This Self-Compiling?

We can pass the triple test with the 6809 CPU. But, is this really self-compiling? Well, it is, but it is definitely not self-hosting.

The things that this C compiler doesn't build include:

  • a C pre-processor
  • the peephole optimiser
  • the 6809 assembler
  • the 6809 linker
  • an ar archiver for the 6809
  • the compiler helper functions, and the C library. At the moment, I'm using the Fuzix Compiler Kit to build these functions. The Fuzix Compiler speaks "real" C; this compiler only speaks a subset of the C language, so it can't build these functions.

So, if I wanted to move all of this over to my MMU09 SBC, then I would need to use the Fuzix Compiler to build the assembler, linker, helper functions and the C library.

Thus, the "acwj" compiler can definitely take pre-processed C source code and, using a scanner, a parser and a code generator, output 6809 assembly code. And the "acwj" compiler can do the above on its own code.

That makes our compiler a self-compiling compiler, but not a self-hosting compiler!

Future Work

Right now, this isn't a production compiler. It's not even a proper C compiler - it only knows a subset of the C language.

Some things to do would be:

  • make it more robust
  • get on top of the garbage collection
  • add unsigned types
  • add floats and doubles
  • add more of the real C language to become self-hosting
  • improve the quality of the 6809 code generator
  • improve the speed of the 6809 compiler
  • perhaps, take a big step back, use the lessons learned through this whole journey and rewrite a new compiler from scratch!


I'm pretty burned out after this part - it's taken a few months of work as evidenced by my notes. And we are now up to part 64 of the "acwj" journey; that's a good power of two :-)

So I won't say definitely not, but I think this is where I'll end the "acwj" journey. If you have followed along through some/most/all of the parts, then thank you for spending the time reading my notes. I hope it's been useful.

And, now, if you need a sort-of C compiler for an 8-bit or 16-bit CPU with a limited set of registers, this might be a starting point for you!

Cheers, Warren