Design patterns implemented in Java
Bind Android views and callbacks to fields and methods.
An Android transformation library providing a variety of image transformations for Glide.
A library for debugging android databases and shared preferences - Make Debugging Great Again
RichEditor for Android is a beautiful Rich Text WYSIWYG Editor for Android.
Dynamic java method AOP hook for Android(continution of Dexposed on ART), Supporting 5.0~11
PRDownloader - A file downloader library for Android with pause and resume support
A surgical debugging tool to uncover the layers under your app.
demos to help understand plugin framwork
Movie collection and information app for Android.
PoC of fighting against force-stop kill process on Android
LSPass: Bypass restrictions on non-SDK interfaces
Android Lollipop Palette is now easy to use with Glide
An android image watermark library that supports steganography.
A CoordinatorLayout behavior which mimics the functionality of DrawerLayout.
MP4 video transcode using Android MediaCodec API, pure Java (not LGPL nor patent issue!). Supports API >= 18.
qt-faststart (make mp4 file streamable) in Java, MIT licensed.