Welcome to pype changelog
release date: 6 Oct 2019
- (maya) support for yeti rigs and yeti caches
- (maya) validator for comparing arbitrary attributes against ftrack
- (pype) burnins can now show current date and time
- (muster) pools can now be set in render globals in maya
- (pype) Rest API has been implemented in beta stage
- (nuke) LUT loader has been added
- (pype) rudimentary user module has been added as preparation for user management
- (pype) a simple logging GUI has been added to pype tray
- (nuke) nuke can now bake input process into mov
- (maya) imported models now have selection handle displayed by defaulting
- (avalon) it's is now possible to load multiple assets at once using loader
- (maya) added ability to automatically connect yeti rig to a mesh upon loading
- (ftrack) event server now runs two parallel processes and is able to keep queue of events to process.
- (nuke) task name is now added to all rendered subsets
- (pype) adding more families to standalone publisher
- (pype) standalone publisher now uses pyblish-lite
- (pype) standalone publisher can now create review quicktimes
- (ftrack) queries to ftrack were sped up
- (ftrack) multiple ftrack action have been deprecated
- (avalon) avalon upstream has been updated to 5.5.0
- (nukestudio) published transforms can now be animated
- (maya) fps popup button didn't work in some cases
- (maya) geometry instances and references in maya were losing shader assignments
- (muster) muster rendering templates were not working correctly
- (maya) arnold tx texture conversion wasn't respecting colorspace set by the artist
- (pype) problems with avalon db sync
- (maya) ftrack was rounding FPS making it inconsistent
- (pype) wrong icon names in Creator
- (maya) scene inventory wasn't showing anything if representation was removed from database after it's been loaded to the scene
- (nukestudio) multiple bugs squashed
- (loader) loader was taking long time to show all the loading action when first launcher in maya
release date: 8 Sept 2019
- (pype) add customisable workflow for creating quicktimes from renders or playblasts
- (nuke) option to choose deadline chunk size on write nodes
- (nukestudio) added option to publish soft effects (subTrackItems) from NukeStudio as subsets including LUT files. these can then be loaded in nuke or NukeStudio
- (nuke) option to build nuke script from previously published latest versions of plate and render subsets.
- (nuke) nuke writes now have deadline tab.
- (ftrack) Prepare Project action can now be used for creating the base folder structure on disk and in ftrack, setting up all the initial project attributes and it automatically prepares
folder for the given project. - (clockify) Added support for time tracking in clockify. This currently in addition to ftrack time logs, but does not completely replace them.
- (pype) any attributes in Creator and Loader plugins can now be customised using pype preset system
- nukestudio now uses workio API for workfiles
- (maya) "FIX FPS" prompt in maya now appears in the middle of the screen
- (muster) can now be configured with custom templates
- (pype) global publishing plugins can now be configured using presets as well as host specific ones
- wrong version retrieval from path in certain scenarios
- nuke reset resolution wasn't working in certain scenarios
release date: 6 Aug 2019
A large cleanup release. Most of the change are under the hood.
- (pype) add customisable workflow for creating quicktimes from renders or playblasts
- (pype) Added configurable option to add burnins to any generated quicktimes
- (ftrack) Action that identifies what machines pype is running on.
- (system) unify subprocess calls
- (maya) add audio to review quicktimes
- (nuke) add crop before write node to prevent overscan problems in ffmpeg
- Nuke Studio publishing and workfiles support
- Muster render manager support
- (nuke) Framerange, FPS and Resolution are set automatically at startup
- (maya) Ability to load published sequences as image planes
- (system) Ftrack event that sets asset folder permissions based on task assignees in ftrack.
- (maya) Pyblish plugin that allow validation of maya attributes
- (system) added better startup logging to tray debug, including basic connection information
- (avalon) option to group published subsets to groups in the loader
- (avalon) loader family filters are working now
change multiple key attributes to unify their behaviour across the pipeline
(nuke) write nodes are now created inside group with only some attributes editable by the artist
rendered frames are now deleted from temporary location after their publishing is finished.
(ftrack) RV action can now be launched from any entity
after publishing only refresh button is now available in pyblish UI
added context instance pyblish-lite so that artist knows if context plugin fails
(avalon) allow opening selected files using enter key
(avalon) core updated to v5.2.9 with our forked changes on top
- faster hierarchy retrieval from db
- (nuke) A lot of stability enhancements
- (nuke studio) A lot of stability enhancements
- (nuke) now only renders a single write node on farm
- (ftrack) pype would crash when launcher project level task
- work directory was sometimes not being created correctly
- major pype.lib cleanup. Removing of unused functions, merging those that were doing the same and general house cleaning.
- (avalon) subsets in maya 2019 weren't behaving correctly in the outliner