(For how to deliver this test, check DELIVERABLE.md)
This public service handles a list of tweets, each of 140 characters or less. The service can be described with the following user stories and acceptance criteria:
As a User, I want to publish a Tweet.
- A Tweet can't be empty.
- A Tweet can't contain more than 140 characters.
- A Tweet's Publisher name can't be empty.
As a User, I want to view the list of published Tweets.
- The list must be sorted by publication date in descending order.
To pass this test, we expect software that also fulfills the following list of strategic user stories
- As a User, I want to add links to the tweet text without affecting the 140 character limit.
- A link is any set of non-whitespace consecutive characters starting with http:// or https:// and finishing with a space.
- For example, the tweet
Hey http://foogle.co
is 4 characters long, instead of 20.
- For example, the tweet
- A link is any set of non-whitespace consecutive characters starting with http:// or https:// and finishing with a space.
- As a User, I want to discard tweets.
- Tweets shall be discarded globally, we don't need user-based discarding.
- Discarded tweets will not be shown in the published tweet list.
- As a User, I want to view a list of discarded tweets.
- The list must be sorted by the date it was discarded on in descending order.
- The application must fulfill all of the acceptance criteria.
- Feel free to refactor old code when adding new user stories.
- Application test coverage must not decrease.
- Do not use any framework or library not already in the codebase.
- API contracts can't be changed or modified any way.
For the two new endpoints, you must accept this API:
As a User, I want to discard tweets:
- POST /discarded
- Content-Type: application/json
{ "tweet": "%TWEET_ID%" }
As a User, I want to view a list of discarded tweets:
- GET /discarded
- The response body format should be identical to the published tweets GET /tweet endpoint.
- New fields are not allowed.
All other endpoint contracts must not be changed.
From the application folder, run
./gradlew bootRun
To get all published tweets
curl http://localhost:8080/tweet
To publish a new tweet
curl -XPOST -d '{ "publisher": "Prospect", "tweet": "Breaking the law" }' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8080/tweet
To discard a new tweet
curl -XPOST -d '{ "tweet": "%TWEET_ID%" }' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' http://localhost:8080/discarded
To get all discarded tweets
curl http://localhost:8080/discarded
From the application folder, run
./gradlew test