title |
Resolvers |
Besides declaring GraphQL's object types, TypeGraphQL allows us to easily create queries, mutations and field resolvers - like normal class methods, similar to REST controllers in frameworks like Java Spring
, .NET Web API
or TypeScript routing-controllers
First we create the resolver class and annotate it with the @Resolver()
decorator. This class will behave like a controller from classic REST frameworks:
class RecipeResolver {}
We can use a DI framework (as described in the dependency injection docs) to inject class dependencies (like services or repositories) or to store data inside the resolver class - it's guaranteed to be a single instance per app.
class RecipeResolver {
private recipesCollection: Recipe[] = [];
Then we can create class methods which will handle queries and mutations. For example, let's add the recipes
query to return a collection of all recipes:
class RecipeResolver {
private recipesCollection: Recipe[] = [];
async recipes() {
// fake async in this example
return await this.recipesCollection;
We also need to do two things.
The first is to add the @Query
decorator, which marks the class method as a GraphQL query.
The second is to provide the return type. Since the method is async, the reflection metadata system shows the return type as a Promise
, so we have to add the decorator's parameter as returns => [Recipe]
to declare it resolves to an array of Recipe
object types.
class RecipeResolver {
private recipesCollection: Recipe[] = [];
@Query(returns => [Recipe])
async recipes() {
return await this.recipesCollection;
Usually, queries have some arguments - it might be the id of a resource, a search phrase or pagination settings. TypeGraphQL allows you to define arguments in two ways.
First is the inline method using the @Arg()
decorator. The drawback is the need to repeating the argument name (due to a limitation of the reflection system) in the decorator parameter. As we can see below, we can also pass a defaultValue
option that will be reflected in the GraphQL schema.
class RecipeResolver {
// ...
@Query(returns => [Recipe])
async recipes(
@Arg("title", { nullable: true }) title?: string,
@Arg("servings", { defaultValue: 2 }) servings: number,
): Promise<Recipe[]> {
// ...
This works well when there are 2 - 3 args. But when you have many more, the resolver's method definitions become bloated. In this case we can use a class definition to describe the arguments. It looks like the object type class but it has the @ArgsType()
decorator on top.
class GetRecipesArgs {
@Field(type => Int, { nullable: true })
skip?: number;
@Field(type => Int, { nullable: true })
take?: number;
@Field({ nullable: true })
title?: string;
We can define default values for optional fields in the @Field()
decorator using the defaultValue
option or by using a property initializer - in both cases TypeGraphQL will reflect this in the schema by setting the default value and making the field nullable.
Also, this way of declaring arguments allows you to perform validation. You can find more details about this feature in the validation docs. You can also define helper fields and methods for your args or input class.
import { Min, Max } from "class-validator";
class GetRecipesArgs {
@Field(type => Int, { defaultValue: 0 })
skip: number;
@Field(type => Int)
take = 25;
@Field({ nullable: true })
title?: string;
// helpers - index calculations
get startIndex(): number {
return this.skip;
get endIndex(): number {
return this.skip + this.take;
Then all that is left to do is use the args class as the type of the method parameter. We can use the destructuring syntax to gain access to single arguments as variables, instead of the reference to the whole args object.
class RecipeResolver {
// ...
@Query(returns => [Recipe])
async recipes(@Args() { title, startIndex, endIndex }: GetRecipesArgs) {
// sample implementation
let recipes = this.recipesCollection;
if (title) {
recipes = recipes.filter(recipe => recipe.title === title);
return recipes.slice(startIndex, endIndex);
This declaration will result in the following part of the schema in SDL:
type Query {
recipes(skip: Int = 0, take: Int = 25, title: String): [Recipe!]
GraphQL mutations can be similarly created: Declare the class method, use the @Mutation
decorator, create arguments, provide a return type (if needed) etc. But for mutations we usually use input
types, hence TypeGraphQL allows us to create inputs in the same way as object types but by using the @InputType()
class AddRecipeInput {}
To ensure we don't accidentally change the property type we leverage the TypeScript type checking system by implementing the Partial
class AddRecipeInput implements Partial<Recipe> {}
We then declare any input fields we need, using the @Field()
@InputType({ description: "New recipe data" })
class AddRecipeInput implements Partial<Recipe> {
title: string;
@Field({ nullable: true })
description?: string;
After that we can use the AddRecipeInput
type in our mutation. We can do this inline (using the @Arg()
decorator) or as a field of the args class like in the query example above.
We may also need access to the context. To achieve this we use the @Ctx()
decorator with the optional user-defined Context
class RecipeResolver {
// ...
addRecipe(@Arg("data") newRecipeData: AddRecipeInput, @Ctx() ctx: Context): Recipe {
// sample implementation
const recipe = RecipesUtils.create(newRecipeData, ctx.user);
return recipe;
Because our method is synchronous and explicitly returns Recipe
, we can omit the @Mutation()
type annotation.
This declaration will result in the following part of the schema in SDL:
input AddRecipeInput {
title: String!
description: String
type Mutation {
addRecipe(data: AddRecipeInput!): Recipe!
By using parameter decorators, we can get rid of unnecessary parameters (like root
) that bloat our method definition and have to be ignored by prefixing the parameter name with _
. Also, we can achieve a clean separation between GraphQL and our business code by using decorators, so our resolvers and their methods behave just like services which can be easily unit-tested.
Queries and mutations are not the only type of resolvers. We often create object type field resolvers (e.g. when a user
type has a posts
field) which we have to resolve by fetching relational data from the database.
Field resolvers in TypeGraphQL are very similar to queries and mutations - we create them as a method on the resolver class but with a few modifications. First we declare which object type fields we are resolving by providing the type to the @Resolver
@Resolver(of => Recipe)
class RecipeResolver {
// queries and mutations
Then we create a class method that will become the field resolver.
In our example we have the averageRating
field in the Recipe
object type that should calculate the average from the ratings
@Resolver(of => Recipe)
class RecipeResolver {
// queries and mutations
averageRating(recipe: Recipe) {
// ...
We then mark the method as a field resolver with the @FieldResolver()
decorator. Since we've already defined the field type in the Recipe
class definition, there's no need to redefine it. We also decorate the method parameters with the @Root
decorator in order to inject the recipe object.
@Resolver(of => Recipe)
class RecipeResolver {
// queries and mutations
averageRating(@Root() recipe: Recipe) {
// ...
For enhanced type safety we can implement the ResolverInterface<Recipe>
It's a small helper that checks if the return type of the field resolver methods, like averageRating(...)
, matches the averageRating
property of the Recipe
class and whether the first parameter of the method is the actual object type (Recipe
@Resolver(of => Recipe)
class RecipeResolver implements ResolverInterface<Recipe> {
// queries and mutations
averageRating(@Root() recipe: Recipe) {
// ...
Here is the full implementation of the sample averageRating
field resolver:
@Resolver(of => Recipe)
class RecipeResolver implements ResolverInterface<Recipe> {
// queries and mutations
averageRating(@Root() recipe: Recipe) {
const ratingsSum = recipe.ratings.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
return recipe.ratings.length ? ratingsSum / recipe.ratings.length : null;
For simple resolvers like averageRating
or deprecated fields that behave like aliases, you can create field resolvers inline in the object type class definition:
class Recipe {
title: string;
@Field({ deprecationReason: "Use `title` instead" })
get name(): string {
return this.title;
@Field(type => [Rate])
ratings: Rate[];
@Field(type => Float, { nullable: true })
averageRating(@Arg("since") sinceDate: Date): number | null {
const ratings = this.ratings.filter(rate => rate.date > sinceDate);
if (!ratings.length) return null;
const ratingsSum = ratings.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0);
return ratingsSum / ratings.length;
However, if the code is more complicated and has side effects (i.e. api calls, fetching data from a databases), a resolver class method should be used instead. This way we can leverage the dependency injection mechanism, which is really helpful in testing. For example:
import { Repository } from "typeorm";
@Resolver(of => Recipe)
class RecipeResolver implements ResolverInterface<Recipe> {
private userRepository: Repository<User>, // dependency injection
) {}
async author(@Root() recipe: Recipe) {
const author = await this.userRepository.findById(recipe.userId);
if (!author) throw new SomethingWentWrongError();
return author;
Note that if a field name of a field resolver doesn't exist in the resolver object type, it will create a field in the schema with this name. This feature is useful when the field is purely calculable (eg. averageRating
from ratings
array) and to avoid polluting the class signature.
Resolver class inheritance
is an advanced topic covered in the resolver inheritance docs.
These code samples are just made up for tutorial purposes. You can find more advanced, real examples in the examples folder on the repository.