A Phylogenetic Library based on a refactoring of POY.
The goal of phylocaml is to use the experience from POY 3/4/5 to develop a library. A major reason for this refactoring is that we need the ability to support different types of topologies from our previous implementations. Although our utility is to develop a rooted network approach, we believe the framework can be used in general for other types of topologies and offers us a way to write a powerful library for bioinformatics research.
We are also taking the approach to utilize many of the new features that the OCaml team has developed over the years, prefer a standard library (Core), and become more idiomatic to the standards developed since the initial versions.
- Dependencies
- Configure and Install
- Quick Start
- Overview of Diagnosis Modules
- Overview of Search Modules
- Overview of Utility Modules
- Test Framework
- Design Choices and Rationale
- Contact/Location Information
run, make install
The diagnosis module contains the abilities to take a topology and node data and assign optimal states, model parameters and assign a utility function (cost) to the topology.
Currently, in POY 5, we encapsulate this pretty well. There is some leaking with modules that do things to very specific data, but they are few and far between. This refactoring will be an effort to eliminate this leakage. We believe a functor approach of a diagnosis module will be effective. In this way we can implement a parallel diagnosis module that can plug into whatever the diagnosis module uses (the Search module for example) as well as deal with unforeseen issues with networks or more complex topologies in optimizing states.
+------------+----------+-------------+----------+---+---+ |
| Likelihood | Sequence | NonAdditive | Additive | Set |<--+--+
+------------+----------+-------------+----------+-------+ |
+--------------+-----------+ +--------+----------+ |
| | Node |-------->| | NodeData |---+
| +-----------+ | Node +----------+
| Diagnosis | Root |-------->| | Compare |
| +-----------+ +--------+----------+
| | PTopology |----+ +----------+ |
+--------------+-----------+ +--->| Topology |<--+
Figure 1. Basic Module dependency diagram of a Diagnosis
In Figure 1, the diagnosis module is a functor about a node, root, and ptopo. The topology designates a way to traverse the topology, and ptopology attaches data to the nodes and roots. This allows separation between structure and gives a common and basic interface to attach data to a topology. Topology additionally contains a compare module for traversing a topology in a consistent way[^1].
The Node/Root module is a functor itself to apply a previously mentioned compare module and a data module that contains all the functions in the optimality criteria (Likelihood, Additive, Chromosome, Genome, Sankoff, et cetera) all share a common module interface (NodeData). Very close to what we have now with some added components.
Nodes can also be abstracted to contain further features --laziness has been important, as well as a directional node for un-rooted trees in selecting the best downpass assignments to perform an uppass on (each internal node of a binary tree has three of these corresponding to each combination of 2 children). You can see these implementations in the Node module.
Example code to diagnose a tree with known data taxon data and tree file,
module Root = Node.Make1D (Tree.NodeComparator) (SequenceData)
module Node = Node.Make3D (Tree.NodeComparator) (SequenceData)
module PTree= Ptopology.Make (Tree)
module Diag = Diagnosis.Make (PTree) (Root) (Node)
let diagnose_tree taxa_data edges =
let nodes = List.map (fun x -> Node.of_data (SequenceData.of_string x)) taxa_data in
let tree = PTree.of_parsed edges nodes in
let tree = Diag.diagnose tree in
Printf.printf "%s:[%d]" (PTree.to_string tree) (Diag.total_cost tree)
The search framework will require thoughtfulness to be able to encompass a wide range of known search heuristics, as well as unknown situations in regard to networks and other topologies. We would also like to spin this part off into a general library if possible. Our problem, dealing with two NP-Hard problems requires some extra thought that other packages do not often address. We can look to current meta-heuristic literature to design a general library. Most of these algorithms are dependent on a local search. At minimum this requires,
- Solution - A topology.
- Neighborhood- A way to generate solutions using local modifications
- Choose - A method to choose a single member of a neighborhood for successive neighborhood searches.
Full search procedures, like branch and bound will also have to be employed as well to round out an exhaustive approach to search on small data-sets.
type local_search =
choose : (t -> t -> bool) ->
(module Neighborhood.S with type t = Diagnosis.t) ->
(module LocalTabu.S with type t = Diagnosis.t) -> t -> t
Figure 2. type definition for a local search
It is currently under consideration that the neighborhood be generated from a lazy-list. In this way, we believe a wide range of options and strategies can be employed. The local search modules Neighborhood and LocalTabu are specialized to the type of the topology. This allows multiple diagnosis modules to use the same Neighborhood for the same topology. This is important in Variable Neighborhood Search especially and in general.
This local-search procedure can be used to build up a more global search procedure that includes perturbations, a more robust tabu-search, and other functionalities for global optimization and meta-heuristics. These procedures can be defined separately instead of a single all encompassing search function, and be parameterized about the specific requirements of the topology. In general meta-heuristics can be separated into two categories:
Iterative Methods
- Simulated Annealing (with restart)
- Tabu-Search
- Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP)
- Variable Neighborhood Search
- Guided Local Search
- Iterated Local Search
Population Based Methods
- Scatter Search / Path Relinking
- Evolutionary Computation (eg, GA)
- Ant Colony Optimization
- Firefly Optimization
The potential to compose these methods into hyper-heuristics is still a question, but at the very least these methods encompass a wide range of ways to vary the degrees of Intensification and Diversification. Some questions remain regarding the search procedures,
- Will this design be robust enough for parallel computation and other types of neighborhoods?
- Does the first-class module cause speed issues?
- Can neighborhoods be partitioned effectively with the scheme we have?
- Can the frame-work be generalized into its own library?
These are a list of modules that can be composed and used to handle a wide range of data for different optimality criterion. These are oft interfaces to C data-types and would be scripted to handle floats, doubles, ints, chars, long, et cetera to accommodate a changing need. Special casing some would be appropriate to add vectorization to the mix, but previous/general implementations and pure OCaml implementations would be built for verification purposes.
- CostMatrix - Handles median and cost assignments
- Sequence - Handles an ordered continuous set of characters in an alphabet
- Align - Algorithms to align sequences
- Alphabet - Handles codes and names association and type of alphabet to generate a cost_matrix when paired with transformation matrix.
- FingerPrinting - Interface to create short tags of data-structures for tabu managers in a search. Not required, else entire topology may be stored and compared, or no tabus implemented. Also can be used for fusing to name potential clades of the topology.
- LikelihoodModel - General storage for a likelihood model.
- In nodes containing multiple directions and because of heuristics in diagnosing un-rooted topologies, we need to know which directional node is being queried. This can be done two different ways: by the parent or by the children. This variant type is located in the node module and can be used in any type of node for any topology.
- Traversing a topology in a consistent way is important for reproducibility but this particular issue has to do with the ordering in which nodes enter a function to produce the same results. For example, although cost(a,b) = cost(b,a), it does not hold that median(a,b) = median(b,a). This is because the traceback in the alignment matrix when faced with two equally parsimonious alignments, must choose a direction. As these different traversals build up the tree to the root, vastly different assignments and costs can result. The different assignments/costs are correct none-the-less. The final differences are taken care of in the uppass and the assignment functions that optimize the internal states of the topology.
- Neighborhoods are defined by a first-class module passed to an enumeration function. This neighborhood module will define how breaks and deltas are generated. Deltas are a series of steps to transform a tree. Break, Join, and re-root currently seem to be the only ones necessary for a full featured neighborhood search, but this can be expanded if other options are needed (for example, optimization of the tree if this doesn't have a place elsewhere in the design of the application). The delta is associated with the diagnosis module so the search can be as abstract as possible.
- The NodeComparator is built to generally satisfy the left/right or ordering of children for medians[^1]. The design is abstract and depends on proper functorizing of the node module with the topology. Currently it is not known if this issue will arise with multiple parents in a topology (reticulate nodes of networks), or if there is a better way to allow consistency between functorized modules.
- Nicholas Lucaroni
- Ward Wheeler
- [Lavanya Kannan] (mailto:[email protected])
- Support Forum
- Site on AMNH