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build-manager parameters

These parameters only apply to the build-manager component.

Name Description Value
replicaCount Determines the amount of replicas to deploy (only consumed when autoscaling.enabled is set to false). 1
image.repository Determine from which container repository to pull the image
image.pullPolicy Determine when to pull an image IfNotPresent
image.tag Determine which version of the image to pull from the container repository ""
imagePullSecrets Reference to Kubernetes secrets housing dockercfg to fetch images from private registries []
variables.configmap A mapping of key:value to be add to the configmap object (to be used as environment variables on the deployment) {}
variables.secret A mapping of key:value to be add to the secret object (to be used as environment variables on the deployment) {}
variables.externalSecret A mapping of key:values to be added to the external secrets object (turned into a regular secret by the external secrets operator) {}
variables.secretStoreConfiguration When using external secrets this part of the configuration is used to point to the secret store or cluster secret store {}
volumes Reference for the volumes that are to be attaches to the deployment - check the deployment.yaml for the added suffix []
nameOverride String to fully override chart name (will maintain the release name) ""
fullnameOverride String to fully override chart name ""
serviceAccount.create Specifies whether a service account should be created true
serviceAccount.annotations Annotations to add to the service account {} The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template ""
podAnnotations Map of annotations to add to the pods {}
podSecurityContext Security context to add to the pod (overwritten by container-level settings) {}
securityContext Security context to add to the container {}
containerPort The port number which is exposed on the container image 80
service.type The kubernetes service type to be used ClusterIP
service.port.http The port exposed on the service to be used for http traffic 80
service.port.https The port exposed on the service to be used for https traffic 443
healthCheck.enabled Whether to enable the healthcheck on the deployment false
healthCheck.readinessProbe A mapping of enabled & path to optionally execute readiness probes {}
healthCheck.livenessProbe A mapping of enabled & path to optionally execute liveness probes {}
ingress.enabled Enable Kubernetes ingress for ingress traffic false
ingress.className Name of the ingress class to use ""
ingress.annotations Annotations to add on the ingress object {}
ingress.hosts Hosts configuration for ingress object []
ingress.tls TLS configuration for ingress object []
resources.requests The requested CPU & memory for the container {}
resources.limits The CPU & memory limit for the container {}
autoscaling.enabled Enable auto scaling (fallback to replicaCount if equals false) false
autoscaling.minReplicas Minimal amount of replicas to scale down to 1
autoscaling.maxReplicas Maximum amount of replicas to scale up to 10
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage Increase and decrease the number of replicas to maintain an average % of CPU utilization 80
autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage Increase and decrease the number of replicas to maintain an average % of memory utilization 80
nodeSelector Node labels for pods assignment {}
tolerations Tolerations for pods assignment []
affinity Affinity for pods assignment {}