- Temanggung
(UTC +07:00) - https://andif-dev.vercel.app
- in/andifaizal94
📚 Community guides for open source creators
A free, open source, Bootstrap admin theme created by Start Bootstrap
Open-source UI component library and front-end development framework based on Tailwind CSS
Free and Open-source Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Template and Landing Page
DOM Challenge is a 60-90 minutes online weekly challenge related to frontend development consisting of industrial level machine round questions.
Generator API (statis) data wilayah Indonesia, hosted by Github Page
Tailwind CSS Starter Template - Admin Dashboard Template
Code Repo untuk Playlist CSS GRID di channel youtube WebProgrammingUNPAS
Blog with NestJS (Observables used) and Angular (dockerized Project). -- Register, Login, Publish Articles, Manage Articles (Title, Image, Markdown Text, etc) --
Login page template based on Bootstrap 5
Free landing page template built on top of Tailwind CSS
Code untuk seri belajar Webpack di youtube WPU
📚 PinterCoding University. Author : Gun Gun Febrianza
Hugoblog is responsive, simple, and clean that would fit for your personal blog based on Hugo Theme Static Site Generator (SSG)
Belajar JavaScript Document Object Model
project ini dibuat, di latar belakangi oleh sulitnya materi ini, karena harus tau rumus yang dipakai. Terkadang saking banyak rumus kita tidak hapal atau lupa cara menghitungnya. Dengan website ini…
🐱🏍 • Azure is a Bootstrap 5 Template based on Azure illustrations to kickstart your landing pages startup, social media or portfolio.
Aprende a instalar, configurar, usar y modificar la librería DataTables.js para crear tablas dinámicas, con capacidades superior a una tabla HTML común: conoce cómo utilizar el plugin DataTable en …
Collection of widgets built using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
🔲 • Monochore is a Bootstrap 5 Template based on Pixeltrue illustrations to build your website startup easily and blazing fast
Vite + Typescript Starter Library Project Boilerplate