victorhge / iedit
Forked from tsdh/ieditModify multiple occurrences simultaneously
magnars / .emacs.d
Forked from cjohansen/.emacs.dMy personal emacs settings, and the ones used in @emacsrocks
mathieuanthoine / flump
Forked from tconkling/flumpExports Flash .FLAs to GPU-friendly formats
zz85 / hlslparser
Forked from Thekla/hlslparserHLSL Parser and GLSL code generator (emscripten version)
Extensions and wrappers for using the Reactive Extensions (Rx) with F#.
furusystems / SoundHX
Forked from treefortress/SoundASA modern lightweight sound manager for the Haxe 3 Flash target. Originally written by Shawn Blais, ported to Haxe and thus maintained by Furu Systems.
Simn-haxe2 / hxop
Forked from profelis/overload-operatorOperator overloading for haxe.
adobe / telemetry-utils
Forked from adamcath/telemetry-utilsTools to compliment Flash's Telemetry feature
This tool will convert any MovieClip containing Other MovieClips, Sprites or Graphics into a starling Texture Atlas, all in runtime. By using it, you won't have to statically create your spriteshee…