These tools automate the creation of GPG masterkeys on macOS.
The intended audience is people using a YubiKey
or other smartcard.
The only dependency is GnuPG modern. Install it with brew install gnupg
make sure to check out the notes on how to setup GnuPG before
Offline GnuPG Master Key and Subkeys on YubiKey NEO Smartcard
PGP and SSH keys on a Yubikey NEO
The two primary sources for this guide.
Yubikey, GnuPG 2.1 Modern, and SSH on macOS
The source for
Extensive guide on how to get GnuPG working with your YubiKey
You will be creating a secure directory that is exempt from spotlight indexing,
general system access; it is only readable by you.
This is the poor man's version of an airgapped machine.
Inside that secure directory you will be creating a masterkey and three
usage specific subkeys key (take a look at for a
full guide).
You will need to back these keys up to some secure storage, since the keys
are unencrypted (e.g. VeraCrypt).
Just remember to keep backups of your backups, USB flash drives are not a
reliable storage medium (unless they are using SLC tech).
Only run the commands with the $
in front. The rest is output, so you can see
where you went wrong if something doesn't work.
# Create a secure directory that GnuPG can work in
$ sudo ./
Creating ramdisk
Formatting ramdisk at /dev/disk2
Initialized /dev/rdisk2 as a 1024 KB case-insensitive HFS Plus volume
Creating mountpoint at .../secure
Mounting volume
Setting permissions on mountpoint
.../secure: 00 -> 0100000
Telling Spotlight to not index the volume
2016-10-09 10:39:35.684 mdutil[84268:21085066] mdutil disabling Spotlight: .../secure -> kMDConfigSearchLevelFSSearchOnly
Indexing disabled.
Secure directory created at '.../secure'.
The directory can be destroyed with ./
# Generate a master key, an encryption subkey will be created at the same automatically
$ ./ 'John Doe' '[email protected]'
Generating master key for "John Doe" <[email protected]>
Key ID is E22FE7692F473FA12F2BAB164046979C50C10E97
# Make sure there is no gpg-agent running
$ gpgconf --kill gpg-agent
# Change the GnuPG home dir, so that you can interact with the keys you just created
$ export GNUPGHOME=$PWD/secure/gnupg-home
# Create authentication and signing subkeys and copy them together with
# the encryption key to your YubiKey.
$ gpg --expert --edit-key E22FE7692F473FA12F2BAB164046979C50C10E97
# Go to to see the full list of commands
# The guide will also show you how to back up those keys
# Once you are done make sure once again there is no gpg-agent running
$ gpgconf --kill gpg-agent
# Import all public keys into your regular GPG keychain
$ gpg --import /Volumes/encrypted-storage/E22FE7692F473FA12F2BAB164046979C50C10E97.public.asc
# Done! Kill the secure directory
$ sudo ./
Unmounting the volume
Volume secure on disk2 unmounted
Deleting the mountpoint
Ejecting the disk
Disk /dev/disk2 ejected
Check out on how to get the gpg-agent running on macOS.
Get your public SSH key with:
gpg --export-ssh-key E22FE7692F473FA12F2BAB164046979C50C10E97
Add it to wherever you want to authenticate with your GPG authentication key.
commit.gpgSign = true
: Always sign commitspush.gpgSign = if-asked
: Enable signing of pushes
Export your public key with:
gpg --armor --export E22FE7692F473FA12F2BAB164046979C50C10E97
And paste it into into the GPG field on
For DB editors that do not support ssh agents, add a restricted normal
private key auth.
no-pty,no-X11-forwarding,permitopen="",command="/bin/echo do-not-send-commands" ssh-rsa private_key [email protected]